The Paul Wilcher Report — Leaked Waco Document from Murdered CIA Assassin
How could anyone slaughter men, women and children in cold blood on a scale like this, you ask?
…one of the uses the CIA makes of its mind control sophistication is to implant memory blocks into the subconscious memories of its top professional assassins — in order to allow them to live with what they have done, and NOT to be overcome by flashbacks and nightmares of their “handiwork.”Knowing the truth of this story, can any of us doubt the depths of depravity these psychopaths stoop to? Is the fake shooting at Sandy Hook where no one died really on the same scale? Hardly—yet the denial is adamant in the public even now. How about 9-11? Is it really so impossible to comprehend? The Boston Bombing? The Orlando Night Club shooting? The sniper shooting of 11 police officers in Dallas this week?
Note Well: But I have been informed that those memory blocks are NOT holding very well in this instance and that some or all of the four (4) members of this particular “wet” team are sickened by what they were ordered to do, and what they did, in fact, “accomplish”, in Waco on April 19th. To these hardened, seasoned professional assassins, it was all “too easy”. The people inside the compound (as a result of the nerve gas) simply “never had a chance.
Do we now understand why so many Navy SEALS had tragic “training accidents” after being deployed to do the cabal’s dirty work; why nearly 50 people (that we know of) have died over the years who were involved with the Clintons and their illegal activities?
How can Americans trust their government and mass corporate media to tell the truth about ANYTHING?
Folks had better get accustomed to hearing about this ugliness within their own “government”, because there’s plenty more to come.
Thanks, L, for sharing. ~ BP
The Paul Wilcher Report — Leaked Waco Document from Murdered CIA Assassin
The following was extracted from a report prepared by Attorney Paul Wilcher, a report based on actual eyewitness testimony. The members of the very assault team mentioned in the following report had been in contact with Paul Wilcher, via a third party, and given immunity from prosecution they had been prepared to testify. Even though these were hardened professional killers, what they had been ordered to do and actually done at Waco had deeply disturbed them.On May 21st, 1993, Wilcher went to present the following to US Attorney General Janet Reno, on June 23rd Wilcher’s badly decomposed body was found in his apartment. Upon discovery his apartment was sealed and searched and all documents removed. That indeed might have been the end of the matter but Wilcher had given a copy of his 100-page report to Sara McClendon, a senior White House correspondent, shortly before his death.
Wilcher had made one critical mistake in presuming the innocence of Janet Reno and Bill Clinton; it was a mistake that was to cost him his life.
In mid 1999 the report re-emerged, whereupon the four members of the Delta Force assault team involved at Waco all died in training “accidents”. The fact that they are not named in this report had probably allowed them to live so long. However as soon as the report re-appeared the “accidents” occurred, effectively “silencing their testimony forever.”
The Paul Wilcher Report
What actually happened in Waco, according to the information I have been given is as follows:
1) As early as Sunday afternoon or evening, April 18th (shortly after your conference with President Clinton), calls went in to the Parkland Hospital in Dallas–the very same hospital where President Kennedy was taken after his assassination in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd 1963 — again, at the hands of CIA professional killers — to be prepared to receive a large number of serious burn victims from Waco the following day.
2) On the morning of April 19th, the same Delta Force commando team — actually, a select group of the CIA’s top professional killers — which would have carried what I have referred to above the “penultimate plan,” had it been approved — was on the ground in Waco to carry out all aspects of the “wet” operation planned for that Monday.
3) This mass murder was then to be covered up and made to look like a “mass suicide” — just like Jonestown — thereby layering one monstrous CIA lie upon another — since both Waco and Jonestown were CIA mass murders, and not mass suicides.
4) This Delta Force was composed of 15 men in all, headed by a Lieutenant Colonel who was a CIA liaison officer. The group flew into Texas on their own C-130 transport plane, parked it at the Waco or Dallas airport all day, then departed once their “dirty work” had been completed. The plane belongs to Triangle.
