Inch By Inch, It’s a Cinch: The Law of Incrementalism, the CIA Is In Control
If the government were to announce, tomorrow, that we had a month to comply with mandatory chipping, we would witness widespread civil disobedience. The paradigm shift would be too great for the government and its managing special interests to control. However, if humanity can be nudged, bumped, then pushed, then shoved in that direction, the goal is much more doable. I would suggest what is happening in England as a nudge and a bump in the direction of ordinary people accepting the their own future consisting of micro chipping.All dogs in England will, as of April 2016, have to be micro-chipped as part of a British government attempt to cut the number of strays and make pet owners more responsible for their animals. The British government also states that it will cut down on the number of dog attacks against children. It seems that all controversial government programs are implemented under the umbrella of is protecting the children. Whenever we hear the phrase ,”protecting the children,” we should become very suspicious.
According to British government reports, eight children have been killed in dog attacks in the UK since 2005, many of which happened in the home. Subsequently, Fido must be chipped to make the children safer. I am not sure how chipping dogs will make a dog bite less unless, of course, the chip endows the animal with new self-reflective cognitive skills because it seems that this massive chipping program is based upon a laughable premise. Are the Brits to expect that escaping detection and prosecution will lead the dogs to be less aggressive? This is ludicrous. How then will chipping dogs make children or anyone else more safe? The short answer is that it will not. This is part of a conditioning process in which the Brits and soon, the Americans, will come to accept the chip for themselves.
I predict that a related headline, in a few short years will read like this: All humans in the United States will, as of April 2020, have to be micro-chipped as part of a federal government attempt to cut down on the number crimes, especially crimes against children, committed by a growing homeless population.
I believe it is clear that the conditioning process is already well underway in the United States as well.
Your Body and Life Does Not Belong to You
Our infants are having DNA extracted from them at birth. Our children are exposed to supposed mandatory vaccinations which are causing autism rates to skyrocket and we are forced to eat GMO’s and don’t even have the right to know which foods are GMO’s. We are forced to drink mind altering jet fuel additive (i.e. fluoride).
As was pointed out in Part One, very soon we will have to use a biometric ID to travel, to work and hold a job. Many of these practices are invasive (e.g. cornea damaging retinal scans). The trend curve is clear, we are being conditioned to accept micro chipping.
The first thing that people need to realize is that micro chipping comes with very serious risks .
Microchip Implants Are A Clear and Present Danger to Human Health
VeriChip Corporation (currently known as PositiveID) promotes and defends the safety and reliability of its microtransponder system by touting its approval “by the FDA and/or other U.S. regulatory authorities.” However, VeriChip has a very selective memory as the FDA data indicates that tissue reaction to microchip implants varies from mild to severe. For example, adverse microchip reports by the British Small Animal Veterinary Association indicate that “swelling,” “infection,” “abscesses” and “tumors” have occurred due to microchip implants. Particularly concerning is the bonding method used to keep the chip from moving in a process referred to as “BioBond.”The FDA describes Biobond as “the patented BioBond anti-migration cap is a porous polypropylene polymer sheath attached to RFID microchip implants to impede migration of the device within animal tissue. The use of the patented BioBond cap results in increased retention by promoting the development of fibrocytes and collagen fibers around the implant, thus inhibiting movement of the implant within the animal…. inflammation and/or cellular changes may cause cancer .” |
In a study entitled “Transponder-Induced Sarcoma in the Heterzygous p53+/- Mouse” conducted K.T. Blanchard and associates, discovered that microchip implants by Biomedic® were used. The researchers noted that the microchip-induced sarcomas began to develop at the end of the chip with the polypropylene sheath and at the barb to prevent chip migration. This stop gap measure came with very dire consequences. AMA researcher, Robert Sade found that:
“Although there was variation in the extent of neoplastic involvement of tissue immediately surrounding the transponder site, it appeared that tumor(s) arose in the mesenchymal tissue surrounding the polypropylene component of the transponder, initially involving the barbed area and then in some cases extending completely around the entire transponder site.” |
The Dawn of Micro-Chipped Mind Control
In the 1960’s, neurologist, Jose Delgado was involved in a noteworthy bullfight. Without any real bullfighting training, he bravely stepped into the ring with a very dangerous and deadly bull. However, Delgado had a secret weapon. He had previously implanted a radio-equipped electrode which was implanted into the bull’s limbic system (i.e. emotional center of the brain) which he called “stimoceivers.” Delgado subsequently demonstrated that he could manipulate an organism’s mind and body via remote control technology. Thus, as the bull charged, an invasive electrical signal penetrated the bull’s limbic system and the bull calmly broke off the attack in mid-charge.Delgado found that by stimulating different regions of the limbic system, which controls emotion, Delgado could also induce fear, rage and a variety of other emotions, that he was able to manipulate the type and intensity of emotional reactions. Thus, Delgado discovered the fine art of mind control.
