You gals are on target. We already know by reading YRFT facts that monetary system coupled with govt & monarchies is the foundation that keeps this prison humming. The top predators (which are many) cannot exist without the energy they derive from humans performing various acts of degradation, self mutilation, harm to other humans, and the sexual energy they take by force & or coercion. The top predators grease the wheels of this prison construct by manifesting money, which is only recognized in a digital format now; having paper money has (or momentarily will be made) worthless. The reset will never happen bcz the top predators have bought into their own tool of slavery and they will not be able to put a value on the paper money that human slaves will use. I don’t think they can agree on which country will hold the title of holder of global currency, and that is why the RV hasn’t taken place nor will. Other the other side of the RV equation, you have humans who are ready, willing and able to throw away a better world for themselves and their children, just to make their slave state more tolerable, as there is no “breaking even” financially; you will always owe someone or something to one of the top predators. Most humans don’t know the real situation and so the predators cannot move forward without breaking THE LAW. EVE & ONE must know that humans are defenseless at this point, even greedy/psychopathic bankers are defenseless against the top predators. Either our parents are lulling EF’s into complacency and or humans are going to get some relief here in the construct. Either way humans are pawns & helpless to effect a positive change in the prison construct. We have to go along with RV to exist long enough for a permanent solution to our prison stay.
I don’t think the ef’s have their shit together enough to pull off a RV, but in the end, if they want to continue to control us they will have to work together and follow thru with RV. I would think that we humans would call BS on the fact that the “money” is going to take another 3 months to get into our bank accounts bcz the dragon family is going to fund the accounts of those financial institutions that are going to distribute the funds to us slaves. Isn’t all money really digital? So why does it take another 3 months (that would put us at March and the vatican’s masses-thingy event). Again, RV probably will happen but it doesn’t matter bcz ef’s will push it out until their power has gathered and matches their set calendar for ritual sacrifice! So if RV happens today, it would be much better for
AF’s & EVE. And, maybe if top predators are busy giggling with glee over their plan working, they won’t notice that EVE is shaking our prison construct apart and keeping human slave endeavors stifled with the weather. Bottom line is that I don’t think we have a chance of being rescued if a small thing like a monetary revaluation/reset can overpower ONE & EVE’s rescue plans. We are all fucked if our rescue relies on enough humans breaking free of mind control. If all good (living or dead) are now sealed by ONE ( and I believe we are), then it is just a matter of strategic timing by EVE to be able to cause enough “earthly” havoc and distract ef’s. YRFT & admins stopped talking about timing of LEAP for this very reason. There, I have said exactly what I was intending to say in my first response to the RV event. I have complete trust and love in my heart for ONE, EVE & my fellow captives. I BELIEVE THE ONLY CONSTANT THROUGH ALL OF THIS EXPERIENCE IS LOVE. If I did not, I would not be alive at this moment.
Plateaued and crescendo are the perfect descriptions of the energy surrounding the RV and “bringing to justice” events. You also tied in the MSM’s brewing the pot of propaganda with all of the civic unrest (mostly in the USA). My opinion is that when the PTB have created as much angst, chaos, frustration, financial fear, and taken away everything we hold dear that makes life worth living, they will produce the ‘antichrist’ OR stage a “friendly alien landing” event that brings the promise of a bright future. They are making the world so wacked out and baffled by conflicting news stories, false flags, financial resets, real & fake events that we will accept anything or anyone as a savior. My intuition tells me that it will probably be a mixture of alien landing and religious figure that interacts with the U.S. govt bcz we are seen as a global military watchdog/protector. This will get the buy in from secular and non-secular hold outs that are on the fence about UFO’s & religion. The ef’s have to be planning more than just monetary RV to turn enough soul energy and increase POW headcount to win war on their turf. ef’s are screwed though bcz they can’t win in any outcome bcz they have broken universal LAW, but they can prolong our rescue. It sucks knowing what is going and that I can’t do anything but endure it and hold on.
Even set(an) and his families & flunky recruits have to obey THE LAW and are subject to consequences for breaking THE LAW. They have bent it over backwards for a long time, but only recently have broken or changed or manipulated some part of THE LAW that allows ONE & EVE to administer justice and finally retrieve their family. First our stand up, then EVE gets to clean out her creation (flat earth) by pouring evil doers into pit, clearing out her construct. Flat earth will not be destroyed, it is getting towed through the black sun portal behind ed (the failing firewall we see as the sun). EVE gets to reunite with that part of herself that was not trapped in her own construct when it was hijacked by ef’s. All good will be freed and given “happy ever afters” as a result of ONE & EVE upholding THE LAW. Our physical body upgrades and placement in the paradise of our choice is made possible by the LOVE of our father ONE & EVE our mother. THE LAW is what we live by in the real world outside of this server we currently reside in. The evil doers have been skirting THE LAW and cleverly covering their tracks that is why we have been reincarnating for so long in this illusion/prison. Mother Nature/EVE/Mother Earth has always been here with us and that is why we feel as decent as we do (which isn’t saying much). We would have never woken up if some part of EVE had not been vigilant and waiting to whisper to that part of us humans which is soul energy and trapped too. Add to all of this the time manipulation and we are all close to a point of no return and we feel this as a tearing of the fabric of our reality (construct). It is shredding our fragile reptilian brains and causing us great consternation, but we have to let it in order for the THE LAW to be carried out.