5) Among the 15 men in this larger group, there were two (2) smaller operational teams — the 4-man team which actually made the insertion into the compound, as described in detail below, and a back up team, which apparently was never used.
6) These were all dressed in black — black pants, black shoes, black jackets, black gas masks, black gloves — very poetic for a black or wet operation — and were dressed to look like all the other FBI officers on the ground — probably even wearing jackets with FBI insignias on them (though I am not certain of this), so that to any outside observer, there would have been virtually no way of telling these four men apart from any of the other federal officers on the scene at the time.
7) The whole nation watched on TV that morning as the FBI used M1-A1 tanks to punch holes in the exterior walls of the compound’s living quarters. We were later told that at the same time they had battered down these walls, the tanks had also lobbed massive quantities of a very virulent form tear gas into the compound.
8) This tear gas had been designed to be used for crowd control — i.e. it was so virulent and irritating that even in a fresh air out of doors situation, it was guaranteed to cause people to flee from its presence simply in order to be able to breathe.
9) Now, it was being used in a closed, indoor, living quarters situation where 95 men, women and children were trapped inside. The logical expectation would have been that all 95 of these persons would have fled out-of-doors instantly, just to be able to breath. But strangely, not a single person came out of the compound — even after this noisome substance had been poured into the compound in enormous quantities over a period of several hours.
10) The logical therefore arises: Why? Why did not ANY of these 95 men, women and children — particularly the women and children — instantly flee for fresh air into the out of doors? The answer we have been given by the news media and the official FBI spokesman is that David Koresh and his cult members had stockpiled and outfitted themselves with gas masks.
11) The real truth, however, is much more sinister and cold-blooded. For what actually happened here is that the tear gas — as virulent and noisome as it was — was only the mask or cover for the real active ingredient being propelled by the tanks into the compound.
What was actually propelled into the compound was a nerve reagent — a neuro toxin — NERVE GAS a virulent poisonous substance like curare — which instantly paralyzed and rendered totally helpless and defenseless all of the 95 men, women and children inside the compound — except for those 9, later rescued, like David Thibideaux, who were on the 2nd and 3rd floor with their windows wide open on both sides, and who were thus spared the deadly effects of this tear gas/nerve gas combination.
For all the others, they could no longer coordinate their muscles in the effort required even just to get up, much less flee to the life sustaining fresh air outside, only a few feet away.
This is an extremely serious matter, Attorney General Reno. For it means that here the U.S. military, the FBI, and the Justice Department — directed by the CIA — used nerve gas on innocent men, women and children in our civilian population — and then proceeded to murder them in cold blood, as is set out in detail below. This clearly rises to the level of War Crimes on a civilian population during peace time, an unspeakable human rights violation.
And it was committed by our intelligence community against innocent men, women and children — simply to bury the truth concerning the CIA’s criminal use of mind control programming to “manufacture” “Manchurian Candidate type” robot assassins whose very existence is an unspeakable outrage, in and of itself.
12) After this deadly tear gas/nerve gas combination had had time to do its debilitating and paralyzing work on all the men, women and children in the compound, 4-man “Delta Force” team — actually some of the CIA’s top professional assassins — made its entry into the compound. Fittingly for a black operation, they were dressed all in black, from head to toe, as stated above.
13) They were dropped onto the roof of the compound by one of the several low-flying, heavily armed military helicopters which hovered overhead throughout much of the day — while all of the television cameras were focused on the outside of the building at ground level — for example, focusing on the tanks which had just lobbed the tear gas/nerve gas combination into the building. The actual insertion into the building came at approximately 10:25AM.
14) Before they entered the compound, however, this four man team of assassins had received shots of atropine, the antidote to the nerve gas, so that they, too, would not be overcome and paralyzed by it.
15) According to the testimony given before the House Judiciary Committee on the day of your testimony, Attorney General Reno, the fires in the Branch Davidian compound did not become visible until approximately 11:45AM that morning. This means that the team had something in the neighborhood of one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes, or so, in which to do their “dirty work”, and then to make their escape.
