9/11 & Israeli Apartheid, The Kiss of Death for World Zionism . . . DO NOT FAIL TO READ THIS!!!!!
Source: Veterans Today
May 31, 2014
Thanks to G.
9/11 & Israeli Apartheid, The Kiss of Death for World Zionism
9/11 & Israeli Apartheid, The Kiss of Death for World Zionism
… by Preston James
The world literally turned against the Government of South Africa and its Apartheid, eventually causing its collapse.
The same thing is now happening to Israel over the Apartheid for the Palestinians it now holds captive in the world’s largest open air prison camp.
The whole world is turning against Israel for its Apartheid against Palestinians and massive, illegal theft of Palestinian lands and destruction of their households.
But there is a background story that is responsible and it involves the covert works of numerous high ranking Intel Cowboys inside American Intel who are dedicated America-firsters and have been working hard to restore America as a Constitutional Republic. Only some of this story can now be told, but eventually perhaps the rest will come out.
It was only a matter of time for Citizens of the World to focus on Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians and the massive, illegal theft of Palestinian land by Khazarian “fake Hebrew” imposters.
And now most of Europe, especially its University students and youth are fully aware of the massive and illegitimate land theft of Palestinian lands by these Khazarian “fake Hebrews” imposters.
And the Europeans are now fully aware of the abject tyranny and monstrous abuses fomented against Palestinians by these Israeli “fake Hebrew” invaders who repeatedly steal more and more Palestinian land, and demo Palestinian houses to clear that land and build illegal Israeli settlements there.
And as concerns about Israeli oppression, tyranny, arrests and serial mass-murder against Palestinians by these fake Hebrew Israelis rises, numerous European Corporations are divesting from anything associated with Israel. And now some American Corporations are starting to divest from any investment related to Israel also.
This realization inside the US Military High Command by America-firsters and those loyal to America only has triggered a major lane change of US Policy towards Israel and an aversion to fighting any new wars on behalf of the WZs and Israel.
And like what happened in Europe, it cannot be stopped. Despite all the desperate efforts by the formerly the all powerful AIPAC, ADL and B’nai B’rith. Each of these World Zionist (WZ) espionage fronts has actually been covertly defanged recently by Intel Cowboys working inside the American Intel establishment and the Department of Defense. This is a major change in the “prevailing winds” inside American Intel and the DOD and is the most significant correction to the WZ/Israeli-staged 9/11 Gladio-style, false flag attack that has occurred.
And the occurrence of the major Snowden disclosures of serious NSA RICO crimes of warrantless spying against all Americans and much of the world at about the same approximate time are no mere coincidence.
But the real turning point inside some top levels of American Intel, and especially the high military command, was the realization that the WZ’s used Israel, Bush Crime Cabal lackeys inside the highest echelons of the JCS, NORAD, the NSA, and the USAF with major guidance from the Mossad and the top of the Israeli Government, certain select NeoCons and PNACer Israel-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens traitors, and the top controllers of AIPAC who are covert Israeli espionage agents that have infiltrated and parasitized America.
You want names? Watch the following video and add to this the following names Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Meyers, George Bush 1 & 2.
In fact this infiltration has gotten so bad that Israel, the main action-agents of the World Zionists (WZs), have been able to completely hijack American Intel and now have all NSA raw data feeds downloaded by satellite directly to Israel. And numerous private DOD contractors based in Israel have been able to hijack most of the phone billing records, credit card and credit transactions of all Americans.
In spite of how sinister and depressing this situation has become with infiltration and hijacking of American institutions by the WZs, there has been a major change in the prevailing winds inside the top echelons of American Intel. Certainly this change has been long justified because of all the sinister crimes of these WZ (IZCS) infiltrators and hijackers inside America.
It is important to note that WZs are comprised of a relatively small number and not all are Judaics. In fact World Zionisms origins go back to the “Teutonic Knights” and the European Nobility efforts to capture and dominate Jerusalem during the Crusades. It is the same families that are still trying to occupy and control Jerusalem. The reasons for their obsession with this will be disclosed in a later article but is related to their Luciferian beliefs and participation in “Satanic hooded black mass” worship with human sacrifice.
It is also important to note that all wars are Bankster Wars, that is, they are pre-arranged and orchestrated by the City of London Zionist private Central Banksters and their franchise associated central banks all over most of the world. No one has done a better job exposing this than Michael Rivero. If you have the time you will probably find this video quite revealing.