Intrigued by his work, Delgado was invited to teach and be a guest lecturer at such prominent universities such as Harvard and Yale. However, in 1968, Delgado went to work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and this is where much of his research trail grows cold. We now know that SRI was a CIA front and was connected to the MK Ultra experiments. In 1974, Delgado abruptly returned to Spain and later became an outspoken opponent of mind control and its potential for harm and misuse by totalitarian societies. Perhaps, he was not on board with the CIA and what they eventually had planned for the American people.
In cats, monkeys, bulls and even humans he repeatedly demonstrated that he could control emotion and ultimately behavior. . In one experiment, Delgado stimulated the temporal lobe of a 21-year-old epileptic woman while she was calmly playing a guitar; in response, she flew into a rage and smashed her guitar against a wall, narrowly missing a researcher’s head. Perhaps the most medically promising finding was that stimulation of a limbic region called the septum could trigger euphoria, strong enough in some cases to counteract depression and even physical pain.
Delgado’s famous bull fight and the angry cat are depicted in the following video.
The lesson is clear, embedded chips can turn normal people into crazed killers and it can take crazed killers and turn them into passive beings. The most famous graduate of the MK Ultra program was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.
The Mind Control Delivery System: Project HAARP
United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989, discusses the microwave technology necessary for mind control. In this patent, we witness the move from the mind control of certain individuals who might have been programmed, which is frightening enough, to witnessing entire populations being controlled. The patent discusses the possibility of impacting millions at a time. The net effect of the technology is enhanced when there is a transducer in the body such as a embedded microchip.
Here is a list of 23 mind control technologies issued by the U.S. Patent Office since the 1950’s.
Particularly revealing in the arena of mind control, is Dr. Begich’s work on voice to skull technology. In 1997, hedisplayed this technology for the European Parliament who promptly issued a ban on the use of the technology. Unfortunately, the technology has moved forward in recent years despite the ban.
To sum it up, the modern day application of Delgado, the HAARP applications combined with microwave technology and the use of GWEN towers, will give the globalists total control over every thought, every emotion and action. We are on the precipice of the death of free will.
Before you write to me and state that this could never happen, please spend 30 minutes on the Begich website, and analyze the validity of his observations. Begich has done a detailed analysis of the patents associated with HAARP, and very clear conclusions about the intent of these technologies can easily be made after examining the facts.In his later years, Dr. Delgado was very critical about the distinct lack of Bioethics and consumer protection with regard to these technologies. Delgado remains particularly critical of technologies which can change human nature. Delgado, forcefully stated that technology “has two sides, for good and for bad, and we should do what we can do to avoid the adverse consequences. We should try to prevent potentially destructive technologies from being abused by authoritarian governments to gain more power or by terrorists to wreak destruction. However, Delgado is a realist as he postulates “can you avoid knowledge? You cannot! Can you avoid technology? You cannot! Things are going to go ahead in spite of ethics, in spite of your personal ethics.” Delgado feels about the same about mind control as Einstein grew to feel about nuclear weapons.
The key point of humanity’s opposition to this tyranny must begin with resisting the chipping of our pets and the refusal to use biometric online ID’s which could someday be mandated to consist of an implanted chip complete with all the dangers.
Finally, ask yourself, what are they waiting for? What will they do wtih this mind control technology?
"It would seem the future ha.."
23 U.S. Patented Mind Control Related Devices (1956 – 2003)
US Patent# |
Filed | Issued |
US3014477 | Hypnotic Inducer (Mind Control Machine) |
1956 | 1961 |
US3060795 | Apparatus For Producing Visual Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via Movie Film) |
Corrigan et al
1958 | 1962 |
US3278676 | Apparatus For Producing Visual and Auditory Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via TV) |
1958 | 1966 |
US3393279 | Nervous System Excitation Device |
1962 | 1968 |
US3563246 | Method and Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy |
1967 | 1971 |
US3629521 | Hearing Systems (RF/Microwave) |
1970 | 1971 |
US3712292 | Method Of and Apparatus For Producing Swept Frequency Modulated Audio Signal Patterns For Inducing Sleep (Brain Frequencies Broadcast) |
Zentmayer, Jr.
