There is only One cast,the cast of humanity.

There is only One religion,the religion of love

There is only One language, the language of the heart.

There is only One God and He is omnipresent.


Υπαρχει μονο Μια φυλη,η φυλη της ανθρωποτητας.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια θρησκεια,η θρησκεια της αγαπης.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια γλωσσα,η γλωσσα της καρδιας.

Υπαρχει μονο Ενας Θεος και ειναι πανταχου παρων.


Let it be light between us,brothers and sisters from the Earth.Let it be love between all living beings on this

Galaxy.Let it be peace between all various races and species.We love you infinitely.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius

Channel:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean

Ειθε να υπαρχει φως αναμεσα μας, αδελφοι και αδελφες μας απο την Γη .Ειθε να υπαρχει αγαπη

αναμεσα σε ολες τις υπαρξεις στον Γαλαξια.Ειθε να υπαρχει ειρηνη αναμεσα σε ολες τις διαφο-

ρετικες φυλες και ειδη.Η αγαπη μας για σας ειναι απειρη.

Ειμαι ο ΣαΛουΣα απο τον Σειριο.

Καναλι:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean




The Ascended Master SANAT KUMARA is a Hierarch of VENUS.

Since then SANAT KUMARA has visited PLANET EARTH and SHAMBALLA often.SANAT KUMARA is sanskrit and it means"always a youth". 2.5 million years ago during earth's darkest hour, SANAT KUMARA came here to keep the threefold flame of Life on behalf of earth's people. After Sanat Kumara made his commitment to come to earth 144.000 souls from Venus volunteered to come with him to support his mission.Four hundred were sent ahead to build the magnificent retreat of SHAMBALLA on an island in the Gobi Sea.Taj Mahal - Shamballa in a smaller scaleSanat Kumara resided in this physical retreat, but he did not take on a physical body such as the bodies we wear today. Later Shamballa was withdrawn to the etheric octave, and the area became a desert.Gobi DesertSANAT KUMARA is THE ANCIENT OF DAYS in The Book of DANIEL.DANIEL wrote (19, 20):"I beheld till the thrones were set in place, and THE ANCIENT OF DAYS did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His throne Always like the fiery flame and is wheels as burning fire. [His chakras.]"A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.Thousand and thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times and ten thousand stood before him."I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like THE SON OF MAN came with the clouds of heaven, and came to THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, and they brought him near before him."And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him.His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." The supreme God of Zoroastrianism, AHURA MAZDA is also SANAT KUMARA.In Buddhism, there is a great god known as BRAHMA SANAM-KUMARA, yet another name for SANAT KUMARA.SANAT KUMARA is one of the SEVEN HOLY KUMARAS.The twinflame of SANT KUMARA is VENUS, the goddess of LOVE and BEAUTY.In 1956, SANAT KUMARA returned to Venus, and GAUTAMA BUDDHA is now LORD OF THE WORLD and SANAT KUMARA is REGENT LORD OF THE WORLD.SANAT KUMARA`s keynote is the main theme of Finlandia by SIBELIUS.

The Ascended Master Hilarion Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master Hilarion - Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master of the Healing Ray

