There is only One cast,the cast of humanity.

There is only One religion,the religion of love

There is only One language, the language of the heart.

There is only One God and He is omnipresent.


Υπαρχει μονο Μια φυλη,η φυλη της ανθρωποτητας.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια θρησκεια,η θρησκεια της αγαπης.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια γλωσσα,η γλωσσα της καρδιας.

Υπαρχει μονο Ενας Θεος και ειναι πανταχου παρων.


Let it be light between us,brothers and sisters from the Earth.Let it be love between all living beings on this

Galaxy.Let it be peace between all various races and species.We love you infinitely.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius

Channel:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean

Ειθε να υπαρχει φως αναμεσα μας, αδελφοι και αδελφες μας απο την Γη .Ειθε να υπαρχει αγαπη

αναμεσα σε ολες τις υπαρξεις στον Γαλαξια.Ειθε να υπαρχει ειρηνη αναμεσα σε ολες τις διαφο-

ρετικες φυλες και ειδη.Η αγαπη μας για σας ειναι απειρη.

Ειμαι ο ΣαΛουΣα απο τον Σειριο.

Καναλι:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean




The Ascended Master SANAT KUMARA is a Hierarch of VENUS.

Since then SANAT KUMARA has visited PLANET EARTH and SHAMBALLA often.SANAT KUMARA is sanskrit and it means"always a youth". 2.5 million years ago during earth's darkest hour, SANAT KUMARA came here to keep the threefold flame of Life on behalf of earth's people. After Sanat Kumara made his commitment to come to earth 144.000 souls from Venus volunteered to come with him to support his mission.Four hundred were sent ahead to build the magnificent retreat of SHAMBALLA on an island in the Gobi Sea.Taj Mahal - Shamballa in a smaller scaleSanat Kumara resided in this physical retreat, but he did not take on a physical body such as the bodies we wear today. Later Shamballa was withdrawn to the etheric octave, and the area became a desert.Gobi DesertSANAT KUMARA is THE ANCIENT OF DAYS in The Book of DANIEL.DANIEL wrote (19, 20):"I beheld till the thrones were set in place, and THE ANCIENT OF DAYS did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His throne Always like the fiery flame and is wheels as burning fire. [His chakras.]"A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.Thousand and thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times and ten thousand stood before him."I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like THE SON OF MAN came with the clouds of heaven, and came to THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, and they brought him near before him."And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him.His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." The supreme God of Zoroastrianism, AHURA MAZDA is also SANAT KUMARA.In Buddhism, there is a great god known as BRAHMA SANAM-KUMARA, yet another name for SANAT KUMARA.SANAT KUMARA is one of the SEVEN HOLY KUMARAS.The twinflame of SANT KUMARA is VENUS, the goddess of LOVE and BEAUTY.In 1956, SANAT KUMARA returned to Venus, and GAUTAMA BUDDHA is now LORD OF THE WORLD and SANAT KUMARA is REGENT LORD OF THE WORLD.SANAT KUMARA`s keynote is the main theme of Finlandia by SIBELIUS.

The Ascended Master Hilarion Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master Hilarion - Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master of the Healing Ray

