My Resolutions for Happy New Year 2018!
My Resolutions for this New Year 2018 are very fair and square, totally unflexible, evidently insolently aggressive and give me a great satisfaction to 'chew' them in my mind and to 'savour' them in my mouth, repeating and elaborating the various stages, options and corners of my visions to be resolved.
At any rate, everything starts with an intent, a vision, a wish and a will, doesn't it?
In the so beautifully staged Queen Elizabeth's December 25th., 2017 Christmas Message, there is a deservedly significant portion, of more than three -3- minutes reference to the word ''Home'' and the idea of ''Home'', as well as the wish for Merry Christmas with family and wherever the Home is, out of the -6,30- six and a half minutes of the whole message:
"Home as a place of warmth, familiarity and love, of sad stories and memories...where <we> grow up and want to return"... "for many the idea of Home reaches beyond the physical building, the home-town or city"...'' the blessings of Home and family''...mark 1:55' to 4:45'. So very true!
Here, in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, is the ''Home'' of this miniscule societal fragment, of this organic bunch of cells signing this post, almost totally ignored or unaccounted for by the bold, strong, powerful and influential ones of the Globe .
The physical buildings, the Homes of my near neighbours are getting confiscated due to a malevolent systemic combination of criminal national and international economics and politics .
The physical buildings, the Homes of my extended neighbours in Syria, Libya, Yemen , have been bombarded to dust and rubble.Devastated to the ground!
And here come the Resolutions as they inevitably emerge out of these disasters!To work for:
Committees and Think-Tanks and Work-Groups which are to be crowdfounded!(Not crowdfunded).
Environmentalists, architects, engineers, painters, sculptors, poets, philosophers, artists, craftsmen, folk tradition experts, historians, sociologists, high-tech experts, agriculturalists, agronomists, water-experts/mechanics, construction workers, traffic experts, etc. to come together and plan the new cities, the new life-webs for their inhabitants who were barbarically
and brutally ejected out of their ''Homes" .
The cities and the neighborhoods will vary creatively, according to the architects' visions, will always respect the native traditions, the culture, the history , the geography, but also will bear a special provision for futuristic aspirations and dreams, for the harmonic, prosperous, happy tomorrow of the Planet and the Home-returning peoples.
Money shouldn't be a problem at all! Because those who funded the disasters and the catastrophes, the weapons, the bombs, the drones, the mercenary armies and paid for the traffickers, the tranportation boats and the expensive i-pads, will voluntarily and gladly offer their bank deposits and other sources of wealth, to the uniquely exquisite good cause of the year!
They will be so happy to be a part of this orgasmic, divine cosmogony, that they will take their chairs and place them right at the construction sites, never leaving the spot but only in order to manually work themselves, despite their age ! So immensely thrilled to Serve-The-Other, at last!
These two last paragraphs explain the 'strangely harsh, steadfastness/commitment ' on my 2018 resolutions, displayed on the first paragraph, I'm afraid!
Herebelow you might like to see an example of such a Human-Values-High-Tech-City, as presented by Isaac Tigrett, best known as co-founder of Hard Rock Café and House of Blues, as his Master guided him.
Maria L. Pelekanaki