Η Ρωσία αναλαμβάνει την προστασία της Κύπρου: "Θα παρέμβουμε εάν χρειαστεί"
- Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 21 Ιανουαρίου 2015 20:31
Η Ρωσία είναι έτοιμη να παρέμβει εάν και εφόσον αυτό χρειαστεί δήλωσε σήμερα ο Ρώσος πρεσβευτής στην Κύπρο στέλνοντας ηχηρό μήνυμα στην Άγκυρα.
Η Ρωσία ξαναζήτησε την παροχή στρατιωτικών διευκολύνσεων και ειδικότερα την παραχώρηση μέρους της αεροπορικής βάσης 'Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου' στην Πάφο κάτι που θα της επιτρέψει και να προστατεύει την Μεγαλόνησο.
Ο Ρώσος Πρέσβης Στανισλάβ Οσάντσι είχε σήμερα συνάντηση με τον Πρόεδρο της Συμμαχίας Πολίτών, Γιώργο Λιλλήκα.
Επιβεβαίωσε το ενδιαφέρον της χώρας του για παροχή στρατιωτικών διευκολύνσεων εκ μέρους της Λευκωσίας, χωρίς να αναφερθεί σε κάτι πιο συγκεκριμένο, ωστόσο το πιθανότερο σενάριο είναι ότι η Μόσχα θα ενδιαφέρεται και για παρουσία της στην αεροπορική βάση 'Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου' στην Πάφο.
Εκ παραλλήλου ο Ρώσος Πρέσβης είπε ότι η χώρα του παρακολουθεί στενά τα τεκταινόμενα στο Κυπριακό και δήλωσε την ετοιμότητα της Μόσχας να παρέμβει εάν και εφόσον αυτό χρειαστεί, αφήνοντας να εννοηθει ότι θα αναλάβει την προστασία της Κύπρου απο την τουρκική ασυδοσία.
Εν συνεχεία ο κ. Οσάντσι μίλησε για τις εν εξελίξει διεργασίες και ετοιμασίες της επίσημης επίσκεψης του Προέδρου Αναστασιάδη στην Μόσχα, στις 25 Φεβρουαρίου.
Ο Ρώσος Πρέσβης πρόσθεσε ότι η Ρωσική Ομοσπονδία διατηρεί ζωηρό το ενδιαφέρον της για παροχή στρατιωτικών διευκολύνσεων εκ μέρους της Λευκωσίας και ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά: «Το συζητούμε και θα δούμε τι θα γίνει».
Λίγες μέρες μετά αφού συνειδητοποίησε ο Κύπριος Πρόεδρος Ν.Αναστασιάδης τον εμπαιγμό (λόγια του ιδίου) εκ μέρους των "Συμμάχων" του Αμερικανών ο ρωσικός παράγοντας δήλωσε την παρουσία του με εμφατικό τρόπο.
Σημειώνεται ότι προ ολίγων ημερών σε συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε στο Mega Channel Κύπρου, ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας, Νίκος Αναστασιάδης κατηγόρησε ευθέως και για πρώτη φορά τους Αμερικανούς και τον ΟΗΕ ότι βάζουν "πλάτη" για την Τουρκία.
Χωρίς περιστροφές κατηγόρησε τον Γ.Γ. του ΟΗΕ Μπαν Κι Μουν για την τακτική των "ίσων αποστάσεων" που τηρεί στο Κυπριακό, ενώ αναφορικά με την απαράδεκτη Έκθεση του ΟΗΕ για το Κυπριακό, ο ΠτΔ είπε χαρακτηριστικά ότι αυτή η Έκθεση επιβλήθηκε από τρίτους στον Γ.Γ., κατηγορώντας παράλληλα ότι είναι άβουλος.
Είναι η πρώτη φορά που ένας Κύπριος ηγέτης τολμά να κατηγορήσει τον Γ.Γραμματέα του ΟΗΕ ως αμερικανικό "φερέφωνο" (στην ουσία πολλοί το πιστεύουν αυτό, αλλά ουδέποτε δεν το ισχυρίστηκε επισήμως ένας εκλεγμένος Πρόεδρος πλην ίσως του πρώην ιρανού προέδρου Μ.Αχμαντινετζάντ).
Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας μίλησε ανοικτά και για εξαπάτηση εκ μέρους των "φίλων" και συμμάχων Αμερικανών, καθώς, όπως ανέφερε, αντί των διαβεβαιώσεων που είχε λάβει περί άρσης του τουρκικού εμπάργκο για τον ελλιμενισμό κυπριακών πλοίων σε τουρκικά λιμάνια, ως κίνηση καλής θέλησης της Άγκυρας, αντ'αυτού μόλις 5 ημέρες μετά εκδόθηκε η τουρκική NAVTEX που εξελίχθηκε σε επί μακρώ πειρατική επιδρομή στην κυπριακή ΑΟΖ.
Συμπλήρωσε δε ο ΠτΔ, ότι εδώ και καιρό δέχεται πιέσεις και εκβιασμούς προκειμένου να επιστρέψει στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων με τους Τ/κ, ενώ λίγο πριν την επανέναρξη των συνομιλιών η Τουρκία πραγματοποίησε θαλάσσια εισβολή στην κυπριακή ΑΟΖ.
Ο ΠτΔ πρόσθεσε ότι είχε λάβει διαβεβαιώσεις από πολλούς ξένους υψηλόβαθμους αξιωματούχους και διπλωμάτες ότι η Τουρκία θα επεδείκνυε εποικοδομητική στάση επί του Κυπριακού και ότι είχε πλέον την βούληση για επίλυση του Κυπριακού, ενώ και υψηλόβαθμο διπλωματικό στέλεχος μεγάλης δύναμης (φυσικά εννοεί τις ΗΠΑ και ειδικότερα τον Τζον Μπάιντεν) είχε επίσης αναφερθεί στην άρση του τουρκικού εμπάργκο, ως κάτι το οποίο επέκειτο να συμβεί.
Ο κ. Αναστασιάδης καταγγέλλει ανοικτά την πλευρά των ΗΠΑ για διγλωσσία έναντι της Ε/κ πλευράς, καθώς άλλα του έλεγε ο Αντιπρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ και άλλα έπραττε ο Αμερικανός Πρέσβης στην Λευκωσία...
Ο ΠτΔ έκανε λόγο για ωμό εκβιασμό και πιέσεις που δέχεται προκειμένου να επιστρέψει στις διαπραγματεύσεις, την στιγμή που η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία βιώνει μια δεύτερη τουρκική θαλάσσια εισβολή στην ΑΟΖ της με το τουρκικό ερευνητικό σκάφος Μπαρμπαρός να αλωνίζει στις θάλασσες της Κύπρου.
Όσον αφορά για τον Γ.Γ. του ΟΗΕ, ο Νίκος Αναστασιάδης πέρα από την κατηγορία που απηύθυνε εναντίον του για το ότι τρίτη δύναμη του επέβαλε την Έκθεση για το Κυπριακό, επίσης τον κατήγγειλε ότι είναι άβουλος.
Μάλιστα, αναφερόμενος στην Έκθεση του Γ.Γ. του ΟΗΕ για το Κυπριακό εξέφρασε την δυσαρέσκειά του για τις αναφορές σε "απομόνωση των Τουρκοκυπρίων".
Παράλληλα, ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας ανέφερε ότι δεν πρέπει κανείς να τον θεωρεί δεδομένο λόγω της στάσης που είχε τηρήσει το 2004 κατά το δημοψήφισμα που διεξήχθη τότε επί προεδρίας Τάσσου Παπαδόπουλου για το 'Σχέδιο Ανάν'.
Μα ακριβώς αυτήν την στάση πληρώνει ο Κύπριος Πρόεδρος. Οι Αμερικανοί έχουν ένα κακό ως νεαρό έθνος. Εάν θεωρήσουν κάποιον δεδομένο δεν κάνουν τίποτα για να τον ευχαριστήσουν. Θεωρούν ότι θα αγνοεί τα δικά του συμφέροντα και θα εξυπηρετεί για πάντα τα δικά τους.