The ascended master Hilarion, the Chohan,1 or Lord, of the Fifth Ray of Science, Healing and Truth, holds a world balance for truth from his etheric retreat, known as the Temple of Truth, over the island of Crete. The island was an historic focal point for the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.We know few of this master’s incarnations, but the three most prominent are as the High Priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis; then as Paul, beloved apostle of Jesus; and as Hilarion, the great saint and healer, performer of miracles, who founded monasticism in Palestine. Embodied as Saul of Tarsus during the rise of Jesus’ popularity, Saul became a determined persecutor of Christians, originally seeing them as a rebellious faction and a danger to the government and society. Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, failing to recognize the light in this saint and in the Christian movement.jesus had already resurrected and ascended2 when he met Saul on the road to Damascus. And what an electrifying meeting that was! “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks,”3 Jesus uttered to an awestruck Saul. Blinded by the light that surrounded the form of Jesus, Saul crumpled to the ground. Not only his body but his pride was taken down a few notches that day.This was the most famous of Christian conversions, whereupon Saul became the mightiest of the apostles. Saul took the name Paul and resolved to spread the word of truth throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Paul had inwardly remembered his vow to serve the light of Christ—a vow that he had taken before his current incarnation. Three years after conversion, Paul spent another three years in seclusion in the Arabian Desert where he was taken up into Jesus’ etheric retreat. Paul did not ascend in that life due to his torturing of Christians earlier in that embodiment. In his very next lifetime, Paul was born to pagan parents in 290 A.D. They resided in the same geographical region in which he had lived as Paul in his previous lifetime. As a young boy, Hilarion was sent to Alexandria to study. During this time of study, he heard the gospel and was converted to Christianity.His greatest desire was to be a hermit—to spend his time fasting and praying to God in seclusion. So he divided his fortune among the poor and set out for the desert near Gaza. He spent twenty years in prayer in the desert before he performed his first miracle. God, through him, cured a woman of barrenness. And his healing ministry began.Soon Hilarion was sought out by hundreds who had heard of his miraculous cures and ability to exorcise demons. In 329 A.D., with a growing number of disciples assembling around him, he fled to Egypt to escape the constant flow of people seeking to be healed from all manner of diseases. His travels brought him to Alexandria again, to the Libyan Desert and to Sicily.But his miracles did not only include healings. Once when a seacoast town in which he was staying was threatened with a violent storm, he etched three signs of the cross into the sand at his feet then stood with hands raised toward the oncoming waves and held the sea at bay.Hilarion spent his last years in a lonely cave on Cyprus. He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine. To this day, those known as anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and prayer. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment. Hilarion, as an ascended master, speaks to us today of the power of truth to heal the souls of men, delivering his word through The Hearts Center’s Messenger, David Christopher Lewis. Current teachings released from Hilarion include the following:

· On the power of healing: Hilarion teaches his students that “[t]he power of healing is within your Solar Source.” He gives his students “an impetus, a spiral of light that you may fulfill your mission…” and exhorts them to “use this spiral of light for the benefit of sentient beings”. —July 2008

· On the power of joy: Hilarion encourages us to “experience the pulsation of joy” and shows each of us the joyous outcome of our life, which is “a life lived in joy.” He assures us, “I will always lead you to your freedom to be joy”. —June 2008

· On the love of truth: Hilarion teaches that the love of truth will enable us to see clearly the light that is within us. He teaches that instead of criticizing, we must go within and eliminate the particles of untruth within ourselves. —February 2008

· On the action of solar light: Hilarion delivers a greater action of solar light to help release all past awareness of lives lived outside divine awareness. He explains his ongoing mission over many lifetimes—to heal by the power of each soul’s recognition of the truth of her own divinity—and pronounces, “I am the messenger of healing and joy to all. May your life as a God-realized solar being be bright-shining ever with the aura of the truth who you are in my heart.” —March 14, 2008

1. “Chohan” is a Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” A chohan is the spiritual leader of great attainment who works with mankind from the ascended state. There are seven chohans for the earth—El Morya, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Nada and Saint Germain.back to Chohan…

2. The ascension is complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth. In the ascension process, the soul becomes merged with her Solar Presence, experiencing freedom from the gravitational, or karmic, pull of the Earth and entering God’s eternal Presence of divine love. Students of the ascended masters work toward their ascension by studying and internalizing the teachings, serving life, and invoking the light of God into their lives. Their goal as they walk the earth is the cultivation of a relationship with God that becomes more real, more vital with each passing day.back to ascended…

3. Acts 9:5 back to kick against the pricks…

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

I have stood in the Great Hall in the Great Central Sun. I have petitioned the Lords of Karma to release Dispensation after Dispensation for the Sons and Daughters of God and, yes, for the Torch Bearers of The Temple. Countless times I have come to your assistance with a release of Violet Flame sufficient to clear all debris from your consciousness. Numberless times I have engaged the Love of my Heart to embrace you, to comfort you, to assist you when you have not known which way to turn.

"I merely ask you to keep the watch, to hold fast to the Heart Flame of your own God Presence, to understand that your first allegiance is to the Mighty I AM. That you have no other Gods before the I AM THAT I AM.

through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, February 14, 2007, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. (10)

Παρασκευή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

September, Wednesday 4th., 2024 They’re Hiding a Massive UFO Base in Antarctica w/ Dr. Michael Salla | Redacted and MY M.L.P. MESSAGE

 September, Wednesday 4th., 2024

They’re Hiding a Massive UFO Base in Antarctica w/ Dr. Michael Salla | Redacted

Posted on by Eliza Ayres

Redacted w/ Clayton

Redacted w/ Clayton

Comment from Dr. Michael Salla:

In my latest Redacted interview I talked about the significance of the new AARO Director being an NSA scientist and whistleblower claims that the NSA runs an interstellar trade center out of Antarctica: “They are HIDING a massive UFO base in Antarctica” | Redacted w Clayton.

