Thursday, March 3, 2016
Planet Sized Spheres Visiting The Solar System by the Thousands - NASA's Secret Discovered: Sun Cruisers | David Wilcock and Corey Goode
The following article by Shem, from Discerning the Mystery, details many more examples of these enormous planet-sized objects. Shem also covers an example provided by Wilcock of a sphere being fired on by a particle beam weapon, which was captured in International Space Station ISS feed in late 2014.
For those looking to confirm the claims of Corey Goode, the following serves as indirect evidence of these massive spheres that have entered the solar system.
Source - Discerning The Mystery
By Shem El-Jamal
This year's Conscious Life Expo brought many new revelations, and much more is said to be on the way. One of the subjects discussed was the arrival of the large, planet-sized, spherical ships that began arriving in our solar system during the 1980's.
The first of these spheres came in the early 1980's, and as it did, it began to orbit each planet one by one. It started with Pluto, then moved to Neptune, and then Uranus. Due to this pattern of motion, this first sphere was termed "The Seeker".
This sphere had two portals--one on each side. According to David Wilcock, these portals were measured to be 800 miles wide each. Three different insiders came to Wilcock with corroborating intel with regard to these details.
One strange issue with this sphere was that it would not respond to any attempts at communication. It was hailed numerous times by SSP ships, responding at one point saying, "we are peaceful explorers." The SSP craft responded by saying.. "GTFO," or leave immediately.
The people within the cabal/Illuminati thought that these spheres were their own "gods" returning to help them establish their New World Order, but of course, they were wrong.
These spheres continued to arrive, but their appearances became more numerous around 2012.
These are the images that were displayed at Wilcock and Goode's presentation at this year's CLE. They were originally collected by SOHO (Solar Heliospheric Observatory), a NASA platform.

You'll find it very interesting when viewing images and feeds like this, that each and every time something shows up in them that may be a UFO or some unexplainable issue, NASA will quickly take the feed offline and claim that there was a malfunction of some kind. However, these images were captured before NASA had a chance to do this.
Most everything in this image looks normal, but the long bars in this frame should definitely not be there. The circle is normal. The coronal discharges are normal, but the bars... Those are foreign objects.

The skeptic might try to say that the lens got smudged, or that the telescope was jostled by an object that hit it, but this is an array that is miles above the surface of the Earth. Its trajectory and orientation are maintained by state-of-the-art equipment, gyros, and telemetric feeds that make sure it is oriented properly. There are no objects anywhere near it that could jostle it, bump, or smudge it in any way. The reason it shows an object is because the object is present.
NASA doesn't want you to see images like this, but still many are able to come through.

Planets are not supposed to be below the central plane. Also, the lines on the sides of this UFO are indicative of a CCD overload, or an overload of the digital, optical systems. When these overloads occur, it means that the object is so bright that it overloads the optical sensors, just like the sun would if the lens weren't protected by the circular shield.

This may be space debris. That is a possibility, but given the other evidence we have shown, that's probably not the case.
It could also be craft traveling past the SOHO array. This would definitely be a time when NASA would have an "unfortunate malfunction" and take their equipment offline. As this is the typical NASA response.
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