16) The murder of David Koresh:
One of the first things they did, obviously, was to go into the so-called communications center, just off the kitchen, where they found, and quickly subdued and killed, David Koresh, along with any of his close associates who were nearby. David Koresh was killed with a single bullet to the middle of the forehead, about an inch above the eyes, fired from a distance of about four inches away.
In this regard, an article on page A-3 of The Washington Post, on Tuesday, May 18th, 1993, is directly relevant. It quotes noted forensic pathologist, Dr Cyril H Wecht of Pittsburg, who had recently completed an independent autopsy of the bodies of David Koresh and Steve Schneider, one of his chief lieutenants, as saying that the gunshot wound in the middle of the forehead, which killed Koresh, and the gunshot wound in the back of the head, which killed Schneider, are “not typical of suicide.”
And no wonder! They were, in fact, NOT killed by suicide at all. This was a calculated, carefully planned, cold-blooded mass murder…
17) From the communications center, the “wet” team then fanned out throughout the rest of the compound, and methodically “took out”(i.e. murdered) all of the other six (6) CIA “sleepers” they would have murdered earlier, in what I have called the “penultimate plan”, had that plan been allowed to go forward, plus a number of other persons along the way….
18) The remaining task for this “wet” team — after the multiple murders, described above, had been carried out — while they were still inside, was to place 3 or 4 canisters of “Willie Peter” (White Phosphorus) in strategic locations throughout the compound in order to start the fires.
These canisters were all equipped with delayed timing devices, all set to go off simultaneously — apparently at or before 11:45AM, that’s when the fires were actually sighted by outside observers on the scene.
White phosphorus is one of the most fearsome incendiary devices imaginable, and is therefore a favorite of the CIA’s “wet” teams. It ignites instantly, immediately burns with white hot intensity, and consumes, beyond all recognition, everything in its path — thereby destroying all possible forensic evidence — and covering, as well as one can possibly imagine, the trail of assassins (like this particular “wet” team) who want to try and claim later that their actual mass murder was merely a “mass suicide” or a “tragic accident.”
CIA “wet” teams have also been known to corner their intended targets into a closed quarter, and then throw “Willie Peter” into their midst, so that these victims are instantly immolated right before the teams’ eyes.
The fire which “Willie Peter” produces is so intense, and the combustion so complete, that victims — as was the case here in Waco — can only be identified by their dental records.
But here, because the team itself was inside the closed quarters, they had to use delayed timing devices on the “Willie Peter” canisters — to give themselves time to make their own exit before the entire compound was consumed in the monumental conflagration we all watched in horror on television.
19) Notice that this explanation of how the fires started comports with the observations on the scene — with what the television cameras at ground level recorded, and with what the military helicopters and their infrared cameras overhead observed — i.e., that 3 or 4 fires started simultaneously at different places in the compound. And then these separate fires spread rapidly (because of the wood construction, the straw which was everywhere, the high winds, and the white hot “Willie Peter” incendiary devices which had started these separate blazes in the first place), until they became united into a cohesive whole, involving the entire compound, which became far more destructive than the sum of these separate smaller fires, until it ultimately became a massive conflagration which consumed everything in sight.
One possible contrary explanation, which has been offered by commentators and the “tragic accident theory” advocates, is that the tear gas sprayed into the compound by the tanks…(ignoring the fact that what was injected was NOT just tear gas but a tear gas/nerve gas combination) was itself a combustible substance, that one of the tanks, in punching holes in the exterior walls, had accidentally knocked over a kerosene lantern or container, and that the kerosene had then ignited the tear gas, which resulted in the conflagration.
This “tragic accident” theory, however, simply does NOT square with the known facts, preserved on videotape, because the compound did NOT explode into a massive fireball all at once (as would have been the case if the tear gas itself had been combustible, and had ignited by a torch, like lighted kerosene).