1971 | 1973 |
US3884218 | Method of Inducing and Maintaining Stages Of Sleep in the Human Being (FFR - Frequency Following Response Microwave) |
1970 | 1975 |
US3951134 | Apparatus and Method For Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves (RF/Electromagnetic Waves) |
1974 | 1976 |
US4395600 | Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method (Subliminal Brainwash via Music or Other Sound) |
1980 | 1983 |
US4717343 | Method Of Changing A Person’s Behavior (Subconscious Brainwash via Video) |
1986 | 1988 |
US4777529 | Auditory Subliminal Programming System (Silent Brainwash Via Music or Other Sound) |
1987 | 1988 |
US4834701 | Apparatus For Inducing Frequency Reduction In Brain Wave (FFR - Brain Frequencies Transmission) |
1985 | 1989 |
US4858612 | Hearing Device (Microwave Hearing) |
1983 | 1989 |
US4877027 | Hearing System (Microwave Hearing via open air Broadcast) |
1988 | 1989 |
US5159703 | Silent Subliminal Presentation System (aka Silent Sound - Microwave) |
1989 | 1992 |
US5356368 | Method Of and Apparatus For Inducing Desired States Of Consciousness (FFR/EEG Waveforms By Broadcast) |
1991 | 1994 |
US5774088 | Method and System For Warning Birds Of Hazards (Microwave Hearing) |
1997 | 1998 |
US5889870 | Acoustic Heterodyne Device and Method (Ultrasound. Ventriloquist Effect.) |
1996 | 1999 |
US6011991 | Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or Use of Brain Activity (Remote Viewing) |
1998 | 2000 |
US6052336 | Apparatus and Method Of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound As A Carrier (Ultrasound) |
1998 | 2000 |
US6470214 | Method and device For Implementing The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) |
1992 | 2002 |
US6587729 | Apparatus For Audibly Communicating Speech Using The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) |
2002 | 2003 |
Aquino- NSA Devil Worshiper Long Range Takeover & Satellite Mind Control
23 U.S. Patented Mind Control Related Devices (1956 – 2003)
US Patent# |
Filed | Issued |
US3014477 | Hypnotic Inducer (Mind Control Machine) |
1956 | 1961 |
US3060795 | Apparatus For Producing Visual Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via Movie Film) |
Corrigan et al
1958 | 1962 |
US3278676 | Apparatus For Producing Visual and Auditory Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via TV) |
1958 | 1966 |
US3393279 | Nervous System Excitation Device |
1962 | 1968 |
US3563246 | Method and Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy |
1967 | 1971 |
US3629521 | Hearing Systems (RF/Microwave) |
1970 | 1971 |
US3712292 | Method Of and Apparatus For Producing Swept Frequency Modulated Audio Signal Patterns For Inducing Sleep (Brain Frequencies Broadcast) |
Zentmayer, Jr.
1971 | 1973 |
US3884218 | Method of Inducing and Maintaining Stages Of Sleep in the Human Being (FFR - Frequency Following Response Microwave) |
1970 | 1975 |
US3951134 | Apparatus and Method For Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves (RF/Electromagnetic Waves) |
1974 | 1976 |
US4395600 | Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method (Subliminal Brainwash via Music or Other Sound) |
1980 | 1983 |
US4717343 | Method Of Changing A Person’s Behavior (Subconscious Brainwash via Video) |
1986 | 1988 |
US4777529 | Auditory Subliminal Programming System (Silent Brainwash Via Music or Other Sound) |
1987 | 1988 |
US4834701 | Apparatus For Inducing Frequency Reduction In Brain Wave (FFR - Brain Frequencies Transmission) |
1985 | 1989 |
US4858612 | Hearing Device (Microwave Hearing) |
1983 | 1989 |
US4877027 | Hearing System (Microwave Hearing via open air Broadcast) |
1988 | 1989 |
US5159703 | Silent Subliminal Presentation System (aka Silent Sound - Microwave) |
1989 | 1992 |
US5356368 | Method Of and Apparatus For Inducing Desired States Of Consciousness (FFR/EEG Waveforms By Broadcast) |
1991 | 1994 |
US5774088 | Method and System For Warning Birds Of Hazards (Microwave Hearing) |
1997 | 1998 |
US5889870 | Acoustic Heterodyne Device and Method (Ultrasound. Ventriloquist Effect.) |
1996 | 1999 |
US6011991 | Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or Use of Brain Activity (Remote Viewing) |
1998 | 2000 |
US6052336 | Apparatus and Method Of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound As A Carrier (Ultrasound) |
1998 | 2000 |
US6470214 | Method and device For Implementing The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) |
1992 | 2002 |
US6587729 | Apparatus For Audibly Communicating Speech Using The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) |
2002 | 2003 |