Message from Mike Quinsey 1-29-16…
Another weekly update from Mike Quinsey (Higher Self thereof).“There is every reason to believe that shortly you will become aware of the beginning of a whole series of changes that will eventually be experienced over the whole world. Those changes that have been delayed for quite some time, are ready to be revealed and will appear in an orderly manner so that you are not overwhelmed. You have to bear in mind that the majority of people have little or no idea of what lies ahead.
“Where you find disruption and disorder it is a sign of the old world being “taken apart” as it no longer has any place in the New Age. The old will be cleared away as soon as possible, as the new is already prepared to take its place. Looking back it may appear that the dark Ones prevented progress, but regardless of their actions it has always been achieved. One of the main features has been to spread information to as many people as possible, which has made it impossible for it to be prevented from coming out.
“The Galactic Federation remains close to you even if they are unseen. Since you are entering a very important period you will need their protection, as the dark Ones would think nothing of destroying large parts of the planet to try and maintain their power. However, do not be fearful as there are no activities of theirs that can be hidden from them, as they are tracked wherever they try to hide.
” With your understanding of the changes that are in hand, you will be able to help others who will become confused and sometimes scared of what the future holds. Break the news gently without giving out too much at a time. People will need time to grasp what is happening and be assured that in the end it will be to their advantage. It will be evident once the changes commence and they see what improvements are taking place. Once the positive news spreads it will help lift the vibrations even quicker. You may have found that last year time seemed to be speeding up, but this year it will be seem even quicker. It is a sure sign that all is proceeding well and lifting you up into the higher vibrations.”
There is every reason to believe that shortly you will become aware of the beginning of a whole series of changes that will eventually be experienced over the whole world. Those changes that have been delayed for quite some time, are ready to be revealed and will appear in an orderly manner so that you are not overwhelmed. You have to bear in mind that the majority of people have little or no idea of what lies ahead. Initially people will feel unsettled but once they see that the changes are in their best interest, they will give their support. Their will naturally be opposition from those who feel that they will be the losers, but carried out quickly and with full consideration to everyone involved, their fears will be released. Be assured that the timetable for your Ascension is set and that all events leading up to it can be adjusted to ensure that it is kept. You will be dealing with individuals who have incarnated from the higher realms, specifically to assist the Light in speedily bringing the New Age into being.
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