May, Friday 17th., 2019

Designer Nanobots Changing Humanity
(Rosanne Lindsay) What
is smaller than a breadbox and can carry 8,000 times its weight? If you
guessed an ant, think smaller. Nanobots are so small they function on
the same level as viruses and bacteria. A nano is a millionth of a
millimeter, or 40,000 times smaller than the thickness of human hair.
Related Doctors, Attorneys, Scientists & Pilots Confirm Presence of Toxic Metals and Dangerous Nano-Particles in Chemtrails (Video)
Source – Waking Times
by Rosanne Lindsay, April 22nd, 2019
One million nanobots can fit on the head of a pin. These tiny robots are programmable. They take orders and do odd jobs, like cleaning out blocked arteries, or swimming in oceans to eat chemical pollution. Science calls them the greatest thing since sliced bread. However, this technology has existed as the T4 bacteriophage since the at least 2004. Will you soon be able to choose designer nanobots with hair color and skin color, similar to apps on your cell phone?
The six-legged T4 phage is a virus “infection device” and has been used in vaccines for at least a decade. The mini “bot” delivers phage DNA from the head into the host cell cytoplasm. This Trojan Horse technology implants DNA directly into your cells to forever change future generations by delivering a DNA payload to the egg cells in the ovaries and also to the male reproductive system.

Could the consequences of a stealth technology that affects neurons, the brain, and the gonads, be responsible for neutering males and, causing infertility, and creating an epidemic of gender confusion as well as the rise of kids who choose to be “non-binary?”
Nanobots can be utilized in all areas of life, from manufacturing, to the environment, to warfare—both outside and inside the body. Medical researchers claim they can target cancer directly at the tumor and avoid killing healthy cells.
Cancer is what happens when your cells become damaged and can no
longer self-correct or self-destruct. How do nanobots avoid damaging
cells after injecting them with a payload? Diabetes researchers say
nanobots can travel through the bloodstream and collect data about
glucose levels and transmit it to a receiver.
The fascination factor usurps the potential damage. Nanobots can be programmed to stand on two legs, like their larger robot cousins. They can be programmed to self-replicate and build nanofactories so that a small group can built more nanobots and develop into a massive swarm to tackle large-scale projects. Nanobots can trigger cell suicide, something your body already directs through apoptosis.
Nanobots are the handiwork of the Defense advanced Research Project, or DARPA which has also unleashed genetically-engineered mosquitoes as flying pesticides to spread genetically modified viruses to crops. Companies like Oxitech claim patented killer mosquitoes can suppress wild mosquito populations that carry pathogens, and thus stop the spread of viruses such as the Zika, or stop diseases, such as or malaria or Dengue.
The problem with all this robotic and chemical prevention is that “life finds a way.”
What are the consequences of an army of robots deployed in the privacy of your body? The answer is there is no more privacy and no control. A bio-invasion of nanobots eliminates autonomy over your mind and body. Nanobots represent warfare on the human population, body, mind, and soul, all at the micron level. The Pentagon’s research arm claims agricultural nanobots are intended to defend crops, but doesn’t deny ‘dual-use’ potential as biological weaponry.

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose. More simply put, technology is the use of any knowledge to express one’s values and desires. But not all technology is beneficial. To understand this, consider that the purpose of human life is evolution, to grow wise and competent in all areas possible. In this respect, technology can help humanity by enhancing human consciousness, or it can hinder it. In today’s world, we have yet to grapple with the question of ethical technology with respect to the actualization of human potential. If technology limits the development of knowledge, wisdom, and competence, it is not a beneficial technology. Consider GPS systems as an example, which make life somewhat easier for navigation, but by robbing the individual of the ability to intrinsically learn how to navigate. Thus, if technology takes growth potentials away from humanity, as much of our modern-day technology does, it should be replaced with something more conducive for human growth. Comprehending the difference is vitally important so as to activate the urge to chance the status quo. Additionally, once one has gained the ability to discern beneficial from malevolent in the technology domain, they can use that same skillset in all other areas of life, profoundly improving life for themselves and those around them.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at Thank you for reading.
Related Doctors, Attorneys, Scientists & Pilots Confirm Presence of Toxic Metals and Dangerous Nano-Particles in Chemtrails (Video)
Source – Waking Times
by Rosanne Lindsay, April 22nd, 2019
One million nanobots can fit on the head of a pin. These tiny robots are programmable. They take orders and do odd jobs, like cleaning out blocked arteries, or swimming in oceans to eat chemical pollution. Science calls them the greatest thing since sliced bread. However, this technology has existed as the T4 bacteriophage since the at least 2004. Will you soon be able to choose designer nanobots with hair color and skin color, similar to apps on your cell phone?
The Original T4 Bacteriophage
The original nanobot targeted specific bacteria as the Phage. Now, T4 phages are viruses that attack all types cells, including neurons.The six-legged T4 phage is a virus “infection device” and has been used in vaccines for at least a decade. The mini “bot” delivers phage DNA from the head into the host cell cytoplasm. This Trojan Horse technology implants DNA directly into your cells to forever change future generations by delivering a DNA payload to the egg cells in the ovaries and also to the male reproductive system.

