Corey Goode Intel Update Part 2
Tear-Eir then began to communicate with me using similar wording as seen in the Law of One.
When I was in Joshua Tree for the conference this past summer, I had an experience that caught me off guard. It began when many of the attendees at Contact in the Desert saw a blue blinking light in the sky for some time, at a high altitude. There was no corresponding red light as you would normally see with an airplane. The “blue blinker” did not move at all like a plane, going forwards and backwards and side to side in different patterns. I called David in excitement when I saw it myself and soon he went outside and observed it for an extended time as well.
The next morning, I was in my cabin laying on the bed when I suddenly heard a chorus of voices of all ages and both genders repeating “We are the messengers and facilitators of the One Infinite Creator.” I immediately jumped out of bed and went outside to see if the source of the voices was visible. I saw nothing as I scanned the desert terrain and the skies above it. The voices stopped. I went back inside the cabin and sat on the bed, wondering what just happened. I glanced over at my copy of the Law of One (Book One) that was on the head of the bed.
I had been trying to read the book for a number of months, but was unable to retain anything that I had read. When I would try to read it, my mind would wander. The words seemed to hover above the page, causing me to feel a little nauseated and dizzy when I tried to push through reading it. I reached over and picked up the book, and began to read and retain the information for the first time. Once I had finished reading the book, I was surprised to have Tear-Eir communicate with me in the same wording the next time we met. I was now able to ask more direct questions and receive answers that were easier to translate into human language.
Roughly a week later, I was awoken once again by a blue orb entering my room. I had no advance warning about this meeting, so I was unable to mentally prepare or change clothes. I was then taken to one of the spheres where Tear-Eir was waiting for me. In that meeting with Tear-Eir, it was confirmed that I had received my first contact from the Golden Triangle Head Being when I heard the phrase, “We are the messengers and facilitators of the One Infinite Creator.” The name Tear-Eir used for this being was an almost unpronounceable, short sound. I knew who he was referring to when this name was used thanks to the overall context of the discussion.
In our current meeting, I was standing before Tear-Eir and he began to communicate. My attention was directed back to the cosmic scene that was unfolding all around us. I was watching the spheres slowly moving in the direction of Venus and Earth on their way to the outer solar system. They were looking more and more as if they were fading away. The Sun began to crackle with the same strange electrical discharge that I had witnessed on my last visit days earlier. It appeared as though there was a halo of arcing electricity emanating from the Sun’s corona.
Tear-Eir then sent me visualizations of the Sun emanating a series of powerful energetic blasts in a pulsing manner. I then saw the energy waves hitting the Earth’s magnetic field and wrapping around it. The energy was directed into the Earth’s core via the north and south poles and then emerged outward from the Earth’s surface.
I was thinking to myself that it would be impossible to hide underground from this energetic wave, no matter how deep below the surface or shielded by advanced technology you were. I expected the next communication to be about the scene I had just witnessed. Tear-Eir then communicated that our co-creative mass consciousness was playing a part in what was and soon will unfold.
I was not shocked to hear that there were energetic, cosmological and mass-consciousness components to what was occurring in our solar system. However, I was surprised to discover how much our mass consciousness was influencing this reality. Tear-Eir then communicated that every last human on the planet was an important contributor in this process, none being more important or special than another. It was a message of Oneness – the central premise of the Law of One series.
“He” further communicated that the consciousness of other beings – now trapped in our solar system – were also contributing to the process. Tear-Eir then communicated that the increased energetic waves were causing behavioral changes on Earth, as well as on various bases and vessels that resided within our star system. This also was interfering with the “behavioral modification” grid that has influenced the thoughts and behavior of people on this planet for many thousands of years. As a result, this grid had to be turned up to its maximum power level to have the desired effects on the population, which I was told would also increase its side effects.
The energetic changes and increased power to the mind control grid were causing people to begin to behave erratically, and become apathetic and ineffective. I had noticed this effect on both myself and those operating around me in recent months.
Tear-Eir then stated that we had reached the point of an increased merging of “temporal realities” that would continue exponentially as the energy emanating from our star increased.
I had received emails with questions about the “Mandela Effect,” but hadn’t been able to look into it. In one of our recent trips to shoot episodes for Cosmic Disclosure, one of the producers at Gaia brought up the topic and went into detail about it. My interest was peaked, and I then looked into the phenomenon more deeply when I got home.
