Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very fascinating information, to say the least, particularly about the role of Henry Kissinger. Some may wish to view the video in this Kp blog post to learn more.
“Growing evidence signals that the Vatican, the Chinese Communist Party, the British Empire, and the Pentagon are negotiating the creation of a world government. The latest sign came in an agreement reached between the Vatican and the Chinese government to jointly select bishops for the Catholic Church in China.
“…most of the “world leaders” on display at the UN take orders from the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge. Thus, an agreement between the Vatican and the Chinese means this agreement is between the Western-dominated old world order and the Asian-dominated New Age movement… the Chinese may also announce they will use “Christianity with Chinese characteristics,” as their national religion as a part of this deal.
“The British Empire has already publicly sided with the Asian plans for world government by merging its financial markets with those of China, by supporting the AIIB and the One Belt One Road (OBOR) infrastructure campaign, and by secretly supporting a gold-backed yuan to replace the so-called U.S. dollar.
“Former cabal bagman Henry Kissinger has been secretly shuttling around the world negotiating the creation of this government, multiple sources confirm. After his previous meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in October, Kissinger said, “The Trump administration is overseeing a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.” Last week after he met Trump, he said, “something new and remarkable,” will emerge out of the Trump administration.
“One remarkable thing Kissinger told Trump last week was that “North and South Korea were going to announce the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, maybe on March 24th,” according to a Japanese royal family source who recently met with Kissinger. “North Korea was controlled by the Rothschilds and South Korea by David Rockefeller, but now that David has died there is no reason to keep the peninsula divided,” this source says.
““The cabal is in full panic mode after getting no deal from Trump,” so Kissinger was quick to distance himself from them, the sources said… a Jewish CIA source and others are saying that satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will resign and subsequently go to jail for six months. “If Khazarian mafia Netanyahu goes to jail, he will not come out alive,”… Netanyahu tried and failed yet again last week to get out of this situation by attempting to start a war with Iran as well as one between the U.S. and Russia. Instead, he lost military support…
“…Pentagon sources say, “It appears a Russian plane crashed on February 11 with 71 dead to remove just one target who was linked to Uranium One and the dossier—Rosatom executive Vyacheslav Ivanov. Ivanov could have been terminated quietly, so the crash may have been cabal retaliation for enhanced Russian/U.S. intelligence cooperation after the unprecedented trip to Washington, D.C. of SVR, FSB, and GRU bosses,” the sources say.
“…“the Rothschild’s 13,000-acre Langau hunting estate in Austria they have owned since 1875 was sold at a fire sale price to avoid being seized by the Trump Executive Order of 12/21/17, since it may have been used to hunt humans.” “Royals are scared shitless because they hunt and kill children, chop up babies, and have been seen doing child sacrifices,” they continued. “The hunters have now become the hunted, as a Carlyle executive was arrested in Shanghai, while the Schiff has hit the fan for [California Congressman] Adam Schiff, guilty of treason in his 42-minute call with [former U.S. President Barack] Obama handler Valerie Jarrett,” they said.
“The stock plunge, and the preceding plunge in cryptocurrencies, were all part of a plan to first loot and then shut down the financial system before rebooting it, according to Rothschild-linked CIA sources in Asia. To ensure that the bursting of the stock bubble does not cause problems for the real economy and for the U.S. military and agency white hats, the White Dragon Society and their allies have been working on their own alternative financial system for the West.
“To this end, enough gold has been secured to finance a G7 answer to China’s multi-trillion-dollar OBOR project. This will include building a tunnel linking Alaska to the Eurasian landmass, and tunnels linking Japan to Korea and Russia. The decaying U.S. infrastructure will be totally modernized.”
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, February 12, 2018
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