Tuesday, September 5th., 2017
The GoldFish Report shared a link. ·
TruthUnveiled777 Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 4 Σεπ 2017
It’s No Longer Conspiracy Theory; It’s Conspiracy TRUTH!!
After the major Hurricane Harvey storm, and with Hurricane Irma right around the corner, a report circulated from ABC involving the deportation of Harvey victims to “shelters” via Walmart, helicopters, and other modes of transportation to nearby open facilities. Ever since the category-4 storm dissipated into a tropical storm, record flooding devastated the entire southern-Texas region — with rainfalls totaling up to more than 50 inches in certain areas. More than a quarter million were left without power due to the storm, and up to 450,000 Harvey disaster victims are expected to file for assistance, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
However, Brock Long, who is the current FEMA administrator, has also said that FEMA is expected to remain in Texas for years now… And Michael Brown, former FEMA director, has called Hurricane Harvey “worse than Katrina.”
Now that the entire National Guard has been called, curfews are enforced in Houston, FEMA is involved, and a ton of other Alphabet Soup organizations along with Walmart are teaming up — there is more to this storm than what the mainstream media wants you to know, and A WHOLE LOT that they’re NOT Reporting…
Could Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and the other recent events such as the record wildfires, Cascadia Rising 2016 (Cascadia Fault Line), Yellowstone earthquakes, the involvement of Walmart, FEMA, and the National Guard ALL be test runs for martial law? In 1962, President John Kennedy signed several Executive Orders which would allegedly give certain dictatorial powers to the appointed elite in the event that a "National Emergency" should be declared by the President — whichever president is sitting in office at the designated time. At the president's discretion "in any time of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis", the Executive Orders could theoretically be enacted.
These Executive Orders signed by Kennedy would give authority to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to control communications, energy, food, fuel, farms, transportation, highways, railroads, inland waterways and seaports, health, education and welfare, drafts citizens into work forces under government supervision; relocation of populations, as well as control to all public storage facilities (Executive Orders Listed Below).
These FEMA Camps are located nationwide — with hundreds of them functioned, fully furnished, and highly secured. But don't be fooled! These "camps" are also being built under disguises, and are planned to be functioned in areas such as abandoned malls/warehouses, shopping centers, and Government-run entities such as schools, libraries, post offices, and even military bases. One of these locations will also include places such as Walmart.
There is even evidence showing the building and funding of underground tunnels, which will connect these Walmart locations and stores alike to underground military bases and FEMA Camps, in preparation for mass-evacuation come martial law. Chances are, when martial law IS declared and emergencies DO occur, Walmart may be one of the only stores available "for your shopping needs."
Along with FEMA, Walmart, and martial law predictive programming in television shows such as Jericho, and films such as The 5th Wave, AmeriGeddon, They Live, The Crazies, The Siege, Children Of Men, Grey State, and many more… Couple that with all of the government and military documentation as it pertains to prison camps, labor inmate programs, national emergency centers, and even extremism (ALL Of Them Listed Below), And you’ve got yourself an Agenda at hand.
What Are They Getting Ready For?!?! THE TRUTH REVEALED!!! PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE WORLD AROUND YOU!!!! PLEASE SEEK YAHUAH AND HIS TRUE SON YAHUSHA — BECAUSE IT’S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!!! ALSO SEE — More On Hurricane Harvey: https://youtu.be/XKnC2hnuPq4 ALSO SEE — More On Walmart: https://youtu.be/EhmE9HK8TBc ALSO SEE —
More On FEMA, Executive Orders: https://youtu.be/XVbUEnmqMU8 LEARN MORE! Documents List Of Executive Orders: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/femaco... REX 84: http://www.globalresearch.ca/rex-84-f... Operation Garden Plot: http://www.constitution.org/abus/gard... Project Megiddo (FBI): http://www.constitution.org/y2k/megid... Internment & Resettlement Document (FM 3.39-40, Army): https://info.publicintelligence.net/U... Civilian Labor Inmate Program (Army): http://www.apd.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs... Weather Modification Patent: https://www.google.com/patents/US2010... Document: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/do... Grey State Concept Trailer (2012): https://youtu.be/Gy7FVXERKFE Κατηγορία Επιστήμη και τεχνολογία
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