YouTube - Veterans Today -
Do not assume if a person is of the Judaic faith, he or she is a Zionist, because most aren’t.
It is also important to note that few of the Judaic faith are Zionists, but many Judaics are conned into providing support to WZ’s financially and otherwise due to WZs playing on their Racial Survival Delusion. It is also important to note that numerous Judaics, especially some Orthodox Judaics are anti-zionist but get no media coverage due to the WZ’s hijacking of America’s Major Mass Media.
Those that the WZs don’t “own” they typically blackmail or coerce to do their will using sophisticated psyops and human compromise operations. The amount of fear most politicians and USG officials have towrds these WZ sheep-dipped as PNACers, Top NeoCons, AIPAC, the ADL and B’nai B’rith and the associated Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens has been monumental until lately. But now all this has been changing and much of the credit must go to the work of the Intel Cowboys inside American Intel at the mid to high ranges.
It would be very liberating for those Judaics held captive by this WZ generated and deployed racial survival delusion to become informed about its origin (a very crafty psyops deployed by the city of London based WZs). It would be a stark but liberating realization for these Judaics to learn and understand that it was the City of London WZs that used Hitler and a core group of the Nazis to seize them, confiscate their property and place them in Internment work camps where many died. And all done in order to create this racial survival delusion which would serve as continuing cover for the worldwide criminal operations of the WZ’s IZCS.
Those of the Judaic faith could then understand that they have been played all along and used to further the cause of WZs rather than anything long term that would help them. Yes, it now appears that many mainstream Judaics, especially those living in Israel, have been set up by the WZs for a coming persecution.
In fact it is now becoming quite obvious that the WZs have set up the conditions for worldwide persecution of those of the Judaic faith by placing them in this huge trap where they will likely be blamed for the crimes against humanity of the WZs in Palestine and all around the world such as the 9/11 attacks and numerous Mossad arranged terror bombings and their part in int motivated by belief in this false racial survival delusion.
Fifty years of infiltration, hijacking and occupation of America by WZ’s and their main action agents Israel and American-Israeli “Israeli-first” dual citizen Traitors has nearly bankrupted America. It has also taken America into endless perpetual wars for the WZs, their Banksters and Israel all paid for by the secret fraud by the private Central Banksters using phony debt-based money to transfer the wealth of hard working Americans along with many illegal taxes. This, along with the WZ bought “Free-Trade” legislation in Congress that Ross Perot warned about (the “big sucking sound”), has all been part of the WZ’s secret agenda to destroy America for the City of London Zionists and destroy all American Goyim once and for all.
Part of this secret WZ Agenda is to transform America into a Police State with an Internal WZ army that can be deployed against the American People (Department of Homeland Security, occasionally called “Homoland Security” by some due to the history of some in top positions who exercised radical discrimination and instituted bad job assignments against straight hetero-male DHS management who had not been “dirtied up” or human compromised.
One example of this was rumored to have been for certain male managers being ordered to move their offices, desks and all into the male lavatories.
As many now realize most major police departments have been trained by the ADL and ISF clones to view the average American as a potential domestic terrorist and have mind-kontrolled them with constant on pulsed beam operated microwave shoulder held police radios which entrain aggressiveness in many of their brains.
It is known by some high level Intel Insiders that the WZ has a long history of infiltrating and occupying the USG and filling the landscape and the Major Mass media that they control with numerous, repetitive Luciferian symbols they believe cast spells on “we the people” and bring them under their spiritual influence and demonic power. You may not believe this works, but some experts believe the proliferate display of these symbols can constitute sophisticated mind-kontrol on “we the people”.
Due to some recent “changes” in the high command of the US Military and American Intel, you will soon see more and more effects of a wooden stake being driven through the heart of the WZ/IZCS vampire and a near complete or complete disempowering of the WZ/IZCS espionage fronts inside America as well as the disempowering and perhaps demise of the WZ controlled NSA.
The NSA is now part of a very large worldwide IZCS, which is actually a RICO Criminal Syndicate which takes orders from the City of London Zionist private Central Banksters, Israeli leaders, and heads of Israeli DOD contractors who have infiltrated and hijacked American Intel including and especially the criminal NSA.
The NSA has been run by WZ controlled Traitors and Infil-Traitors for many years, and yet they have the balls to accuse Snowden of being a traitor for reporting their massive crimes against “We the People”.
Most important, in the near future you will see a major change coming for the NSA and the associated RICO criminals who sit at its helm and control it and are using it to completely violate the US Constitution and Bill of Rights on behalf of the WZs, especially those who control the new NSA mega-spying facility in Bluffdale, Utah.
