Four VTs (for everyone’s Illumination (and entertainment))…

Trump destroyed Jeb Bush candidacy over his role in 9/11 (Kevin Barrett)
“Jeb Bush was once the presumptive Republican Party nominee but New York billionaire Donald Trump has destroyed Bush’s candidacy, an American scholar and political analyst says… Bush, who was once the Republican Party’s presumed leading contender, had a net favorability of +27 in July, but in the latest poll it is -1.Ukraine Falls Victim to US Neocons’ ‘Regime Change’ Experiment (Gordon Duff)
“…I think the real reason that Bush’s campaign has been destroyed is exactly the same reason that Rudy Giuliani’s campaign was destroyed back in 2008 – and that is that just as with Giuliani, Jeb Bush is a 9/11 criminal, who participated in the destruction of the World Trade Center and the murder of almost 3,000 Americans.
““The same thing [that happened with Guiliani] [has happened] with Jeb Bush. Instead of ‘We Are Change’ destroying his presidency, it’s been Donald Trump. Donald Trump has repeatedly very sneakily challenged Jeb Bush on 9/11 by saying that 9/11 was the fault of George W. Bush, which is true in more ways than one.”
“The Ukraine crisis represents just another failure of neocon-driven “regime change,” strikingly similar to those orchestrated by Washington in the Middle East and North Africa, US investigative journalist Robert Parry notes, warning that Ukraine may soon become the next failed state.Official Report: US Backed Groups Proven to Use Sarin Gas in Syria from 2013 Onward
“Two years after the US-fomented coup, Ukraine continues “to wallow in graft and cronyism” while the living standards for ordinary Ukrainians is plummeting at steady pace, US investigative journalist Robert Parry remarks.
“The success story of Ukraine’s “democratic revolution” is falling apart at the seams as the country risks becoming just another failed state, being torn by greedy politicians and foreign plutocrats.”
“The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has confirmed the traces of the sarin gas used in Syria are not linked with the Syrian government’s former stockpile of chemical weapons, a report by the OPCW said Friday.Hellfire for Cuba, Another Half Story Coverup
“The report corroborates the Syrian government’s assertions that the faction responsible for the chemical attack, as well as 11 other instances of chemical weapons use, was the Syrian opposition, masddar reported.”
“Editor’s note: This has nothing to do with Cuba, only as a transit point for getting military technology in the hands of a Bush/Romney foreign arms dealing partner to be knocked out by the hundred or thousand or tens of thousands. Consider this the one they found, what other technologies were “offshored” to Romney’s Cuba connection?… Gordon Duff
“An inert US Hellfire missile sent to Europe for a training exercise was wrongly shipped on to Cuba, the Wall Street Journal reports.
“US officials are worried that Cuba could share the advanced technology inside the missile with countries such as North Korea, China or Russia, the paper adds.”