"...every serious candidate, from both of the main political parties, are compelled to sign a contract not to prosecute the war criminal U.S. presidents who have served before them. This stipulation is both non-negotiable and binding throughout their term, should they be elected. Every U.S. President is actually recruited for their ability to sell American warmongering the world over. This type of salesmanship is, BY FAR, the single most important trait that a presidential nominee can possess...."
John F. Kennedy Set The Bar Very High
"...First, that every serious candidate, from both of the main political parties, are compelled to sign a contract not to prosecute the war criminal U.S. presidents who have served before them. This stipulation is both non-negotiable and binding throughout their term, should they be elected. Every U.S. President is actually recruited for their ability to sell American warmongering the world over. This type of salesmanship is, BY FAR, the single most important trait that a presidential nominee can possess.
Even John F. Kennedy had passed their (TPTB) test by initially escalating the war in Vietnam. Then he got smart and aborted their war plans. Because JFK eventually left the reservation with such a vengeance, this specific promise not to prosecute previous presidents — for any serious crimes whatsoever — is now considered an inviolable sacred cow to TPTB. Therefore, every elected president must comply, on pain of death, should they violate this solemn oath.
Each and every president, after Kennedy, has knowingly and willingly committed high crimes and misdemeanors as a matter of routine. In other words the mere willingness and pledge to commit serious felonies is a part of the job description of President of the United States of America. Barack Obama’s serial criminal conduct, especially as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, marks him as one of the greatest perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity in U.S. history.
For those who doubt this self-evident assertion please review the unlawful and murderous wars of aggression that Obama has waged against Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and the Ukraine. In each of these cases this President has proven himself to be as brutal and savage a war criminal as George W. Bush. In light of this irrefutable truth, Donald Trump will be forced to sign an agreement not to prosecute Obama for those and many other crimes he and his administration have perpetrated against the American Republic and the world-at-large.
Trump will also be forced to promise not to prosecute Obama for fabricating a forged and fraudulent birth certificate, among many other illicit actions involved with his scandalous and unvetted pursuit of the presidency.
These promises “not to prosecute” are just a few examples of what any presidential nominee MUST agree to, especially Donald Trump being the loose cannon that he is. Otherwise, each successive term would be fraught with prosecutions and counter-prosecutions of every U.S. President for the myriad crimes which they have systematically committed against the American people, as well as the serious transgressions they committed against the world community of nations. The World Shadow Government could never advance their NWO agenda in such a climate of continual uncontrolled political payback. After all, on one level, all of their machinations and schemes have been driven by the Zio-Anglo-American perpetual war economy pitched by every U.S. president...."