Soon you will see the NSA having its wings severely clipped and control over it being taken back by the American high Military Command, which now is staffed by numerous America-Firsters and soldiers who know the truth about how the WZ’s deployed the 9/11 false-flag attack with help from numerous cutouts and traitors inside America.
Soon it will no longer be possible for a head of the NSA to lie through his teeth to Congress and to the American People and get away with it without being charged with felony perjury and get 20 years in prison as this “creature of the night” should have. No matter how hard the WZ and the NSA try to stop this process of its disassembling, it is far too late for them, and the only thing they can do is to try to start WW3 in the Mideast or the Ukraine or start a full scale American Civil War. If they attempt do either, they will probably also be finished.
You may see the NSA losing half its funding eventually or if not that being dis-empowered through major legislation in response to major political pressures from European allies and “We the People”. there are some things which the NSA has become involved in which are extremely alarming and will be disclosed soon by Edward Snowden and others.
The Snowden disclosure was the nexus of numerous converging factors behind the eventual complete exposure and coming demise of the RICO criminals who seized it and have been attempting to use it to create the basis for transforming America into GAZA 2, the largest open air prison camp in the world.
At present, WZs have transformed Palestine into the largest open air prison camp in the world and made all Palestinians living there prisoners of their Apartheid war to establish “Greater Israel”, one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history. And many Europeans are confused how the Israelis can be acting like hard core Nazis that they supposedly hated and had established Israel as a refuge against such future tyranny.
It is known by some Intel insiders that sometime in the future, many if not most of the NSA wiretaps, raw data and “evidence” which has all been recorded and stockpiled will be released on the worldwide internet for all to view and listen to. This will prove that the NSA had raw data evidencing all Viet Nam related USG/CIA drug trafficking, proof that the NSA knew where almost every American POW/MIA has been and which ones are still in captivity, how Kissinger ordered the US Army and Navy to assassinate as many American POWs and MIAs as possible using mercenary or special ops sniper teams and eventually VX poison gas dispensed by carrier based aircraft (admitted by Admiral Moorer–known as “Operation Tailwind”).
This will show the complicity of the NSA in all political assassinations including JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X as accessories after the fact covering it up as well as having pre-knowledge but doing nothing.
And most important this NSA raw data which will be shared with the American public will show that the NSA knew who inside the USG and Military and Israeli Intel were planning the 9/11 attacks, and who actually did it, and how it was done specifically, while they did nothing to stop it or bring the perps to justice. The reason the NSA never has done anything to stop these crimes is because they have been part of the City of London run WZ/IZCS RICO crime syndicate from the very start and were set up by the Banksters to serve their own hidden agenda.
Certainly this phony “War on Terror” was created by the WZ use of 9/11 to spook the American masses to blame all Mideast Muslims, to support illegal, Unconstitutional, undeclared proxy wars for Israel. It was also designed to motivate many Americans to be willing to give up many Constitutional Rights for the promise of increased safety from terrorist attacks that were sure to come. The masses were told that, unless they gave up their rights allowing the militarization of the police and the positioning of the National security State against any American who dissents in any way, many acts of terror would occur in the “homeland”.
As all these secrets start coming out, watch these soulless parasites run for cover, but be certain there will be no safety from prosecution anywhere in America unless they obtain immunity agreements and start singing on their higher ups like parakeets. And as some know, this will lead to the Denver Circle of Twelve “Bloodthirsty Ones” (refer to Stew Webb’s excellent website for more information on this (www.stewwebb.com)—he knows firsthand since he was married to a women from a top ranking member of the IZCS years ago before he became a Federal Whistleblower—some trolls have tried to discredit Stew and displace his story but those who spend time studying the available evidence soon realize that Stew’s story is true).
“Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.” Lord Acton
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson
Since the World Zionists were able to rise to power, capturing the City of London financial system with their early Intel on Napoleon’s defeat, they understood that complete secrecy of their existence and evil, Luciferian, occult, death cult practices was essential. They never expected to ever be found out and have always feared a “French Revolution” reaction by the masses if they ever found out.Truth is like an out-of-control freight train coming at them, and they have almost no where to hide anymore. They fear exposure, and yet now they are being completely exposed, and all their formerly secret dirty anti-human deeds are being fully exposed.
That is why they have worked so hard to buy up or stack the top editors with folks they control. They realized that near complete control of the Major Mass media was essential. And it is now generally realized that the worldwide Internet is the wooden stake in their vampire hearts.