Could the consequences of a stealth technology that affects neurons, the brain, and the gonads, be responsible for neutering males and, causing infertility, and creating an epidemic of gender confusion as well as the rise of kids who choose to be “non-binary?”
Nanobots can be utilized in all areas of life, from manufacturing, to the environment, to warfare—both outside and inside the body. Medical researchers claim they can target cancer directly at the tumor and avoid killing healthy cells.
The fascination factor usurps the potential damage. Nanobots can be programmed to stand on two legs, like their larger robot cousins. They can be programmed to self-replicate and build nanofactories so that a small group can built more nanobots and develop into a massive swarm to tackle large-scale projects. Nanobots can trigger cell suicide, something your body already directs through apoptosis.
Nanobots are the handiwork of the Defense advanced Research Project, or DARPA which has also unleashed genetically-engineered mosquitoes as flying pesticides to spread genetically modified viruses to crops. Companies like Oxitech claim patented killer mosquitoes can suppress wild mosquito populations that carry pathogens, and thus stop the spread of viruses such as the Zika, or stop diseases, such as or malaria or Dengue.
Rise in Microcephaly
However, in its desire to play god, Oxitech’s 2015 release of GM mosquitoes in Brazil resulted in a dramatic increase in Zika virus among the population which resulted in a rise microcephaly in newborns. A complicating factor may have also been the recommendation for DTAP shots to pregnant women in 2012, which is also associated with a rise in microcephaly.The problem with all this robotic and chemical prevention is that “life finds a way.”
Consequences of Nanotech
What if nanobots multiplied beyond control and decided to consume everything in sight? What if they dropped off a payload of medicine to a cell, but then took some genetic material in return? What if they reported to your doctor that you are not compliant with taking your medications? What if nanobots develop a mind of their own and decide to escape, as PromobotI77 attempted to do from a lab in Russia? Twice, before its ultimate demise.What are the consequences of an army of robots deployed in the privacy of your body? The answer is there is no more privacy and no control. A bio-invasion of nanobots eliminates autonomy over your mind and body. Nanobots represent warfare on the human population, body, mind, and soul, all at the micron level. The Pentagon’s research arm claims agricultural nanobots are intended to defend crops, but doesn’t deny ‘dual-use’ potential as biological weaponry.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose. More simply put, technology is the use of any knowledge to express one’s values and desires. But not all technology is beneficial. To understand this, consider that the purpose of human life is evolution, to grow wise and competent in all areas possible. In this respect, technology can help humanity by enhancing human consciousness, or it can hinder it. In today’s world, we have yet to grapple with the question of ethical technology with respect to the actualization of human potential. If technology limits the development of knowledge, wisdom, and competence, it is not a beneficial technology. Consider GPS systems as an example, which make life somewhat easier for navigation, but by robbing the individual of the ability to intrinsically learn how to navigate. Thus, if technology takes growth potentials away from humanity, as much of our modern-day technology does, it should be replaced with something more conducive for human growth. Comprehending the difference is vitally important so as to activate the urge to chance the status quo. Additionally, once one has gained the ability to discern beneficial from malevolent in the technology domain, they can use that same skillset in all other areas of life, profoundly improving life for themselves and those around them.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at Thank you for reading.