It was another great show with Thomas last night, and because he shared so much important information I am going to attempt to summarize the intel portion. I believe it’s important for people to see the situation for what it is, not what they’ve been led to believe it is through other channels—and I’m not placing any blame here.
We all come from different backgrounds with various influences and although we are “awake”, it’s really tough—and growing tougher by the day—to discern what is real and what is illusion. That is by design.
Some find it easier than others to separate the wheat from the chaff. A really kind reader contacted me recently and said that when they listened to Thomas Williams a couple of years ago, they stopped because he told us the RV was not happening, and was not going to happen. They admitted they were not ready to hear that, and never listened to Thomas again until last week. This time, however, his message resonated and they “knew” it was the truth. We all come around in our own time and the “awakening” is progressing very nicely.
If I were to encapsulate the essence of the ‘Truth, Honor & Integrity Shows’, I would say that Thomas may not tell you what you want to hear, but he will always tell you what you need to hear, to the best of his ability. We are all free to take it or leave it.
Thomas described last night’s show this way on the Facebook page:
Packed with fairly heavy and fairly encouraging intel, with a warning and caution of they can still strike back, just with not as much force as they are used to, swamp draining is underway and will eventually reach proportions were I cannot be ignored by the portal people.
A remembrance song was played for one of our fallen soldiers in THI, Rodney DeLoach who passed a year ago this week.
Not sure when next show will be as things are really fluid and active now, stay tuned.
Stay calm and support each other please, we are all we have for now.
TH&I 3-1-18
I’ve been putting emphasis on the financial situation lately, as many of you will note. I don’t dwell on it, and it’s not my primary focus, but sometimes it deserves the lime light and that time is now.
A disproportionate number of souls on Earth/Terra are suffering financially. Some can’t afford to heat their homes, don’t have enough food, health care, a car… some don’t have a home at all and some LIVE in their car. It’s a heartbreaking situation and if I let myself “feel” for all of you, I just couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. I’m so very sorry and I hope you will find something to look forward to each day as we struggle through this unimagined misery toward our ultimate freedom and abundance.
Due to all the lies and disinformation about the RV/GCR, NESARA and the Collateral Accounts, I want to share what I believe to be the truth about it all; and that comes from Thomas and his insider contacts. This is my Truth based on the information I have gleaned over the past ten years, and most recently from Thomas after he was contacted by Kim/Miss Manna and her team who have secured the Collateral Accounts on behalf of Humanity so the cabal cannot ever gain access to them again.
You may not have arrived at the same “truth” I have, but all I can share is my own, and it’s not only information from Thomas Williams that leads me to my belief about the financial system.
If you are familiar with Cobra, you will know he has told us consistently over the past few years that the RV/GCR will never take place until the cabal is completely removed from power or they would just steal it. It only makes sense. At this point the funds cannot be released in full.
It’s not only about the funds, however. Kim also took it upon herself to render the People of America sovereign citizens again. Other countries have expressed their interest in following the blueprint to do the same.
Thomas told us last night that Kim/Miss Manna, the Trustee of the Manna World Holding Trust, was targeted to be abducted again. Fortunately, that failed.
The timeline of events we heard last night was astounding, and yet… QAnon was silent over this period. He didn’t indicate any of these hijinx were unfolding at all. I don’t know how to interpret that.
I took some notes during the show, and this is what I can share about the desperate attempts of the cabal to regain control of the accounts they were skimming for so long, but no longer have access to. I thank Thomas for keeping us in the loop. It puts he and Kim and her team in a dicey spot.
I warn you this sounds more like screenplays for spy thrillers than actual events but the drama on our planet is almost non-stop any more. For anyone who just arrived and is reading this with no preparation, I apologize but you are going to get jolted awake with an ice cold pitcher of water. This is the way it is and you will find plenty of people to corroborate that for you. Welcome to the real world; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The first point revealed the Jesuits worship of the serpent race. That situation reared its ugly head this week and the Jesuits paid the price. The Jesuits still believe (after the actions of Kim/Miss Manna to decree America a sovereign republic again) that they still own the US Military. If that is the case, then they need to pay the bill for the outrageous budget.
On Friday, February 23rd, the Jesuits tried to open a portal to bring in members of their deified serpent race, Lucifer, and others. No one came, the gate closed, and they will not be calling in any reinforcements or gods of any kind in future. As a result, 8 (eight) of the Jesuits were taken out permanently, while some were dealt with in other ways because they violated the Peace Treaty.
No one has any patience for these creatures any more, and their attempts to remain in control will not be tolerated. Over a 48-hour period they admitted they worship Lucifer in the Roman Catholic church.
On Saturday, February 24th, the cabal tried to pull off the RV again. Ten (10) of those who attempted to deliver were shot and killed. You can’t make this up, folks. They just never stop.
On Monday morning, February 26, there was another attempt which failed.
The government then asked Kim and her team to make the funds available on Monday afternoon. The transfer was made, and because the new financial system is transparent, EVERYONE saw that it was done, and of course Bush, Cheney, Obama and the Clinton clan attempted to block it AND steal the funds and put them through the COMEX Group.
This caused a chain reaction and now many foreign leaders know exactly what transpired and at whose hands. The whole world now knows that the funds DO exist, that Kim is the Trustee, and that everything she said was the truth. Subsequently, everything Thomas reported was also the truth.
Then war broke out between the factions.
On Monday night after the transfer, the military showed up again to snatch Kim from her home to prevent the funds going forward where they are needed. That abduction failed again.
This is a very real battle going on behind the scenes and people are getting killed. Cheney may have been taken out. We don’t have confirmation on that yet.
On Tuesday, February 27th, there were more attempts to attack Kim’s team and more goons lost their lives.
On Wednesday, February 28th, there was another attempt to steal the funds. All were present to watch the attempted heist; the military, Pentagon, heads of State from many countries and there is no doubt who is in charge of these funds now, and it isn’t the cabal. All American bank transactions were cancelled until further notice.
The cabal is in sheer panic mode. They have no funds left. As a result, many cabal minions know they were lied to and have now turned to work for the Light.
Thomas put out a message directly to Bush, Cheney, Obama and the Clintons. You were warned, you were duped, and you have a choice. If you choose to now support your country, reach out to Thomas and Kim and her team. They will listen.
We hope this battle played out in the shadows until now will not spill out into the public. Violence is avoided whenever possible will be used as necessary.
Thomas also reported that the Secret Space Program (SSP) has been shut down. All their avenues to assistance, support, and access to points on the planet’s surface are closed off. No one will permit SSP access including their allies. The mountains are alive with openings and access points if you know where they are. You may have seen videos showing holographic images camouflaging an opening into sheer rock.
In closing, the cabal in its entirety is being dismantled now. There is no going back; only forward.
That is the end of the summary. Intend for a peaceful transition. ~ BP
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TH&I 3-1-18