That is why you will see their last stand as a major attempt to pass major Unconstitutional laws to restrict and censor the internet in America and even in Europe. It is unlikely this can work, for it will create a major backlash by “We the People”.
These scum have few options left, either get out of America, take their multi-trillion dollar stashes and go into retirement and exile. Or start WW3 in Syria, Iran or the Ukraine, neither of these options any longer appeals to most Euro nations. The only other option they have is to start a major civil war inside America between their National Security Apparatus and “we the people”.
Obviously it is now clearly apparent to anyone with half a brain who studies the evidence available on the Alternative Media of the worldwide Internet that the “visible” American Government has been completely infiltrated and hijacked by the “Invisible” Secret Shadow Government (SSG), which is unfortunately run by several very old, now near-death from natural causes, senior Illuminati or Denver Circle of Twelve Bloodthirsty Ones. However the SSG has numerous “new kids on the block”, many of whom are anti-IZCS and dedicated to actually serving the interests of “we the people”.
It is important to note that the senior WZ/IZCS members refer to themselves as “Illuminati”, and secretly worship Lucifer and consider themselves the top leaders of a worldwide interlinked occult network of Satan-worshipers. These scum live to do evil and acquire more and more money, power and prestige. They care nothing of the average person, and view them as subhuman insects to be destroyed.
This intersection between Satanism, human-sacrifice, pedophilia and the City of London Zionist private Banksters, the Federal Reserve System and the large Wall Street Banks as well as those who run the WZ/IZCS as well as the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) is very important to understand. The fact that the BCC cooperates with the IZCS is quite confusing to many researchers, and it is best to consider them two sides of the same WZ coin. They are partners in this massive worldwide WZ Rico crime syndicate.These folks are all criminal psychopaths and parasites upon humans everywhere and basically comprise a Death Cult. John Kerry criticizes Snowden and says he should man up and surrender to the US Department of Justice. What a notable hypocrite Kerry is. He should man up and tell all of us how he sold his soul to Lucifer when he joined the Skull and Bones (Russell Trust) Death Cult. He should admit that he worships death and believes in mass murdering humans through staged wars and terrorism in order to purify and “preserve” the human race.
The IZCS has been a money-making criminal machine with an endless lust to steal the fruits of other people’s labor and use Americans and NATO troops as cannon-fodder for their Zionist wars of acquisition. Its top members are hard core Satan-worshipers aka Luciferians and they are basically a self-centered, anti-human death cult which practices child pedophilia and child sacrifice at the highest levels.
The IZCS specializes in bribery, human-compromise, theft, fraud, deception, duplicity, lying, murder and mass-murder tyranny, sex-trafficking, pornography, oppression of all sorts and the use of the “divide and conquer” strategy to keep others from catching on to their devilish games of death and destruction.The current VA scandal is merely the tip of the iceberg of the abuse of millions of wonderful American Soldiers who have been served up as cannon fodder to be purposefully sacrificed in WZ/Israeli perpetual wars, all as part of a well developed Agenda to maim and murder American Soldiers and deny many of them any decent medical care. And is now known that the VA has had a secret Agenda to take away the financial rights of many vets and also their rights to own guns for self-defense.
This is a complete abuse of process and blatantly illegal and is a covert way of reducing many vets to institutionalized mental wards of the National Security State with no trial and no personal Constitutional Rights respected. Bureaucratic refusals to provide necessary care for Vets and the faking of related documents is shameful beyond reason and pure evil. And the actual legal/financial liabilities which are potentially prosecutable against these VA and USG perps is fathomless and unimaginable to most, and the financial damages that could be awarded to the Veteran victims since Viet Nam are huge and may approach the national debt.
The only thing worse is sending our wonderful American Soldiers into illegal, Unconstitutional, undeclared wars of aggression for a foreign entity that has been busy for the last 50 years doing espionage inside America against America. Sending the best of America to fight and be used as “cannon fodder” in wars for the Zionist City of London and its main action agent Cutout, Israel, is evil beyond words and a direct threat to the security and future of America. Anyone involved in this has committed Treason and Sedition as well as numerous RICO crimes and felonies as well as crimes against humanity and mass-murder.
Once most vets and Americans in general find out how deep this criminal abuse and neglect goes at the VA, there will be hell to pay for those involved. Many VA top Policy-makers and “top-dogs” should be tried for criminal negligence and murder, and numerous felony offenses as well as RICO.