20) The other point to be made here is that, while the “wet” team did kill many of those inside the compound prior to setting the fires (by means of the “Willie Peter” canisters on delayed timing devices, discussed above) they apparently did NOT murder (at least, directly) ALL of the 86 men, women and children who ultimately died in the tragedy — meaning that many of those who died were left paralyzed by the nerve gas, unable to get up or free themselves from this disaster in progress, and were thus consigned to being consumed alive in the giant conflagration brought on by the white phosphorus.
And those consigned to this horrible fiery fate — being burned alive — apparently included men, women and children.
21) The bottom line here is that 86 men, women and children died — i.e. they were murdered — in the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993 — ALL at the hands of the 4 members of this CIA “wet” team, operating under cover of the “Delta Force”.
22) The bottom line is also that high-ranking officials in our government…
— though NOT yourself, Attorney General Reno, and NOT President Clinton —
…including senior Reagan and Bush Administration holdovers in the Justice Department, the FBI, the BATF, the Pentagon and the CIA — all knew in advance of this Waco operation was designed from the start to be a mass murder in which only those few individuals whom the CIA had targeted in advance to be saved would be allowed to survive — and that ALL of the other 86 men, women and children in the compound would be murdered in cold blood by these CIA Delta Force assassins.
23) I mentioned on page 30 above that one of the uses the CIA makes of its mind control sophistication is to implant memory blocks into the subconscious memories of its top professional assassins — in order to allow them to live with what they have done, and NOT to be overcome by flashbacks and nightmares of their “handiwork.”
Note Well: But I have been informed that those memory blocks are NOT holding very well in this instance and that some or all of the four (4) members of this particular “wet” team are sickened by what they were ordered to do, and what they did, in fact, “accomplish”, in Waco on April 19th. To these hardened, seasoned professional assassins, it was all “too easy”. The people inside the compound (as a result of the nerve gas) simply “never had a chance.”
See the postscript to this document at: (Link doesn’t work. ~ BP)
For many Americans, Waco represented the nightmare their government had become. On February 28, 1993 federal BATF agents arrived at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. They used the pretext that the Davidians failed to pay a small fine on a minor firearms charge. Apparently the government believes Christians who own guns are a greater threat than street gangs, who have turned entire sections of cities into war zones.
Instead of knocking on the front door, they jumped out of the back of their truck, and stormed the compound, shooting their machine guns at the building, supposedly to arrest leader David Koresh, who quite frequently went jogging outside of the compound and often drove into town to pick up groceries. The government could have easily arrested him without incident.
They weren’t interested in simply arresting Koresh. They wanted to make a statement. They wanted a confrontation. The Branch Davidians who originally opened the front door to greet them had to slam it shut to save their lives. Several Davidians and BATF agents were injured and killed. The BATF claimed the Davidians shot at them, however the door showed 13 bullet holes coming from the OUTSIDE IN, and none going from the inside out. This door mysteriously disappeared and has never been found (funny how these things happen in cases like this, isn’t it?). For 51 days we watched the puppet politicians and media vilify Koresh and the Davidians as agents of the US government surrounded the compound, cut off power, cut off phone service so the people inside could not tell their side of the story to the public. They set up loudspeakers outside the compound and loudly played the sounds of pigs being slaughtered and heavy metal music 24 hours a day.
It all ended on April 19, 1993 when Delta Force agents showed up dressed to kill in Gestapo black uniforms. They hopped into their A-1 tanks and punched holes into the side of the building. They then flooded the building with nerve gas, and apparently started a fire that consumed the building and caused the deaths of 86 of the men, women, and children inside. Although the American public was brainwashed to view Koresh as a sexual maniac with dozens of dazed followers in his hypnotic thrall, the truth was far from that officially endorsed deception.