Είναι νωρίς για να πούμε ότι ο Πρόεδρος Αναστασιάδης θα αλλάξει στάση, αλλά σίγουρα η επίσκεψη στην Μόσχα στις 25 Φεβρουαρίου στέλνει κάποιο ηχηρό μήνυμα.
Σημειώνεται ότι η προηγούμενη προγραμματισμένη συνάντηση στις αρχές Δεκεμβρίου του 2014 είχε ματαιωθεί λόγω ξαφνικής...αρρώστιας του Προέδρου, και ενώ ο Β.Πούτιν είχε ζητήσει να μεταβεί στην Μόσχα επειγόντως.
Τώρα, και χαίροντας άκρας υγείας ο Κύπριος Πρόεδρος φαίνεται να ανυπομονεί να συναντηθεί με τον Β.Πούτιν. (defencenet)
Independent Balkan News Agency
By Kyriacos Kyriacou 21/01/2015, 19:34
Moscow wants a military base in Cyprus
Moscow wants a military base in Cyprus
21/01/2015; 19:
Moscow wants a military base in Cyprus
By Kyriacos Kyriacou
Moscow is interested in a potential agreement with Cyprus for military facilitation on the island, the country`s Ambassador in Nicosia Stanislav Osadchiy has said on Wednesday.
The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades is expected to visit the Russian capital in the end of February.
Osadchiy said however that at the present stage, Moscow`s consultations with the Cypriot Foreign Ministry concern the preparation of bilateral agreements to be signed during Anastasiades` visit.
Replying to questions, Osadchiy confirmed Moscow`s interest in an agreement providing military facilitation to Russia – similar to the ones in place with France and Germany – and noted that the matter was being discussed.
Moreover, the Ambassador noted that Moscow is following developments concerning the Cyprus issue and natural gas.
The issue of the Turkish research vessel “Barbaros” has been discussed with the Foreign Ministry and Russia urges all sides to break the deadlock, the Osadchiy said.
He noted that “we are doing everything to improve existing good relations between our countries”.
Draft resolution for Ankara
Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus’ northern part since they invaded in 1974, does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus, in spite of numerous calls by the EU to do so and normalise relations with Nicosia.
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades suspended his participation in the UN-led peace talks following a Navigational Telex or NAVTEX, issued by Turkey in October last year, as Turkish seismic research vessel “Barbaros” violated the Republic’s exclusive economic zone.
Repeated calls for the withdrawal of “Barbaros” went unheeded by Ankara, which announced recently the NAVTEX`s extension until April 6, 2015.
On Wednesday, the European Parliament underlined the Republic of Cyprus’ legitimate right to enter into bilateral agreements concerning its exclusive economic zone, while calling on Ankara to respect the member states` lawful sovereign rights concerning the exploitation of their natural resources.
The 2014 draft progress report on Turkey, prepared by the EP rapporteur on Turkey, MEP Kati Piri, contains two paragraphs on Cyprus under the section titled “Building good neighbourly relations”, in which the Turkish government is called to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) “without further delay”.
Some provisions of UNCLOS are implemented as part of the ‘acquis communautaire’, the EP motion for a resolution, dated January 8, 2015, notes in paragraph 32.
Moreover, the European Parliament calls on Turkey to respect the sovereign rights of all member states, including those relating to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, when in line with the EU acquis and international law.
Furthermore, it reiterates in paragraph 33 its strong support for the reunification of Cyprus, on the basis of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement for both communities, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The EP also calls on the leaders of both communities in Cyprus to resume negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General “at the earliest convenience”, while expressing strong support for the efforts made by the UN Special Adviser on Cyprus to create the conditions for the resumption of talks.
Finally, the draft resolution calls on Turkey to actively support the negotiations for the island`s reunification.
By Kyriacos Kyriacou
Moscow is interested in a potential agreement with Cyprus for military facilitation on the island, the country`s Ambassador in Nicosia Stanislav Osadchiy has said on Wednesday.
The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades is expected to visit the Russian capital in the end of February.
Osadchiy said however that at the present stage, Moscow`s consultations with the Cypriot Foreign Ministry concern the preparation of bilateral agreements to be signed during Anastasiades` visit.