It is now apparent that many covert things were done to American Troops in Viet Nam to make sure they became either disabled or dead upon returning from this WZ proxy war. One was the use and planned exposure of Agent orange designed to murder or disable American Soldiers. many of those who haven’t died of cancer have paid a horrible price as far as numerous surgeries and various levels of disability.
It is now known that the use of DU was forbidden by the US Military until the wars in the WZ wars in the Mideast occurred. Suddenly all the excess depleted Uranium from numerous reactors could be “discharged” in the battle field. We now know for sure that the use of DU is a plague on the returning American Soldier and a disability or death sentence to many.
It is also now known that a large number of American soldiers were purposefully exposed to a bad mix of nerve agents released by the American bombing of various Iraqi germ warfare weapon dumps, all precursors sold to Saddam Hussein by American Defense Contractors.
And it is also known that various “experimental” obviously toxic vaccines were forcibly given to American Soldiers which has caused numerous deaths and disabilities in American Soldiers who have returned.
All these horrid deaths and disabilities of American soldiers as well as the secret VA plan to take away vets rights to own guns and policies guaranteed to deny them care have been part of a WZ instituted agenda to destroy American Soldiers or at least disable them.
It has been alleged by some top psychotronic experts on the inside that there a secret plan has been deployed to Mind-kontrol American Soldiers to destroy themselves.
If this plan exists as it has been alleged, it is certainly working because approximately twenty-two American Soldiers or vets commit suicide each day. We know that the very insanity of the conditions present that American soldiers have had to fight under in Viet Nam, and all the WZ Mideast proxy Wars for Israel and the Zionist controlled and related war-profiteers directly contribute to suicidal ideation. This should be no surprise. But there is something far more sinister at work here.
This could then be flashed by ultra high tech psychotronics (pulsed beam microwave, Wi-Fi, cell phone tower emissions, ground generated ELF waves forms, or nuclear powered satellite based scalar emissions aimed at specific geographical target areas. It is suspected that these covert emission can be used to entrain the Soldiers or Vet brains and stimulate strong suicidal ideation which can then lead to suicide.
In the months to come you will see many millions of American vets organizing and beginning to apply massive pressure to get the VA medical care they deserve. Well known and respected CIA whistle-blower Gene Chip Tatum has just started a new organization for Vets called Veterans Against VA Corruption, www.vatva.org. Stay tuned because there has been overwhelming interest by many vets in joining just such an organization that will work to help them.
And do not be surprised in the suggestion by noted VT Financial Editor and Radio Show Host Mike Harris is followed. Mike has been suggesting for some years now that the VA budget be transferred into the DOD as a line item. He believes that this change is necessary in order to make Vet’s health needs a major and urgent priority. I think he is right.
Since all recent American wars are World Zionist Bankster wars for profiteering and as proxy wars for Israel, the Department of Defense should have its name changed back to the Department of War the way it was during WW2.
The IZCS gets its horsepower to function from the massive amounts of money “created from nothing with the flick of a pen” by their brothers in crime the Zionists City of London Central Banksters and their associated franchisee the American federal Reserve and the large banks on Wall Street.
But they also have been able to amass astoundingly large amounts of “off the books” unaccountable cash through their illegal USG approved illegal drug Trafficking into America and partnership with the major drug cartels.
Since the IZCS either owns or control all of the six major News Corporations that comprise the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), they have been able to dispense their massive lies, propaganda, deceit and duplicity for over 50 years and have kept most Americans dumbed-down and ignorant of their true agenda. But alas, all this in now in process of changing thanks to the instant truth transmitted around the world at the speed of light by the Internet.
It is high time that the mass, serial crimes of the IZCS get fully exposed to all Americans and dealt with out in the open. These parasitical scum need to be brought to justice and their grip on America and much of the world needs to be broken.
Israeli was set up to function as the main action agent for the WZs centered in the City of London. It was designed to provide all the Intel functions and to infiltrate and hijack American Intel and the US Military. And up until now it has been very successful. But the IZCS went way to far in staging the 9/11 Gladio-style False-flag attack. The IZCS was so arrogant in staging this 9/11 attack that they assumed they could never be exposed for this.
Professor Fetzer’s efforts to associate with top experts in fields necessary to completely disassemble these major criminal conspiracies such as the JFK Assassination, the 9/11 Gladio-style, inside-job, False-flag attack on America, the Boston Bombing Hoax and the Sandy Hook Hoax, have been ultra successful, despite his numerous detractors who become offended by his level of detail explored and his extreme conclusions, many of which have already turned out to be true.