David Koresh was not the raving lunatic who the media and FBI demonized on a daily basis. Koresh wasn’t an unstable egotist who sought solace and validation in any oddball religion that came down the pike. He was born and raised a Davidian, a religion whose origins stretch back to 1934. Far from a Jim Jones figure with a fly-by-night theology, Koresh was a seemingly devout man with a lifelong understanding of the Biblical scriptures, and his followers appreciated that. This clearly symbolized how we live under a de facto executive dictatorship. The White House never felt the need to ask permission of the Congress before it undertook the raid, and the Congress never raised a serious challenge to the White House’s assertion of complete sovereignty. Our elected representatives and media provided the illusion of participatory government, while Reno and various anonymous and unelected underlings held the reins of government and abused their power on a horrific scale.
Waco was neither a leftwing nor rightwing issue. It is instead an issue that transcends such political categories and cuts to the most profound of questions as to what kind of country this is, what kind it should be, and the very meanings of liberty and tyranny. At Waco, the U.S. government treated the Branch Davidians as any total state might treat its most alienated subjects. It broke into their home aggressively, shot at them recklessly and mockingly defiled their graves. It blocked off their water and their communications with family, counsel and the press. It waged psychological warfare on them. It showed no mercy on the little children that it gassed. It imprisoned the survivors, including one man who wasn’t even in the building during the siege. The Davidians were effectively dehumanized by the central state’s lapdog press, and so all too few voices, even on the hyper-sensitive left, came to their defense when Clinton and Reno’s federal police stampeded them under their weight.
There are always groups that receive less sympathy when they go head to head with the state, and the ruling class knows it and thrives off it. For years, in different ways and to varying extents, it’s also been gun owners, pro life activists, home-schoolers, divorced fathers, and independent entrepreneurs among others. It can be one group that endures the jackboot today and a seemingly opposing group that suffers tomorrow. But the primary concern for a free society is not which kinds of people should have their freedom smashed. The real concern is liberty for all. The capacity of the state to divide peaceful people into groups and set them against one another is its capacity to oppress. When anyone is victimized by the state, all who believe in and love the universal values of freedom, as well as the finer principles on which America was founded, have a moral obligation to oppose it. A government that can get away with what it did at Waco is essentially unleashed, constrained only by its own whim.
After Waco it was becoming more popular to criticize the government and there was more open hatred of their tactics. At that time it was mostly the right that spoke out against unchecked government power, erosions of the Bill of Rights, and the imperial executive. But the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City, which occurred on Waco’s two-year anniversary, saved the Clinton presidency and government from a population becoming angry at government abuses of power as it’s partisans successfully blamed the terrorist attack on anti-government attitudes.
After the OKC bombing, suddenly we were to believe that even the mild criticism of government heard on mainstream conservative radio was aiding the terrorists. Then the most dramatic change occurred with 9-11. After that it became even more politically incorrect to openly criticize government excesses, whether under Bush or Obama. One side will accuse the other of of siding with “the terrorists”.
Waco is a reflection of a greater problem. Look at the many laws and policies in America leading up to Waco, and Waco shouldn’t be any surprise. Look at Waco, and the post 9-11 Homeland Security police state falls into place. The continuity between the Clinton and Bush and Obama presidencies on issues of civil liberties demonstrate something that many people don’t want to wrap their minds around. America’s police state is utterly bipartisan. It is designed to persist and indeed extend its reach with each administration, no matter the party in charge. In fact, the political party illusion serves to distract people from the real issues, the state’s trampling of our liberties, and instead devote their hopeful attention and energy to getting one dictatorial gang elected rather than the other.
Both Clinton and Bush, and now Obama have gotten away with massive prosecutorial abuses, federal police brutality and dramatic attacks on due process for the accused, all while the people have argued over which side is the worse liar and central manager and not how best to restore liberty in America. So Bush’s Patriot Act was condemned by the left while he was in office, but Obama’s and Clinton’s assaults on privacy are ignored or encouraged. The right called Clinton’s seizure of Elian Gonzalez tyrannical, but thought Bush had the “inherent authority” to detain and abuse people without trial or due process. The left lamented how loyally the mainstream media toed Bush’s line on WMD in Iraq, but wasn’t nearly as critical when the media parroted Clinton’s Kosovo war propaganda.
