Tuesday, May 2, 2017
by Justin Deschamps
Bill Ryan wrote an article last week entitled, The Truth About Corey Goode, wherein he asserted that the Secret Space Program whistleblower was compromised and inauthentic. Days later, Stillness in the Storm produced an analysis of that article, concluding that what Ryan asserted and presented as evidence was not conclusive and the claims were unsupportable. Goode contacted me and offered to respond to the claims made by Ryan, in an effort to clear the air.
In law, the accused always has the right to respond to their accuser's because it provides onlookers, usually a jury of peers, the ability to have at least two points of view on the facts at hand. This is important because if one doesn't respond, only the accuser's version of events are heard.
We're living in a reality based on information and knowledge. To manipulate common knowledge—what a person thinks everyone else believes—is to control the masses; this is primarily what propaganda and social engineering is designed to do. This is how the powers that be so skillfully manipulate the unthinking masses, by appealing to their desire to fit in and feel accepted.
A person's reputation or social image is very important in a world where most people can't tell image from substance. If people were highly discerning and thought critically, rumors and slander (unsupportable claims stated as fact) wouldn't be a problem. But in our world, such things can mean the difference between life and death. Most people won't even entertain an idea if they question the character of the person sharing it—which in and of it self is a problem.
Related As Corey Goode Secret Space Program Claims go Viral Critics Step up Attacks
By responding to these claims, Goode has an opportunity to clear the air, and restore his reputation and continue to do the work he came here to do.
Goode Responds to Ryan
What follows are Ryan's claims presented to Goode as series of questions. Additionally, Goode has some closing commentary.
Goode: I do not remember this incident with the details provided. There was quite a lot of extreme drama on that Forum that lead [sic] up to me closing my account. It would be easy to verify where emails came from by tracing the Host Header of the Email's [sic] in question. I would need more details about his claims to respond fully.
2. Ryan claims that you lied about when you came forward after leaving Project Avalon, saying that it was being outed by Ryan and Kerry Cassidy that ended your IT career. Ryan asserts that you were not employed during the Christine interview that took place in late 2014; therefore, you misrepresented yourself to the public by saying you lost your career. How do you respond?
Goode: I never claimed that I was fired due to Bill Ryan (BR) or Kerry Cassidy (KC). I was already going through a workers comp injury that involved 3 surgeries. I was fired illegally from that job after the injury. It was not a career ending injury and I was receiving dozens of job offers while going through surgeries.
I told Kerry Cassidy repeatedly that I would only provide information anonymously. After it was clear I would not do an interview she posted my name on her website and several times in one of her YouTube videos. She then refused to remove my name from both locations. I was in a panic for the safety of my family and my career. Finally, I was forced to send all of the Skype and Email conversations to YouTube/Google's complaint department. She was receiving her third strike with YouTube (Which would close her channel) and emailed me asking me to remove my complaint agreeing to remove my name from her website and video. I removed the complaint and we have kept this out of the public until now. All of this is documented.
I have all of the documentation to backup the fact that I was outed on Project Camelot by Kerry's "executive decision." Not only did this put my family in extreme danger, but then made it almost impossible for me to be hired in the IT field. Before these companies let you anywhere near their data or infrastructure, they do background checks and social media searches. If you claim to talk to non-terrestrials... They are not letting you near their Billion Dollar Data!
3. Ryan claims that while you were participating in the Project Avalon forums, you were counseling various MILAB whistleblowers, apparently without permission from the moderators. Ryan feels this was a grave breach of trust on your part and is evidence, in his mind, that you have nefarious intentions. Were you asked not to do this? How do you respond?
Goode: Not at all true. I never counseled a single MILAB. I only listened to their information and referred them to a regression therapist. I spoke to BR and his wife at the time, Christine, about assisting the MILABs that began to reach out after my first interview. BR and the moderators began to let people in this confidential group willy nilly without any real vetting. I had no hand in bringing MILABs to this group.