Whether you like Professor Fetzer’s work and the work of the other experts he associates with or not, it must be pointed out that Professor Fetzer has actually started a whole new social fad among thousands of Web surfers who can no longer accept the boiler plate WZ lies dispensed in the controlled American Major Mass Media, three of which are major defense Contractors and the other three are also part of the “WZ club”.Yes, thanks to the efforts of Professor Jim Fetzer, many more like him that are now emerging, hard-core investigative journalism in the alternative Media published on the worldwide Internet has become a new past-time and social sport. The credit for this is predominantly due to the energetic efforts of Professor Jim Fetzer going all the way back to 1992.
The fact is that he and those other researchers he has associated with have cracked almost every single major criminal conspiracy by the USG and the SSG.
Thanks to Professor Fetzer’s group approach to the research of all these major events, it has now become a major new fad and new social sport to utilize the numerous Internet accessible resources now available to debunk the WZ/USG/SSG lies dispensed by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) and expose what really happened in these WZ staged events.
Professor Fetzer has been the true pioneer in this group approach to research using the application of rules of logic and scientific reasoning. And this new fad is now starting to diffuse to mainstream and even is becoming a normal social convention and institution. And all this as you are now seeing the CMMM being displaced by the Alternative News on the worldwide Internet, where Truth spreads like lightning as it resonates in the hearts and minds of all who wish to live without government tyranny and oppression.
There has been a very sinister lie and deception serving as the motivating force for so many Judaics who have been conned into supporting the IZCS and Apartheid Israel. It is the racial delusion that Israeli Judaics are of Hebrew descent and therefore entitled to taking land away from Palestinians and claiming at their own.
And this claim that Israeli Judaics are of Hebrew descent has been shown to be false. After all, respected, peer reviewed genetic research has now shown has shown that very few so-called “Israeli Jews” who claim to descendents of Abraham actually carry any Hebrew Blood at all, and therefore have no right to title of any Palestinian lands whatsoever. The same respected genetic research has also shown that most Palestinians are actually of ancient Hebrew bloodlines.What this means in practical terms is that these most of Israelis claiming to be of ancient Hebrew Blood are actually the “fake Jews” of Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 (KJB) and have absolutely no right to take or occupy any Palestinian lands whatsoever.
And it is now becoming quite clear that the blatant abuses and serial crimes against Palestinians ordered by these WZ leaders of these fake-Hebrews in Israeli has now become the WZ’s Achilles Heel. They should have seen it coming but the depth of their arrogance associated with their deep belief in the racial delusion they created has blocked any rational perception for these world parasites.Now isn’t it interesting that the very term “Holocaust” means “fiery sacrifice” and this is exactly what the WZs set up in Nazi Germany in the 1930′s. naturally this is a hard fact to accept for many but it certainly makes it easier if folks understand that Hitler was a British Agent from the getgo, fully Mind-kontrolled and completely prepared for his demonic role in history at the Tavistock Institute in 1921 & 1922 (see Greg Hallet’s web site for documentation). This use of the so-called “Holocaust” has been synthetically created and managed from the very start in the City of London by World Zionists (WZs). It has been a major tool used to effectively limit any criticism against their Cutouts, espionage fronts and syanims deployed inside America.
Payback is always a bitch and this time it’s going to be a super-bitch.
It was the abject arrogance of the WZs and their belief that their control was so total over American institutions of Government that they could never be exposed or challenged. They drastically underestimated the American human spirit and innate intelligence of many Americans and will eventually pay a very big price for all they have done murdering Americans and for using American Soldiers as cannon-fodder in their Proxy Wars for profit and acquisition. Payback is now on its way and it will be a real bitch for these WZ/IZCS international criminals and anti-human scum.
Are the Intel Cowboys back at it, and are they going at the true source of all major world conflicts this time instead of attacking the symptoms such as Nazi fascism, Japanese Imperialism, or Communism, etc.?
As you ponder these important issues just ask yourself if the recent European attention focused to the blatant, extreme injustices of Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians was just a coincidence. Just maybe it was the covert handiwork of the Intel Cowboys who are now doing the impossible to take the hell caused by 9/11 back to the originators of it all. Maybe someday, sooner than later as secrecy ends and everything becomes known, you will find out for sure. Could it be that the grip of the World Zionists has been so complete, so total that the only way to get at them is through covert means? And are we seeing that in progress now as their whole system is starting to unravel worldwide and come apart at the seams?