Obama’s and Clinton’s gun grabbing are decried as totalitarian by the right, whereas the Bush federal government got away with door-to-door gun confiscations in New Orleans after Katrina. The federal response to Katrina alone should have lost Bush all of his support among those who found Waco unacceptable.
The worst of this problem of the bipartisan police state is seen in the “they did it, so why can’t we?” form of argument. How many times did we hear Bush’s defenders cite something horrifying that Clinton did or said as evidence that Bush’s actions weren’t as beyond the pale as his critics claimed, after all? This is a disingenuous line of argument coming from those who lambast Obama or Clinton. But it is effective so long as Americans care more about their team winning the electoral championship every four years than about the fact that the whole game is fixed. If Clinton’s officials conducted a large civilian massacre on American soil, should Bush have been allowed to as well?
One interesting thought experiment is to ponder what would have happened if it had been Bush who torched the Branch Davidian home. My guess is that he’d get away with it just as Clinton did. In contrast, however, the American right would not be nearly as outraged as it was, or pretended to be, in the early 1990s. The left, on the other hand, would be quite enraged, far more than it actually was in 1993. It might even point out that half of Bush’s victims at the Waco siege were persons of color. As it actually happened, the left didn’t even notice the demographics of the slaughtered. You see, the establishment left typically saves the race card to play in partisan games.
America’s had this bipartisan police state for a long time. It was Republican Abraham Lincoln who waged war on half the country and suspended the Bill of Rights in the other half. It was Democrat Woodrow Wilson who really honed the art of imprisoning dissenters. It was the Republicans in the 1920s who adamantly enforced alcohol prohibition. Democrat Franklin Roosevelt tossed the Japanese Americans in concentration camps. When Republicans turned the heat on leftists during the Cold War, they were only emulating their Democrat predecessors’ surveillance and harassment of Old-Right and far-left dissenters in the 30s and 40s.
Both Republicans and Democrats are fervently pro-gun control. Neither party has ever done anything significant to rein in the IRS. And just as Clinton’s men helped to whitewash the massacre at Ruby Ridge, which occurred on the first Bush’s watch, Republican fixers were eager to cover up the Clinton administration’s wrongdoing at Waco.
The trend continues today. Although Obama and his cadre have set some precedents, the Republican opposition offers little hope. Bush spied on Americans with no regard for the Bill of Rights or even the meager statutory restraints imposed on him, and all the Democrats did was whine that they weren’t in on the snooping, and that next time they wanted to be informed. Of course, they all have an interest in keeping the police state healthy and strong. The idea that the Democrats are more sensitive to civil liberties while at the empire’s helm is too absurd for words. Obama’s abuses of power far outshine any of his predecessors.
Waco should remind us that Democrats are no more restrained than the Republicans when it comes to being “tough on crime,” if all that entails is using the bludgeon of state power against all social elements the ruling class has deemed less than human. It should also remind us that that bludgeon is no more surgically precise or benevolent no matter who wields it, and how corrupting it is for those who do. This should have been obvious to all, as the Bush government turned Iraq into one big Branch Davidian compound.
If ever Americans are to have their rightful liberty, a political realignment must emerge that shatters the dishonest and distracting constructs of left and right, Democrat and Republican, and focuses instead on liberty versus the state. Asking a liberal what he thinks of Waco, or Obama’s list of abuses might give you an idea of whether he tends toward liberty or statism. Asking a conservative about Iraq or the door-to-door gun confiscations in New Orleans after Katrina may provide similar illumination. The atrocity apologists on left and right should be seen as on the same side on the issue of state power, and those of us who oppose mass murder must work together against the criminal bipartisan police state.
R. J.E., Anthony Gregory