PressTV: US mainstream media misleading public
By Tim King
My highlighting.m.l.p.
They also inescapably know that their national economy has been hijacked and over-exploited to the point of no return due to massive investments in the bottomless pit of military spending.
The stranglehold on this system of abuse is the same entity that once worked with the Civil Rights Movement, and ended a terrible war in Vietnam; mainstream media. In print and through radio, TV and online, the corporate driven agencies that once showed the horror of war and covered protests with open minds, today parrots government propaganda without question, displaying a far different version of “news” than the early journalistic giants like Edward R. Murrow of CBS News, who insisted that truth remain at the center of reporting. They, the early television broadcasters, pulled Americans from the fog of news propaganda that enveloped the US during the first half of the 20th Century. Groups like Hearst Newspapers were government tools just like the daily newspapers are today, but there was a golden period of truth in media during the 1950′s, 60′s and 70′s, but it is over in traditional channels. Oh they relate true stories all day long, but they also publicize government information and present it without questions.
The trillions invested in military spending have bankrupted the American soul, and today an adherence to absolute truth is practically an alien notion. Truth costs money, it prevents and blocks profits and it is an enemy of the entire military for profit culture. Huddled masses today live as homeless indigents, rather than hopeful citizens with an eye on the future. They are kept in the dark by a national news media that convinces the public that Bush and Obama’s desire to wage unjust, illegal war is somehow acceptable.
No Hidden Agenda
Those paying close attention know we are watching America enter what will likely be the final phase of existence. Some of the people who benefited the most from the war in Iraq; former Vice President Dick Cheney and Erik Prince, founder of the mercenary firm, Blackwater XE, today live in Dubai. They were never paving the road for a better America, they even jumped ship and they are far from alone.
The stark reality is that the massively disproportionate utilization of taxpayer contributions for weapons of war screams to be the center of all reporting about taxation. Yet the right wing politicians and their media mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reily and Ann Coulter, traditionally attribute these problems to programs created to nurture and aid the poor. This treacherous theory is preposterous because any examination of the slice of pie that goes toward welfare programs to aid struggling Americans is miniscule; dwarfed enormously by spending on military and tax breaks for the rich, and to support, quite blindly, the Israeli regime and other countries that commit crimes against humanity in an unchecked and unchallenged manner. In fact the US embraces countries that routinely abuse people over gender, religion, culture and sexual orientation, like Saudi Arabia.
There is also the terrible toll the aggressive US overseas wars takes on the planet and human health. Depleted Uranium (DU) was widely used and dropped on human beings in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq, not only killing but contaminating the ground, air and water with radiation that will go on killing and deforming babies for hundreds of years or more. Add to that the fact that one out of every ten Americans lives within 10 miles of a contaminated military base, and veterans all over the nation are dying of cancer from toxic military base contamination, and you begin to see the non-winnable pattern that is at hand. The lack of funding for the care of Veterans who are damaged by the same military business partnership underscores the problem with the lack of planning and lack of consideration that define American politics today.
This is the reality of the modern American military and electing an African-American President from the Democratic party has had almost no positive impact on the deteriorating national landscape.
Each glimmer of hope in America is tempered by the desires of warring politicians and organizations that seek to undermine the fabric bonding people everywhere in this new age of Internet awareness. With the help of the compliant media, stories about protests are suppressed, and criticism of the heartless corporate structure softened. The severity of the problems driven by the US government thus minimized, the minions of the Koch brothers and others do and vote as they are told, perpetuating the nightmare.
At the center of all of the recent US wars, is an apparent drive to wage war on Muslim people. Former US President George W. Bush compared his wars overseas to the Christian Crusade. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim (and Christian) people were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of the US wars and the unstated US goals of radical destabilization in Iraq are coming to bear, in recent major fighting that is seeing religious radicals take control from the Iraqi Army, which uses American HUMVEE’s and other equipment to continue its civil war, launched by George W. Bush in 2003.
A September 2012 article by Culture of Life News, “US Continues To Warmonger As World Slides Into Confrontations And Chaos”, states:
“While nakedly conducting a quite cynical war against virtually all Muslims who aren’t US dictators, the government here has to pretend we are ‘liberating’ people even as the same people doing this liberation stuff hate the people they are ‘rescuing’ and end up being open looting expeditions. In Afghanistan, the extraction of valuable minerals shoots forwards with the aid of various war lords, for example. In Libya, it is the theft of oil profits that matter the most. But the restive Muslim people in the streets are gaining the upper hand and causing a great deal of trouble for various rulers.”
One small comfort is that those calling the shots and driving the United States further toward the cliff, fail to observe and appreciate the solidarity that does exist among peaceful people and leaders, but that could change if media could somehow be forced to confront issues with questions rather than nodding heads. The Occupy Wall Street Movement, Anonymous, and other groups like the Tea Party and Oathkeepers, have demonstrated in large numbers, showing Americans that public involvement in politics and utilization of important Civil Rights remains a priority for many. When these movements can find their common ground they will find themselves numbering in the millions and perhaps a difference can be realized. The political divides are narrowing.