Good video for those waiting for REAL disclosure…

Posted in Alternative Technology, Disclosure, Earth History / Civilizations, exopolitics, UAPs / UFOs    | Comments Off on They’re Hiding a Massive UFO Base in Antarctica w/ Dr. Michael Salla | Redacted
Maria L. Pelekanaki:
My Message of September Friday 6th., 2024, Addressed to All mentioned below:

MESSAGE ADDRESSED TO THE so called "EARTH ALLIANCE", TO THE  so called  "ARTEMIS ACCORDS MEMBERS" where Greece is also involved, TO THE POSITIVE EXTRATERRESTRIALS, like those hunting to kill Human Earth Citizens in the murky DUMBs 10.000 meters underneath the Earth surface, in order to support the secrecy their handlers/ partners/cooperators require... and to the Whole of whatever the so called  CABAL is, represents and stands for!

M.L.P. THE  September Friday 6th., 2024 ARTICLE:

Whistle blowers but also high officers of the US Military, Navy, NSA, etc., disclose that not only the existence of Extraterrestrials  is an undisputed fact in Earth's reality, but one of the infamous three letter agencies, the

<< "NSA, itself, is Running INTER STELLAR TRADE OUT OF  ANTARCTICA and the huge bases established there"!!!

Thus, the US needs to prepare the public for disclosure because our future lies in space, in the construction and development  of fleets of spacecrafts, cause this is the only way you can keep up with extra terrestrials who are out there.


ANTI GRAVITY PRINCIPLES,  TORSION FIELD PRINCIPLES are required and the relative technology is available too.

Those who are clued and briefed about the big picture out there, know that our planet and the US in particular needs to play catch up.That the planetary population need to really learn a lot more about what's happening out there so that the massive fleets can be built so that the earth can be on par with interstellar civilizations.

At the moment it is all done through a black budget, through covert projects and there are small numbers of antigravity craft capable of interstellar travel and using  wormholes  and so forth .These are kind of relatively few because its only a very small segment of the entire planet that's behind it. So I think this is why you have the US pushing the ARTEMIS ACCORDS, why they are doing technology sharing with many countries that are involved with the ARTEMIS ACCORDS. I am working with a whistle blower called JP and he said he did a mission to a huge spaceport in Alabama and he said that there were pilots from approximately thirty nations being trained to fly these flying saucers in the spaceport in Alabama built by the NORDICS in an underground facility.Huge space in Alabama near the Caverns near Huntsville Alabama. Where they have massive caverns. And you have hundreds of these flying saucer crafts down there and the Nordic Extraterrestrials are responsible for that Port. They are training Pilots to fly those. And those Pilots are not just from the US.They are from other countries, France, Britain, Australia, Canada, Germany and so forth and I think the incentive is the ARTEMIS Accords... >>
Dr. Michael Salla

The information is cataclysmic! Not only do we have to suddenly acknowledge the Extraterrestrials' actual existence, since the Military say so and our human Pilots spot their crafts via some GAMMA RAY detection devises, but we also have to wrap our heads around the fact that there also is a US Navy interstellar military Organization called SOLAR WARDEN with 6-8 fleets of Spacecrafts, since the 1950's...!, Secret Energy High Technology, anti gravity technology, torsion fields et al !A fait accompli! And what's more and obviously mind boggling is the answer to the question:
What do they all do out there in the wilderness while keeping us in ignorance, pain and fear control!???

THEY TRADE IN SECRECY! All of the  involved parts trade! They, themselves, the Military-Industrial Complex evidently and whoever their Extraterrestrial Partners are! Of course the Vatican Jesuits are not to be excluded from the game!
And the Prey for them all!?
What a Galactically profitable PREY it sure IS!
Alas to the simple soldiers! Alas to the visionary  scientists exploited! Alas to the 'workers' enslaved under the horrible MK-Ultra authority, iron hand and negative-uneducated-cheap in human values and truth  technology of these dark forces...
Alas to the sensitive, psychically rich, talented Beings ensnared in the thick toxicity ...!
Alas to all Earth's people enslaved, exploited, used as useless meat in their  bloodthirsty war machines...!