Replying to questions, Osadchiy confirmed Moscow`s interest in an agreement providing military facilitation to Russia – similar to the ones in place with France and Germany – and noted that the matter was being discussed.
Moreover, the Ambassador noted that Moscow is following developments concerning the Cyprus issue and natural gas.
The issue of the Turkish research vessel “Barbaros” has been discussed with the Foreign Ministry and Russia urges all sides to break the deadlock, the Osadchiy said.
He noted that “we are doing everything to improve existing good relations between our countries”.
Draft resolution for Ankara
Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus’ northern part since they invaded in 1974, does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus, in spite of numerous calls by the EU to do so and normalise relations with Nicosia.
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades suspended his participation in the UN-led peace talks following a Navigational Telex or NAVTEX, issued by Turkey in October last year, as Turkish seismic research vessel “Barbaros” violated the Republic’s exclusive economic zone.
Repeated calls for the withdrawal of “Barbaros” went unheeded by Ankara, which announced recently the NAVTEX`s extension until April 6, 2015.
On Wednesday, the European Parliament underlined the Republic of Cyprus’ legitimate right to enter into bilateral agreements concerning its exclusive economic zone, while calling on Ankara to respect the member states` lawful sovereign rights concerning the exploitation of their natural resources.
The 2014 draft progress report on Turkey, prepared by the EP rapporteur on Turkey, MEP Kati Piri, contains two paragraphs on Cyprus under the section titled “Building good neighbourly relations”, in which the Turkish government is called to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) “without further delay”.
Some provisions of UNCLOS are implemented as part of the ‘acquis communautaire’, the EP motion for a resolution, dated January 8, 2015, notes in paragraph 32.
Moreover, the European Parliament calls on Turkey to respect the sovereign rights of all member states, including those relating to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, when in line with the EU acquis and international law.
Furthermore, it reiterates in paragraph 33 its strong support for the reunification of Cyprus, on the basis of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement for both communities, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The EP also calls on the leaders of both communities in Cyprus to resume negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General “at the earliest convenience”, while expressing strong support for the efforts made by the UN Special Adviser on Cyprus to create the conditions for the resumption of talks.
Finally, the draft resolution calls on Turkey to actively support the negotiations for the island`s reunification.
Moscow wants a military base in Cyprus
Furthermore, it reiterates in paragraph 33 its strong support for the reunification of Cyprus, on the basis of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement for both communities, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The EP also calls on the leaders of both communities in Cyprus to resume negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General “at the earliest convenience”, while expressing strong support for the efforts made by the UN Special Adviser on Cyprus to create the conditions for the resumption of talks.
Finally, the draft resolution calls on Turkey to actively support the negotiations for the island`s reunification.
- See more at: http://www.balkaneu.com/moscow-military-base-cyprus/#sthash.O9nf5hCE.dpuf
Moscow wants a military base in Cyprus
By Kyriacos Kyriacou
Moscow is interested in a potential agreement with Cyprus for military facilitation on the island, the country`s Ambassador in Nicosia Stanislav Osadchiy has said on Wednesday.
The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades is expected to visit the Russian capital in the end of February.
Osadchiy said however that at the present stage, Moscow`s consultations with the Cypriot Foreign Ministry concern the preparation of bilateral agreements to be signed during Anastasiades` visit.
Replying to questions, Osadchiy confirmed Moscow`s interest in an agreement providing military facilitation to Russia – similar to the ones in place with France and Germany – and noted that the matter was being discussed.
Moreover, the Ambassador noted that Moscow is following developments concerning the Cyprus issue and natural gas.
The issue of the Turkish research vessel “Barbaros” has been discussed with the Foreign Ministry and Russia urges all sides to break the deadlock, the Osadchiy said.
He noted that “we are doing everything to improve existing good relations between our countries”.
Draft resolution for Ankara
Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus’ northern part since they invaded in 1974, does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus, in spite of numerous calls by the EU to do so and normalise relations with Nicosia.
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades suspended his participation in the UN-led peace talks following a Navigational Telex or NAVTEX, issued by Turkey in October last year, as Turkish seismic research vessel “Barbaros” violated the Republic’s exclusive economic zone.