My first interview was being used to draw in MILABs and the way things were handled, it made the Forum feel like a “honey pot” to draw in these people. This group became infiltrated very quickly and the normal "Forum Drama" began to occur. Some of these MILABs began to reach out to me personally with concerns about how the Forum group was being handled. This all turned into one of many disagreements between BR and myself.
Goode: No one from any Scientology “like” organizations contacted me. Ever! No one from that organization asked me to produce a dossier on BR.
[BR on Scientology]
Goode: So, if anyone that is investigating a topic or a person in this field is given access to government documents that makes them an agent? Wouldn't that make every researcher in this field an agent by that standard?
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While in those training sessions we rubbed shoulders with FEMA, FBI and other federal and local law enforcement and disaster response agencies. I was also a member of the FBI's "Infraguard" program. People should join and see what that is for themselves. I actually believed I was getting much more access than was available. It is a place to report cyber crimes and monitor them in real time. This tool is used for corporations to report or review reports of real-time hacking attacks and how to mitigate them.
I was not given access to any database other than the real-time hacking and malware data coming from the Infraguard website. I was provided pieces of files and a couple redacted files on certain individuals that were coming together to attack me. There were a number of people from this forum that were pointed out to me as being extremely compromised. I have received files and data from contacts I made.
6. Ryan claims that you started a blog after leaving the Project Avalon forums and were attempting to smear him and others there. How do you respond?
Goode: After the attacks on my wife and I, I was triggered and posted a lot of true and verified information about BR and his business practices and people that he has had business relations within South America (companies he has started etc...). I believe these pages are still available on Google archives if anyone wants to track them down. I did post that information during the height of the "Forum Wars of 2015" on my blog and them removed them a few months later after I cooled off. There were a lot of threads that I posted that others followed up on. I suggest people look into more of BR's past that is available online for anyone to find.
7. Ryan claims that your story changed when you began speaking to David Wilcock, that it was "more polished" than the testimony you gave to Christine in 2014, which they took to mean, you concocted your story. How do you respond?
Goode: How did it "change"? When Christine came to my house to do the first interview, I had just had the "entity attachment" release that was causing me to have anxiety attacks or verbally stammer while trying to talk about these experiences. Interestingly enough, it was a disagreement over removing entity attachments that triggered BR and caused our final disagreement. Christine captured my first attempt to speak openly about all of this. It can be found on my SBA YouTube Channel. My testimony has evolved and been expounded upon in Cosmic Disclosure.
8. Ryan claims that an unnamed intelligence agent contacted him saying that he has video footage of a conversation between you and your wife Stacey, wherein you were formulating the plan to deceive David Wilcock, captured via webcam activation. Ryan did not supply this footage. How do you respond?
Goode: Un-named intelligence agent = Shane Bales AKA "The Ruiner" who was exposed as a pathological liar and caught on many occasions making things up about myself and David Wilcock. He is not an intel agent by any stretch of the imagination. BR avoided using this “agents” name for a reason. The screen shot of a skype conversation, clearly edited, was from Shane. BR himself (along w/his forum) came out against this person as being untrustworthy. This usually happens with anyone that falls out of BR's good graces, but he was correct on this occasion. If this guy is a super hacker that infiltrated my network and turned on my laptop mic and video camera, then why trust any of the screen shots or other information that he provided BR and the Forum in question?
This is one more unfounded accusation (disinformation) and BR knows it. I have never had a conversation remotely like that with Stacy. I say post the video! Show it! Put up or shut up... This is Shane Bales we are talking about.
Again I say, post that alleged video footage. It doesn't exist. If this footage was lied about, how can anyone trust any of BR's other accusations against me? Or others for that matter. Think about it.
[You can review Kerry Cassidy's opinion on this matter here, where she disagree's with some of Ryan's claims about whistle blowers.]
9. Ryan further claims that the same intelligence agent contact sent a screenshot of a skype conversation between the agent and yourself, wherein you said "you are now on the payroll... so am I.. it is what it is." Since the original release of Ryan's article, some have come forward refuting the screenshot as a forgery, saying your chat messages were altered. Did you actually send this message and is what appears the image your words? If so, how do you explain what these mean? How do you respond?