The ascended master Hilarion, the Chohan,1 or Lord, of the Fifth Ray of Science, Healing and Truth, holds a world balance for truth from his etheric retreat, known as the Temple of Truth, over the island of Crete. The island was an historic focal point for the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.We know few of this master’s incarnations, but the three most prominent are as the High Priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis; then as Paul, beloved apostle of Jesus; and as Hilarion, the great saint and healer, performer of miracles, who founded monasticism in Palestine. Embodied as Saul of Tarsus during the rise of Jesus’ popularity, Saul became a determined persecutor of Christians, originally seeing them as a rebellious faction and a danger to the government and society. Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, failing to recognize the light in this saint and in the Christian movement.jesus had already resurrected and ascended2 when he met Saul on the road to Damascus. And what an electrifying meeting that was! “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks,”3 Jesus uttered to an awestruck Saul. Blinded by the light that surrounded the form of Jesus, Saul crumpled to the ground. Not only his body but his pride was taken down a few notches that day.This was the most famous of Christian conversions, whereupon Saul became the mightiest of the apostles. Saul took the name Paul and resolved to spread the word of truth throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Paul had inwardly remembered his vow to serve the light of Christ—a vow that he had taken before his current incarnation. Three years after conversion, Paul spent another three years in seclusion in the Arabian Desert where he was taken up into Jesus’ etheric retreat. Paul did not ascend in that life due to his torturing of Christians earlier in that embodiment. In his very next lifetime, Paul was born to pagan parents in 290 A.D. They resided in the same geographical region in which he had lived as Paul in his previous lifetime. As a young boy, Hilarion was sent to Alexandria to study. During this time of study, he heard the gospel and was converted to Christianity.His greatest desire was to be a hermit—to spend his time fasting and praying to God in seclusion. So he divided his fortune among the poor and set out for the desert near Gaza. He spent twenty years in prayer in the desert before he performed his first miracle. God, through him, cured a woman of barrenness. And his healing ministry began.Soon Hilarion was sought out by hundreds who had heard of his miraculous cures and ability to exorcise demons. In 329 A.D., with a growing number of disciples assembling around him, he fled to Egypt to escape the constant flow of people seeking to be healed from all manner of diseases. His travels brought him to Alexandria again, to the Libyan Desert and to Sicily.But his miracles did not only include healings. Once when a seacoast town in which he was staying was threatened with a violent storm, he etched three signs of the cross into the sand at his feet then stood with hands raised toward the oncoming waves and held the sea at bay.Hilarion spent his last years in a lonely cave on Cyprus. He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine. To this day, those known as anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and prayer. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment. Hilarion, as an ascended master, speaks to us today of the power of truth to heal the souls of men, delivering his word through The Hearts Center’s Messenger, David Christopher Lewis. Current teachings released from Hilarion include the following:

· On the power of healing: Hilarion teaches his students that “[t]he power of healing is within your Solar Source.” He gives his students “an impetus, a spiral of light that you may fulfill your mission…” and exhorts them to “use this spiral of light for the benefit of sentient beings”. —July 2008

· On the power of joy: Hilarion encourages us to “experience the pulsation of joy” and shows each of us the joyous outcome of our life, which is “a life lived in joy.” He assures us, “I will always lead you to your freedom to be joy”. —June 2008

· On the love of truth: Hilarion teaches that the love of truth will enable us to see clearly the light that is within us. He teaches that instead of criticizing, we must go within and eliminate the particles of untruth within ourselves. —February 2008

· On the action of solar light: Hilarion delivers a greater action of solar light to help release all past awareness of lives lived outside divine awareness. He explains his ongoing mission over many lifetimes—to heal by the power of each soul’s recognition of the truth of her own divinity—and pronounces, “I am the messenger of healing and joy to all. May your life as a God-realized solar being be bright-shining ever with the aura of the truth who you are in my heart.” —March 14, 2008

1. “Chohan” is a Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” A chohan is the spiritual leader of great attainment who works with mankind from the ascended state. There are seven chohans for the earth—El Morya, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Nada and Saint Germain.back to Chohan…

2. The ascension is complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth. In the ascension process, the soul becomes merged with her Solar Presence, experiencing freedom from the gravitational, or karmic, pull of the Earth and entering God’s eternal Presence of divine love. Students of the ascended masters work toward their ascension by studying and internalizing the teachings, serving life, and invoking the light of God into their lives. Their goal as they walk the earth is the cultivation of a relationship with God that becomes more real, more vital with each passing day.back to ascended…

3. Acts 9:5 back to kick against the pricks…

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

I have stood in the Great Hall in the Great Central Sun. I have petitioned the Lords of Karma to release Dispensation after Dispensation for the Sons and Daughters of God and, yes, for the Torch Bearers of The Temple. Countless times I have come to your assistance with a release of Violet Flame sufficient to clear all debris from your consciousness. Numberless times I have engaged the Love of my Heart to embrace you, to comfort you, to assist you when you have not known which way to turn.

"I merely ask you to keep the watch, to hold fast to the Heart Flame of your own God Presence, to understand that your first allegiance is to the Mighty I AM. That you have no other Gods before the I AM THAT I AM.

through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, February 14, 2007, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. (10)

Πέμπτη 18 Μαΐου 2017

Thursday, May 18th., 2017 Full Report Benjamin Fulford -- May 15th 2017:

Thursday, May 18th., 2017

Benjamin Fulford -- May 15th 2017: Negotiations for world peace proceeding smoothly as more bad guys bite the dust 

Updated: The full report has been added below. 

Added links below.
- Justin

Source - Benjamin Fulford

A North Korean peace deal, a Ukrainain peace deal and a resolution of Middle Eastern problems, including the Israeli/Palestinian issue are all being negotiated behind the scenes, multiple sources agree. This is why US President Donald Trump will be going to Israel, Saudi Arabia and then Rome starting on the 24th of this month, the sources say. Trump himself told Fox TV that after these meetings he would go to “the big conference of our countries that are going to help the world.”

(Comment can be heard at the 25 minute 10 second mark)

[The video is no longer available.]

The details of the peace deal with North Korea are yet to be negotiated but sources close to the talks say North Korea will be offered a guarantee of sovereignty and security in exchange for publicly giving up its nuclear weapons program. Of course this will only be a face saving gesture since, in secret, North Korea will be allowed to keep its nuclear deterrent, the sources say.

The pending North Korean peace accord is definitely related to China’s massive one belt one road (obor) infrastructure initiative since a peace accord in the Korean peninsula would allow for the construction of a tunnel linking Japan to the Eurasian mainland. Construction on this tunnel has already begun, Japanese government sources admit

The presence of delegates from the United States, South Korea, Japan, Germany, the UK and France at China’s big obor gathering this weekend shows Western resistance to this project has ended. The fact Chinese President Xi Jinping stopped in Alaska on the way back from his recent summit meeting with Trump, means it is a pretty good guess a deal has been reached to make a tunnel linking Alaska to the Eurasian landmass.

Already, freight trains are going from London and Germany to China, cutting the travel time for goods by half and lowering costs as well.

These new land freight routes are one of the reasons the Baltic Dry Index remains stuck at a very low level since overland travel is both cheaper and faster within Eurasia. It will not be too far in the future before it will be possible to take a train or ship goods by train from New York to London via China and Russia. An underground high 3000 kilometer per hour vacuum tube rail tunnel linking London and New York is also expected to go into operation, sources in the US secret space program say.

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The Chinese are also hoping to once again become inventors of world changing technology like the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing. Chinese President Xi Jinping says the Chinese are investing vast sums to create breakthroughs in the areas of AI, nanotechnology, quantum computing and “smart cities.”

Related Transhumanist Agenda Revealed: Hive Mind? 5G, Smart Grid, and the Coming “Global Brain” (Audio) -- The Future of Media and Agenda 2030

This massive Chinese initiative may well be dwarfed by a Western initiative being secretly negotiated that will release trillions if not quadrillions of dollars for a massive campaign to, as Trump put it, “help the world.” This campaign could easily end poverty, stop environmental destruction and launch a new era of space exploration and colonization, among other things. The Western inventions that could be released include free energy, faster than light travel and next generation 3d printers that could create “practically anything out of thin air,” according to NSA sources.

Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 4: Breakaway Begins - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

To understand how much the Khazarian mafia has hindered human progress recall how, in the 1990’s, the United Nations came out with a plan that called for the elimination of poverty and environmental destruction by the year 2000. The plan estimated poverty could be ended with just $200 billion and environmental destruction stopped for just $400 billion. Instead though, the Khazarian mafia staged 911, continued its hijack of the world’s financial system and spent trillions and trillions of dollars on its plan to kill 90% of humanity. The money was spent on wars, on spreading bio-warfare agents like SARS and Ebola and on paying farmers to grow fuel instead of food so as to start mass starvation.

That means that before a plan to turn this planet into a paradise can be carried out, some mopping up of final pockets of Khazarian Satanist resistance is still head of us.

Related The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult -- The Satanic Infiltration of the Western World

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford's update this week]

Here is what our Pentagon sources had to say about this: “The [FBI Director James] Comey firing was 110 days overdue, and begins the war with the deep state as the Clinton Foundation, Obama, Pedogate and the DNC will be aggressively prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

“Comey may be indicted for obstructions of justice in letting Hillary walk, trying to bribe a Russian hacker to frame [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, and refusing to probe wiretapping of Trump and other VIPs,” the Pentagon sources continue.

Also, Japanese imperial family and CIA sources both confirmed that Hillary Clinton was in fact the daughter of David Rockefeller. Since Bill Clinton was the son of Winthrop Rockefeller (according to these sources) we see now how Satanic bloodline inbred rule is hidden with new surnames. “The death of David Rockefeller has given people the courage to come forward with information like this,” the imperial family source said.

The sudden appearance of Henry Kissinger with Donald Trump in front of White House photographers last week may have been a sign Kissinger has been singing a song about his long time slave masters the Rockefellers. A Kissinger envoy did tell the White Dragon Society that Kissinger was a longtime Soviet agent going by the code name Bor and that he always resented how David Rockefeller humiliated him. In any case, Kissinger is apparently using all his old connections these days to try to negotiate final peace deals around the world so, for now, he is being taken off the wanted list.