Repeated calls for the withdrawal of “Barbaros” went unheeded by Ankara, which announced recently the NAVTEX`s extension until April 6, 2015.
On Wednesday, the European Parliament underlined the Republic of Cyprus’ legitimate right to enter into bilateral agreements concerning its exclusive economic zone, while calling on Ankara to respect the member states` lawful sovereign rights concerning the exploitation of their natural resources.
The 2014 draft progress report on Turkey, prepared by the EP rapporteur on Turkey, MEP Kati Piri, contains two paragraphs on Cyprus under the section titled “Building good neighbourly relations”, in which the Turkish government is called to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) “without further delay”.
Some provisions of UNCLOS are implemented as part of the ‘acquis communautaire’, the EP motion for a resolution, dated January 8, 2015, notes in paragraph 32.
Moreover, the European Parliament calls on Turkey to respect the sovereign rights of all member states, including those relating to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, when in line with the EU acquis and international law.
Furthermore, it reiterates in paragraph 33 its strong support for the reunification of Cyprus, on the basis of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement for both communities, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The EP also calls on the leaders of both communities in Cyprus to resume negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General “at the earliest convenience”, while expressing strong support for the efforts made by the UN Special Adviser on Cyprus to create the conditions for the resumption of talks.
Finally, the draft resolution calls on Turkey to actively support the negotiations for the island`s reunification.
Moscow wants a military base in Cyprus
By Kyriacos Kyriacou
Moscow is interested in a potential agreement with Cyprus for military facilitation on the island, the country`s Ambassador in Nicosia Stanislav Osadchiy has said on Wednesday.
The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades is expected to visit the Russian capital in the end of February.
Osadchiy said however that at the present stage, Moscow`s consultations with the Cypriot Foreign Ministry concern the preparation of bilateral agreements to be signed during Anastasiades` visit.
Replying to questions, Osadchiy confirmed Moscow`s interest in an agreement providing military facilitation to Russia – similar to the ones in place with France and Germany – and noted that the matter was being discussed.
Moreover, the Ambassador noted that Moscow is following developments concerning the Cyprus issue and natural gas.
The issue of the Turkish research vessel “Barbaros” has been discussed with the Foreign Ministry and Russia urges all sides to break the deadlock, the Osadchiy said.
He noted that “we are doing everything to improve existing good relations between our countries”.
Draft resolution for Ankara
Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus’ northern part since they invaded in 1974, does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus, in spite of numerous calls by the EU to do so and normalise relations with Nicosia.
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades suspended his participation in the UN-led peace talks following a Navigational Telex or NAVTEX, issued by Turkey in October last year, as Turkish seismic research vessel “Barbaros” violated the Republic’s exclusive economic zone.
Repeated calls for the withdrawal of “Barbaros” went unheeded by Ankara, which announced recently the NAVTEX`s extension until April 6, 2015.
On Wednesday, the European Parliament underlined the Republic of Cyprus’ legitimate right to enter into bilateral agreements concerning its exclusive economic zone, while calling on Ankara to respect the member states` lawful sovereign rights concerning the exploitation of their natural resources.
The 2014 draft progress report on Turkey, prepared by the EP rapporteur on Turkey, MEP Kati Piri, contains two paragraphs on Cyprus under the section titled “Building good neighbourly relations”, in which the Turkish government is called to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) “without further delay”.
Some provisions of UNCLOS are implemented as part of the ‘acquis communautaire’, the EP motion for a resolution, dated January 8, 2015, notes in paragraph 32.
Moreover, the European Parliament calls on Turkey to respect the sovereign rights of all member states, including those relating to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, when in line with the EU acquis and international law.
Furthermore, it reiterates in paragraph 33 its strong support for the reunification of Cyprus, on the basis of a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement for both communities, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The EP also calls on the leaders of both communities in Cyprus to resume negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General “at the earliest convenience”, while expressing strong support for the efforts made by the UN Special Adviser on Cyprus to create the conditions for the resumption of talks.
Finally, the draft resolution calls on Turkey to actively support the negotiations for the island`s reunification.