Goode: I did speak w/Shane in skype until DW and I caught him in a number of fabrications. The conversation in question was edited somehow, but some of the terms were used. We were talking about how we thought we [sic] were done with all of these programs. Being forced "back on the payroll" is a way of saying that I was being forced back into working with these groups again in an [sic] professional like status. This was taken and made to look like I was being paid by the powers that be. I have never been paid to be in the SSP "Programs," nor am I now. I have never received any payments from the powers that be. This statement was taken out of context to purposely make me look like an agent by either Shane or BR.
It was reported to me that BR has also told people that he had an investigator look into me and found that I was receiving payments from “government sources”. BR cannot back up any of his accusations with evidence that stands up.
10. Ryan claims that the bulk of your testimony is a "carbon copy" of other whistle blowers, and that your claims are just too wild to believe, thus, in his mind, you can't be authentic. How do you respond?
Goode: Once my information violated BR's UFO religion, things went south very quickly. This is easy to verify by looking at Forum records (unless deleted or edited once more) his forum is controlled like a small totalitarian country. You either tow the line or you [sic] are either pushed out by other loyal forum members or are "un-subscribed" from the forum. If you do not believe me, open up an account there and speak your mind for a few weeks. You will wish you hadn't. This is what occurred in 2015.
He and others in that Forum have claimed I data mine and steal other people's testimony. This was claimed about William Tompkins as well. Even though my info came out prior. You really have to look into these people and see their venomous attacks on a number of people other than myself. If you do the research you will see a clear pattern of behavior and accusations. This group seems to follow this pattern in an unbroken cycle. That is one reason I have warned people about hanging out in forums.
11. Ryan claims that if you were an authentic whistle blower, you would have never been allowed to continue talking. He seems to imply that you have had no problems with various authorities in sharing your testimony, that it has been 100% "approved" by high-level players in the programs. Is this implication true? How do you respond?
Goode: By Bill's logic, William Tompkins, Clifford Stone, Pete Peterson, etc, are all liars or agents since they are still alive after coming forward. Does Bill believe that Steven Greer and his list of whistleblowers who testified in 2001 are also liars or agents since they are all alive? What about all of the people they interviewed on Project Camelot? They would all be liars or agents according to this logic.
As William Tompkins has testified a faction of the US Navy is now wanting all of this disclosed. They gave him the green light to report on the same programs I was involved in. He had direct approval to release his information. Being that I was in these programs, I was given more protection when it came to being a whistle-blower.
I have had an attempt to poison me at the airport, have had Chinooks flying over my house (I'm nowhere near an airbase) and have had multiple targeting lasers from sniper rifles appear on my chest while outside with my children. Most recently I ended up in the emergency room from an attack.
Sadly, most of the most threatening attacks occurred when some of these forum members began to find out where I lived. I had a number of these forum members stalking me online. The line was drawn for me when some of them began to show up around my home and began to harass my family. We moved and took security precautions very quickly after a few incidents around my house.
BR himself had told me that I needed to come out in a big way to ensure the safety of my family. He asserted that if I was public, if the powers that be killed me it would just validate my testimony. This is also what Gaia told me and what made me to agree to Cosmic Disclosure.
I have not recycled anyone's information.
12. Ryan claims that you are a conscious deceiver, that you know your story is untrue and are promoting it anyway. How do you respond?
Goode: He claims that I'm not really an IT professional as well. I invite people to check my references from my Linkedin Profile as well as verify my MCSE and A+ Certifications. I was in the IT Field for over 20 years and this is easily provable.
[An article written by Corey Goode from 2003, protesting IT jobs moving to India, suggesting he did work as an IT professional: Outsourcing to India: Offshore Debate Rages.]
As far as being a conscious deceiver. What is he basing this on? His opinion? The collective opinion of his forum? He certainly isn't basing this accusation off of the reverse speech analysis that showed no deception. Or the recent video of people studying my body language where they also concluded "Corey believes what he is saying"?