And what exactly do they sell and what exactly do they buy out there, using crafts, technology, etc., totally financed by earth  people's stolen wealth and lives, at our total unawares? :

<<... THE U.S. MILITARY has been trading HUMAN SUBJECTS IN EXCHANGE FOR TECHNOLOGY SINCE THE 1930S ..Humans that would be used as experimental victims, tortured and cut into pieces drained of blood and gladular material and become food, sex  toys and ultimately killed by the aliens who feed off them.  This is a genetic engineering of humanity that includes injecting humans with Reptilan DNA which becomes the primary cause for the ADRENOCHROME EPIDEMIC.  Human slavery and sacrifice has surpassed the sale of guns  and drugs around the world.  THIS MUST STOP NOW... >>
Κerry Lyn Cassidy

My understanding is that now We, the Earth's Surface Inhabitants, actually live unique moments, since the beginning of our Time on Earth because ,

The Originators of Humanity's enslavement and exploitation, since time immemorial, since at least 450.000 years ago, the Grays, the Ciakhars and the Insectoids Extraterrestrials,
who took absolute black control of all LIFE on Earth, due to their malevolence and highly evolved technology,  were
finally confronted and fought out of our Planetary System!
Just recently, thanks to the Positive Extraterrestrials and Others, along with the coming of the Fullness of Time, Humanity's awakening and Consciousness Rising.
This information is given by

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and C
corroborated by my person, M.L.P., based on personal experience, knowledge and contacts.

The most horrible period of this Humanity's enslavement reached its peak after WWII till today, when the Eisenhower's governance political personnel  were tricked by the NEBU Extraterrestrials  and the Military-Industrial Complex to exchange Humans for Technology, Power and Ownership over Earth's resources and peoples!The most horrendous abductions, hybridizations, murders and traumas were then  inflicted upon Humanity.

 and Second:

because those of the Global Military, but especially of the US and the 5EYEs, who shared and signed the Agreements between the NEBU and the Eisenhower governance and partook of the dirty benefits,  now, all of a sudden, comprehend that the Forces who paid them, engaged them, ordered them, handled them, are NO MORE!They are expelled! None of them to be ever again seen!
So what do they do?
"Ah!," they say, "we shall start disclosing the truth to the sheeple bit by bit, because we can hide it no more and in the meantime we shall secure  for ourselves new ways and means so that we can reserve and  keep some powers and riches to ourselves, still at the expense of Humans.

Which is good for Us, anyway, because the word Truth comes forward in which soever amount or size! So Truth It Is!

So we have the dark overlords expelled and the truth about our Life on Earth appearing. This is an auspicious fact and for it to totally materialize we have to act accordingly:Respectfully, magnanimously, peacefully with our glance in our benign, happy future.



Representatives from each Nation should be elected and they are to communicate with both the Positive Extraterrestrials and the jealously/passionately  Technology Guarding Militaries.

Artemis Accords, for example, may turn out to be useful for Humanity, or maybe not!

How are We going to respect and agree and work for those who for such a long time were rubbing shoulders with the Dark Ones, 'drinking' from the same 'Glass'?  Now they are telling Us that  the Artemis Accords are the right thing for Us? What did they do? Did they wash themselves in the Pool Of Siloam?Honestly!
And where is everybody else?The Russians, the Indians, the Chinese, the ASEANs?What do their representatives have to say?

Shouldn't we be united, as THE EARTHLINGS, for the first time in Humanity's long and sad and bitter history till now?Shouldn't We demand it?

Nr. 2.

As of the Day before Yesterday all Kindergartens, all Nursing Homes and all Old Age Houses should be visited by elected committee members and presented with photos, videos, images, of positive and negative extraterrestrials, crafts, zero energy appliances, etc.

Situation is to be kindly, lovingly explained and the simple  solutions for the upcoming future are to be simply stated.No anger, no stress, no hatred, no enmity, no hostility. Just peaceful beautiful plans for the future.

Nr. 3

Elected people's committees will visit Academia, Economy, Religion, public and private Organizations, present the truth and the relative information and ask them all for their kind cooperation.Whoever does not agree will find it difficult to continue under the old lies, hypocrisy and serving the self washed out methods of the past.

Consumption will continue to the levels of necessity, Commerce will carry on normally, no tragic tempests are required.
Just step by step proceeding with Truth in all societal stratas.


Maria L. Pelekanaki