This note from Ben was added at the end: “Finally, in a notice to readers, your correspondent will be in Canada for his annual holiday starting this week so the next few reports will be pre-written, unless something very big happens. Regular weekly news reports will resume on August 29th.”
“An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Society last week that Hillary Clinton had offered to hand over Korea, ASEAN and Japan to help create a “United States of China,” if the Chinese supported her bid to become President of the United States.
“…according to British Intelligence, when George Bush Sr. went fishing with Vladimir Putin in 2007 he invited Putin to join a plot to destroy China. The scenario Bush painted was for the US and Russia to start a new cold war.
“The official was also told that Clinton was part of the Bush Nazi mafia so whatever promises she was making were only to buy time and get money from the Chinese so that they could carry out this plan. As a result of this conversation, the Chinese official agreed China should not support Clinton.
“The WDS and the Chinese also discussed the future of the US dollar and the global financial system. The Chinese delegate said China’s plan was to replace the US dollar with bitcoin… The WDS told the Chinese a more viable plan was for China to make a big move to take over the existing international US dollar infrastructure and have the United States issue a separate new currency of its own.
“Pentagon sources, for their part, confirm US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is pushing for the launch of a gold-backed international currency to replace the US dollar as well as a new currency for the United States as a part of a revamp of the international financial system.
“The White Dragon Society was also contacted last week by representatives of the South American drug cartels who said they wanted help in laundering their drug money now that they could no longer go through the Bush/Nazi branch of the CIA… The WDS… said the answer was to legalize and regulate the drug business.
“…the (now abandoned) plan to put Hillary Clinton in power was part of a plan to place female leaders in power in a variety of countries because female leaders would be more compliant to Chinese rule.
“…the serious power struggle taking place in the United States. When… Joseph Dunford went to Turkey on July 31st, he was told in no uncertain terms by the Turks that it was people operating inside the US who were behind most of the world’s terrorism. The Turks said they would only renew cooperation with the US military if something was done about this. Dunford responded by publicly calling on August first for the US military to be apolitical and non-partisan but to honor its oath to defend the constitution. Pentagon sources say this is code for the military to move to remove Hillary Clinton.
“…Obama was summoned to the Department of Defense on August 4th where he was told the US military would be opposing not only ISIS but all “false flags, attempts to assassinate Donald Trump, vote fraud, race wars, food riots as well as any other efforts to stop the presidential election or impose martial law.”
“In yet another sign events are spinning out of control, first nations sources in British Columbia, Canada, say they shot down an armed US drone last week operating illegally inside Canada.
“What all these events show is that the world is in for some turbulent times as we watch the desperate struggles of the dying Khazarian beast… Getting Donald Trump in power in the US will be a huge key to victory. The impending fall of the House of Saud will be another.”
Posted by benjamin, August 9, 2016