This sort of exposure of bloodline rule is likely to expand to include other hidden Rockefeller power centers like David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook sheeple control grid. 

Related Facebook Announces Mind-Controlled Computer Technology

The clean-up will gather momentum as more Khazarian mob lackeys are removed from the US security infrastructure.

After Comey, the next domino to fall is expected to be National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster who “may be fired, demoted and court-martialed for sharing classified info with convicted felon [David] Petraeus,” and stacking the National Security Council with Petraeus cronies, Pentagon sources say. The sources say they were the people behind the big last minute push by the Satanists to start world war 3 either in Syria or North Korea.

Related Yet Another Coup Is Brewing Within the Trump Administration

Of course the Khazarian agents in Washington DC are freaking out and talking about impeaching Trump. The (satirical?) e-mail from a CIA agent quoted below sums up the whole show in DC quite well:

“In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Donald Trump boasted that, if he is impeached, the television ratings will be higher than those of any other impeachment in history. “Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” he said. “The ratings are going to be through the roof.” He said that he expected his impeachment ratings to be “many, many times” the size of the audience for Bill Clinton’s impeachment, in 1998.

The cartoon gets better and better – The lawyers who wrote a letter saying Trump has no significant business ties to Russia work for a law firm that has extensive ties to Russia and received a “Russia Law Firm of the Year” award in 2016.”

Related BREAKING: Putin Ready to Provide Records of Trump-lavrov Talks to Prove No Secrets Were Leaked

There can be no doubt the Russians indeed, along with most of the rest of the world, are cooperating in removing the Khazarian filth from power. That is why there is a lot of pressure being applied on the Khazarian Satanist nest in Israel. Here China, Russia and the United States are all insisting Israel must accept a two state solution with the Palestinians, the Pentagon sources say.

Furthermore, top US General Joseph Dunford is in Israel this week to force the Israelis to comply with Russian initiated de-confliction zones in Syria and elsewhere, the sources say. In other words, they are to cease and desist with their Daesh trouble making.

There are also big moves taking place under the surface in Japan too. Japan’s largest gang, the Yamaguchi Gumi, has now split into three factions, representing three dominant personalities, sources in all three factions confirm. Only one of those factions, the weakest one, is still sub-contracting for the Khazarian mafia. However, if a deal can be reached on North Korean amphetamine distribution (through legalization and regulation), that final faction will also cut its links with the Khazarians. This will clear the way for a total change in Japan’s power structure because the Khazarians will lose all enforcement agents they have here. Already, all attempts to place Khazarian slaves, like French Rothschild agent Taro Aso, in power in Japan are being stopped. Aso has been pushing hard for him, together with Ichiro Ozawa, to be placed in power in Japan just in time to catch the massive funds that are expected to be released, according to Japanese right wing sources. However, yakuza gangsters from Aso’s home district of Kyushu say he is evil and no longer has their support.

The Khazarians, desperate for gold, are also trying to cause trouble in Indonesia. Indonesian intelligence service sources say:

“The current upheaval in Indonesia between Christians and Muslims is financed by Western powers, who are attempting to destabilize the country. This is a result of the Jokowi government NOT complying with the Freeport [McMoRan mine] director’s demands. They are attempting to circumnavigate the mining laws of Indonesia”. The upheaval they are referring to is multiple attempts by Khazarian controlled oligarchs connected to the murderous former Suharto regime to overthrow democratically elected and popular President Jokowi, the sources say,

In any case, until this is over, we can expect some continued Khazarian trouble making in the Ukraine, Indonesia, the Middle East, Japan and elsewhere.

SITS General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add this general comment to all Fulford reports since I frequently receive the same questions about them. 


In response to many questions and comments I receive from people wondering why I share these reports, I offer the following. 

Speaking as someone who has been following Fulford's reports since 2011, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface. 

The predictions and statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, in other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford as one who is "tapped into" some greater truth, it would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. 

Discernment is the process of understanding what something is, which in Fulford's case, means entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, and then doing the follow-up research/fact checking to determine what actually happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people continue to read his reports despite their sensational and wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also being accurate and poignant—means the people he receives information from are probably using him as a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are not our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are. 

As I have said before, if he is serving as a mouthpiece for various groups working to change the status quo or agents within the Cabal, we can decipher the data as if it is a form of awakening propaganda—information that certain players want to expose the masses to. What effect this has on your personal process is largely up to you. But I would suggest taking an active role in discernment and not falling into the trap of total acceptance or rejection. 

[The preceding text was the full update from Benjamin Fulford for this week]
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