US Navy Spies Learned Secrets of Nazi Anti-Gravity Spacecraft
By Editor onBy Dr. Michael Salla
During World War II, a top secret espionage program was led by the United States Navy to infiltrate the black programs of Nazi Germany that were successfully building antigravity space craft capable of interplanetary flight. Covert naval operatives were embedded inside a number of Nazi Germany’s advanced aerospace programs and tasked to report back what they had seen. This information was then relayed onto various U.S. corporations specifically contracted by the Navy that would begin designing and eventually building a variety of antigravity vehicles, including kilometer long space carriers.
These startling claims have been made by ex-Navy whistleblower William Tompkins, who in December 2015, released the first volume of his autobiography titled Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries.Tompkins says that he approached a Navy Admiral in 2001 to see if he had approval to write about his experiences:
Early in 2001 I called on Admiral Hugh Webster, Navy League Corporate Director, Washington DC and San Diego CA. We had a five hour meeting on my ongoing book–writing concerning the extraterrestrial threats to our planet. After Admiral Webster read portions of my document and backup technical documentation, I asked Hugh, “How much of this can I include in a published book?” He said. “Bill; TELL IT ALL. This is most important to our country. Don’t leave anything out.” [back cover]
Tompkins first public appearance was on the Jeff Rense show on December 14, 2015 (also Dec 23& Jan 6 – pt 2), where he describes some of his book’s disclosure filled content. Tompkins went into detail about how he was recruited into the Navy’s covert espionage program during WWII to study and reverse engineer Nazi-designed antigravity space craft.
Tompkins story begins in 1932, when he was only nine. He says he was taken by his father to the Naval shipyards in San Diego where he began the first of many public tours of destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers that were periodically docked. The public was not allowed to take photos of the ships whose gun placements and radar designs were still classified.
Possessing a photographic memory, Tompkins says that he walked all around the ships and took notes of what he observed, and soon after began reproducing the ship designs. Eight years later, Tompkins had built many flawlessly accurate detailed models of the navy ships he had seen, and his father was selling them in a Hollywood Department store.
After the Navy learned about the model ships in 1941, displaying top secret details, they interrogated both Tompkins and his father, and the models were withdrawn from public circulation. The Navy top brass were nevertheless greatly impressed by Tompkins remarkable talent.
A March 26 article in the Evening Outlook newspaper of Santa Monica featured a photograph of Tompkins (now 17) showing some of his ship models to Navy Captain G.C. Gearing, Commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego.
Rear Admiral C. A. Blakeley was quoted in the Evening Outlook story:
It is with considerable interest and pleasure that I, together with officers of my staff, examined several of the ship models. Craftsmanship such as you have evidenced shows that you are a keen student of detail and naval construction. Best of all, however, you are doing something worthwhile as a young American—you are helping to build into the American mind the importance of the nation’s first line of defense to each American, young and old.
His photographic memory and ability to reproduce complex ship designs were extraordinary, and a U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer, Lt. Perry Wood, understood the contribution Tompkins could make to the Navy’s pursuit of advanced technology:
Early in 1942, naval intelligence officer Lt. Perry Wood, understanding the technical capabilities and historic research necessary to create the ship models, put together a mission package that resulted in Bill’s induction into the navy. After completing boot camp in San Diego he was assigned a position in naval intelligence on advanced technology projects. [source]
Tompkins abilities had come to the attention of the Navy’s senior leadership. This included the then Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, and Admiral Rick Obatta whose responsibilities, according to Tompkins, included covert intelligence projects run out of North Island Naval Air Station at San Diego.
Tompkins claimed Admiral Obatta placed him on his personal staff for four years (1942-46), and quickly elevated him to a leadership position in a covert intelligence program:
Though only a third class seaman, he replaced a Commander at North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego.
Tompkins said that his mission statement was personally signed by Secretary Forrestal:
The mission statement read in part, “To compile and maintain a continuous survey of the activities of experimental research laboratories, other governmental agencies, educational scientific institutions, manufacturers and research engineers. To undertake upon his own initiative, or at the request of any bureau or office of the Naval Air Forces, studies of specific instrumentalities and techniques for the purpose of outlining research projects.”
In his December 14 interview on Rense, Tompkins claims that he sat in on meetings attended by Admiral Obatta, one or two Captains, and the naval operatives reporting on what they had observed in Nazi Germany.
Tompkins subsequently told this writer on January 16 that there were 28 Naval operatives with the rank of Lieutenant used in the covert program. They all had German ancestry, which allowed them to easily infiltrate Nazi Germany.
Tompkins’ job was to reproduce the complex designs which were either described by the naval operatives or contained within the documents they possessed, and then take these reproductions to different corporate Navy contractors. The contractors would proceed to design, reproduce and test various elements of the anti-gravity spacecraft, which were at various stages of production in Nazi Germany facilities in Europe, South America and Antarctica.
What the naval operatives were further reporting is astounding. Tompkins claims operatives revealed in the top secret debriefings that up to and during the World War II, there were two flying saucer programs under development. The first was a largely civilian effort that predated the Nazi rise to power in 1933, while the second was led by the Nazi SS.
Tompkins said that the civilian German space program had been inspired by a Nordic group of extraterrestrials who were communicating through young female German mediums.
The second program was assisted by a group of extraterrestrials called the Reptilians, who had reached secret agreements with Hitler.
In 1939, Tompkins asserts that the Nazi SS was given the location of three large caverns in Antarctica by the Reptilians, and proceeded to move the bulk of the German secret space programs there.
By 1942, when it became clear that the war was lost, the Nazi’s accelerated their efforts to relocate the best scientists, engineers and vital resources to Antarctica through specially built submarines capable of carrying very large cargoes.
Tompkins learned that the Germans achieved great success and failures in their space program efforts. Of particular note was the first space flight to Mars in late April 1945, which had a crew of 30, including three Japanese astronauts. This stunning achievement ended in disaster when the spacecraft crash landed, resulting in the death of the entire crew.
the nazi saucer that landed on mars in 1945.flv
After he reproduced the ship design information he had gained from the covert Navy operatives spying on the German space programs, Tompkins says he then took these designs to various top secret corporate facilities. These included Douglas Aircraft Company at El Segundo and Santa Monica, Lockheed, and an underground facility run by Caltech at China Lake.
From 1952 to 1958, Tompkins was employed as a draftsman with the Douglas Aircraft Company. Here he says that he worked with two attractive female Nordic extraterrestrials who were employed as secretaries, and they telepathically guided him in the designs for the more advanced space craft that would eventually be secretly built by the U.S. Navy…
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He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service & the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington DC (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., (2002). He has a Ph.D in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts.
Source: Exopolitics
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