Tear-Eir then communicated that indeed this was a real experience, and an example of what we would experience more and more until the final merging. He stated that our co-creative consciousness was directing us toward a choice of which temporal reality we will ultimately experience. We have a small window to push ourselves through in order to jointly experience the optimal temporal reality.
Tear-Eir and I then discussed a few other topics, including some that were personal or had to do with people operating around me. Among the topics we discussed was the shockingly low percentage of humanity that would be ready for Ascension if it occurred at the current time. It would only be approximately 0.042 percent – less than one out of every 2300 people. It was apparent that time was short for all of us to process our karma and increase our own service-to-others polarity.
I asked if there would be a way to tell if we had directed ourselves to the optimal temporal reality. Tear-Eir simply replied that “if the world is shaken” around David and I, we would then know that our mass-consciousness had chosen an “other than optimal temporal reality.” In that instance, David and I would gnash our teeth and recognize what had occurred.
I thought to myself that this might be an earthquake, but David and I live quite a distance from one another. The likelihood of us experiencing the same earthquake seems very small. However, after I discussed this with David, he said that a pole shift scenario would involve simultaneous world earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis and super-storms. It is important to note here that we do have the ability to steer our future into the “optimal temporal reality.” It involves pushing for Full Disclosure and doing our part to increase our own positive polarity and Ascension.
I was about to inquire more about what had just been communicated when I then noticed a blue orb arrive. The orb deposited Gonzales next to the other three beings mentioned before. He was facing them and obviously communicating with them. The entire group appeared to glide over to within about 10 feet of Tear-Eir and I as we wrapped up our communication.
Gonzales greeted me with a big smile and asked “I hope you didn’t miss me too much”. It was nice to see that he still had the same sense of humor. He had just gotten back from a meeting with the SSP Alliance where the Mayan group was also present. He then put his hand on the back of my shoulder and guided me to walk with him. He now began delivering the rest of his communication that had been interrupted by the appearance of the blue orb that had taken him away.
He then asked himself, “Let’s see, where were we? Oh yes.” He then went over some of the things we had discussed earlier in order to be able to continue where he left off.
When he went over the Antarctica details again, he mentioned a few new data points that he hadn’t brought up in the previous conversation. The thing that stuck out the most was when he stated that not far from the ruins I observed, an ancient burial ground had been located. This burial ground had graves that ranged from 18 to 60 thousand years old. The remains that were excavated were of a non-human race with elongated skulls and odd skeletal structures. Specifically, their ribcage and hips do not have the same proportions as a normal human being. This was a description that I recognized immediately, as it matched those of Egyptian pharaohs such as Akenhaten and his wife Nefertiti.
Furthermore, preserved remains of these same beings were found that had been flash-frozen in the ice shelf, along with a variety of prehistoric animals. Some of the ruins had also been lifted above ground level and flash-frozen in the ice. It was as if a giant tsunami had been suddenly transformed into ice. What ever happened had occurred very quickly, with little warning to the inhabitants of these structures – much like the idea of a sudden pole shift.
Gonzales told me that when he lived underground with the Anshar for those few weeks, he saw some interesting things. He made these observations as a result of doing his ground recon, going everywhere he could and viewing what he saw there. On two separate occasions, he noticed two of the priest caste walking down a corridor that ended in a solid cave wall. They walked right through the wall but he was unable to do so himself. It was quite difficult for him to find a way to look into the room they had gone into, but eventually he discovered a fissure in the wall that allowed him to see where they went. When he looked in, he saw a number of different types of giants that were conversing with the two priests. Their heights varied considerably. These giants were very upset. They appeared to be prisoners or refugees. The bigger one that was conversing with the priest in the front had his head in his palm. He was making what Gonzales perceived as groaning noises. Shortly after that incident, Gonzales had worn out his welcome and was asked to leave. He didn’t have any information on why the giants were there.
Gonzales then went into recent details about negotiations between the Earth Alliance and the syndicates that make up what many of us refer to as the Cabal.
These negotiations seem to be going nowhere fast. They are now debating the fates of the syndicate members and those that had worked under them – both wittingly and un-wittingly. These syndicates insist that either everyone in their groups are given full immunity and pardoned from prosecution, or no one should receive immunity. They were referencing everyone who had worked in various unacknowledged programs on the planet, as well as those who had served them off-planet as I had done in the SSP..........................................................................................................................................................
to continue: