All Lada asks for is a small donation and then you are immediately connected to the full report. If you are interested in the full picture of this global chess game, you may wish to check it out.
I’m posting a couple of highlights (very selectively chosen) that stood out for me from the full report. Hopefully Lada will be okay with this.
“…the interesting timing of Erdogan’s visit: August 9. Why now?… Putin is simply meeting with Erdogan in St. Petersburg… during Rio Olympics, when US/West are supposed to celebrate their victory over the BRICS and Russia! This will for sure spoil the celebration…
“Without Turkey’s cooperation, NATO is a snake without venomous teeth.
“[Russia’s Syria operation]… side effects included the successful Brexit referendum, digging under the very foundation of the rotten to the core EU; and Merkel’s loss of face, leading to her eventual downfall… Obama’s reputation plunged, and… the Democrats’ reputation plunged as well…
“Erdogan was becoming too bold and audacious with his NATO, US and EU allies. The Turks refused to allow German parliamentarians into NATO base to visit German troops. Then, Erdogan threatened to boot out US troops from its bases, and instead let Russian jets in… The military coup was in preparation in Turkey since 2015.
[the coup] “[NATO-USA] could not allow Erdogan to meet with Putin. Consequently, they had rushed the military into this half-baked coup… Erdogan now has firm intel, some of which comes from Russia and some from rebels’ interrogations, that US is behind the coup and that his army answers to their masters from across the Atlantic, not to their national leader. What president would keep such army?
“What will happen longer-term? The same as everywhere else. US Empire will weaken, its grip on power and on its vassals will loosen and eventually NATO will have to disband.”
New Earth Shift Report 13 is here!
(Consequences of Erdogan-Putin Meeting 8/9/16)

ESR13 summary and description
On August 9, 2016 Turkish President Erdogan arrives to St. Petersburg, Russia, to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time since Turkish Airforce shot down Russian Su24 jet in late fall 2015. Russia retaliated with massive economic sanctions and across the board Turkish bans. But recently, Erdogan sent a surprise letter of apology to Putin. Following that, Russia warned Erdogan of the planned Turkish military coup, thus saving his presidency and his life.Amid continuing war in Syria spearheaded by Russian Airforce, Turkey had served as safe haven and training grounds for ISIS terrorists. Turkey has benefited greatly from the black market ISIS oil sales, drug, human and artifact trafficking through its territory. At the same time, Turkish NATO bases had for decades been one of the strongest concentrations of US military power stationed abroad, and directed primarily against Russia, as well as helping to control the Middle East.
The EU refugee crisis, orchestated by the US and Turkey weakened the EU and made the population and politicians alike question the validity of open borders and neoliberal policies. Angela Merkel lost much of her former clout by welcoming a million plus refugees without any necessary checks of their legitimacy and association with ISIS. After it became clear that neither Germany nor EU were prepared to cope with such influx, she offered Turkey a 6 bln euro bribe to keep refugees away from EU shores. To bribe Erdogan, Merkel also allowed the prosecution of a comedian who wrote a mocking poem about Turkish leader, thus going against the core European principle of freedom of speech. Merkel’s actions turned into a complete fiasco. In protest, German Bundestag finally decided to recognize Turkish slaughter of millions of Armenians in early 20th century as genocide (something many other countries, including Russia, have done years ago).
In response, Erdogan banned German MPs from visiting German troops at a Turkish NATO base, therefore creating a rift within NATO. Simultaneously, Erdogan threatened to expel US troops from its bases, while allowing Russians to use them. A serious conflict began between Turkey and US. No matter how much US tries to downplay it, Turkey’s growing rift with US and NATO is apparent.
What do all these perplexing and contradictory events mean for the very survival of NATO?
What does all this mean for Turkey and the Middle East?
Are US and NATO about to lose Turkey as their key ally?
Why did Putin warn Erdogan of the upcoming coup and how did Russians know about it?
Why did Turkish military coup fail?
Was it a false flag or a real coup gone wrong and who is truly behind it?
Erdogan’s purges: what’s really going on?
Will USA extradite Fethullah Gülen to keep its bases in Turkey?
Will Turkey welcome Russian jets on NATO bases?
What is behind Erdogan’s stunning turnaround and letter of apology to Russia, and what is the future of Russia-Turkey relations?
Should Erdogan’s apology and visit be considered Russia’s major win?
Is Turkish Stream back on the agenda?
Does this turnaround signal a shift in the balance of power in the Black Sea region and the Middle East?
What does it mean for the future of the US Empire?
End of NATO & shakeup of entire Western system?
Does Erdogan’s turnaround signal the strengthening of Russia and Earth Shift?
8/8/16 LAST MINUTE ADDITION (latest intel from Prof. Glazyev)
Click to read
Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN’S WAR