There is only One cast,the cast of humanity.

There is only One religion,the religion of love

There is only One language, the language of the heart.

There is only One God and He is omnipresent.


Υπαρχει μονο Μια φυλη,η φυλη της ανθρωποτητας.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια θρησκεια,η θρησκεια της αγαπης.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια γλωσσα,η γλωσσα της καρδιας.

Υπαρχει μονο Ενας Θεος και ειναι πανταχου παρων.


Let it be light between us,brothers and sisters from the Earth.Let it be love between all living beings on this

Galaxy.Let it be peace between all various races and species.We love you infinitely.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius

Channel:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean

Ειθε να υπαρχει φως αναμεσα μας, αδελφοι και αδελφες μας απο την Γη .Ειθε να υπαρχει αγαπη

αναμεσα σε ολες τις υπαρξεις στον Γαλαξια.Ειθε να υπαρχει ειρηνη αναμεσα σε ολες τις διαφο-

ρετικες φυλες και ειδη.Η αγαπη μας για σας ειναι απειρη.

Ειμαι ο ΣαΛουΣα απο τον Σειριο.

Καναλι:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean




The Ascended Master SANAT KUMARA is a Hierarch of VENUS.

Since then SANAT KUMARA has visited PLANET EARTH and SHAMBALLA often.SANAT KUMARA is sanskrit and it means"always a youth". 2.5 million years ago during earth's darkest hour, SANAT KUMARA came here to keep the threefold flame of Life on behalf of earth's people. After Sanat Kumara made his commitment to come to earth 144.000 souls from Venus volunteered to come with him to support his mission.Four hundred were sent ahead to build the magnificent retreat of SHAMBALLA on an island in the Gobi Sea.Taj Mahal - Shamballa in a smaller scaleSanat Kumara resided in this physical retreat, but he did not take on a physical body such as the bodies we wear today. Later Shamballa was withdrawn to the etheric octave, and the area became a desert.Gobi DesertSANAT KUMARA is THE ANCIENT OF DAYS in The Book of DANIEL.DANIEL wrote (19, 20):"I beheld till the thrones were set in place, and THE ANCIENT OF DAYS did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His throne Always like the fiery flame and is wheels as burning fire. [His chakras.]"A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.Thousand and thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times and ten thousand stood before him."I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like THE SON OF MAN came with the clouds of heaven, and came to THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, and they brought him near before him."And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him.His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." The supreme God of Zoroastrianism, AHURA MAZDA is also SANAT KUMARA.In Buddhism, there is a great god known as BRAHMA SANAM-KUMARA, yet another name for SANAT KUMARA.SANAT KUMARA is one of the SEVEN HOLY KUMARAS.The twinflame of SANT KUMARA is VENUS, the goddess of LOVE and BEAUTY.In 1956, SANAT KUMARA returned to Venus, and GAUTAMA BUDDHA is now LORD OF THE WORLD and SANAT KUMARA is REGENT LORD OF THE WORLD.SANAT KUMARA`s keynote is the main theme of Finlandia by SIBELIUS.

The Ascended Master Hilarion Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master Hilarion - Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master of the Healing Ray

The ascended master Hilarion, the Chohan,1 or Lord, of the Fifth Ray of Science, Healing and Truth, holds a world balance for truth from his etheric retreat, known as the Temple of Truth, over the island of Crete. The island was an historic focal point for the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.We know few of this master’s incarnations, but the three most prominent are as the High Priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis; then as Paul, beloved apostle of Jesus; and as Hilarion, the great saint and healer, performer of miracles, who founded monasticism in Palestine. Embodied as Saul of Tarsus during the rise of Jesus’ popularity, Saul became a determined persecutor of Christians, originally seeing them as a rebellious faction and a danger to the government and society. Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, failing to recognize the light in this saint and in the Christian movement.jesus had already resurrected and ascended2 when he met Saul on the road to Damascus. And what an electrifying meeting that was! “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks,”3 Jesus uttered to an awestruck Saul. Blinded by the light that surrounded the form of Jesus, Saul crumpled to the ground. Not only his body but his pride was taken down a few notches that day.This was the most famous of Christian conversions, whereupon Saul became the mightiest of the apostles. Saul took the name Paul and resolved to spread the word of truth throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Paul had inwardly remembered his vow to serve the light of Christ—a vow that he had taken before his current incarnation. Three years after conversion, Paul spent another three years in seclusion in the Arabian Desert where he was taken up into Jesus’ etheric retreat. Paul did not ascend in that life due to his torturing of Christians earlier in that embodiment. In his very next lifetime, Paul was born to pagan parents in 290 A.D. They resided in the same geographical region in which he had lived as Paul in his previous lifetime. As a young boy, Hilarion was sent to Alexandria to study. During this time of study, he heard the gospel and was converted to Christianity.His greatest desire was to be a hermit—to spend his time fasting and praying to God in seclusion. So he divided his fortune among the poor and set out for the desert near Gaza. He spent twenty years in prayer in the desert before he performed his first miracle. God, through him, cured a woman of barrenness. And his healing ministry began.Soon Hilarion was sought out by hundreds who had heard of his miraculous cures and ability to exorcise demons. In 329 A.D., with a growing number of disciples assembling around him, he fled to Egypt to escape the constant flow of people seeking to be healed from all manner of diseases. His travels brought him to Alexandria again, to the Libyan Desert and to Sicily.But his miracles did not only include healings. Once when a seacoast town in which he was staying was threatened with a violent storm, he etched three signs of the cross into the sand at his feet then stood with hands raised toward the oncoming waves and held the sea at bay.Hilarion spent his last years in a lonely cave on Cyprus. He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine. To this day, those known as anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and prayer. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment. Hilarion, as an ascended master, speaks to us today of the power of truth to heal the souls of men, delivering his word through The Hearts Center’s Messenger, David Christopher Lewis. Current teachings released from Hilarion include the following:

· On the power of healing: Hilarion teaches his students that “[t]he power of healing is within your Solar Source.” He gives his students “an impetus, a spiral of light that you may fulfill your mission…” and exhorts them to “use this spiral of light for the benefit of sentient beings”. —July 2008

· On the power of joy: Hilarion encourages us to “experience the pulsation of joy” and shows each of us the joyous outcome of our life, which is “a life lived in joy.” He assures us, “I will always lead you to your freedom to be joy”. —June 2008

· On the love of truth: Hilarion teaches that the love of truth will enable us to see clearly the light that is within us. He teaches that instead of criticizing, we must go within and eliminate the particles of untruth within ourselves. —February 2008

· On the action of solar light: Hilarion delivers a greater action of solar light to help release all past awareness of lives lived outside divine awareness. He explains his ongoing mission over many lifetimes—to heal by the power of each soul’s recognition of the truth of her own divinity—and pronounces, “I am the messenger of healing and joy to all. May your life as a God-realized solar being be bright-shining ever with the aura of the truth who you are in my heart.” —March 14, 2008

1. “Chohan” is a Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” A chohan is the spiritual leader of great attainment who works with mankind from the ascended state. There are seven chohans for the earth—El Morya, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Nada and Saint Germain.back to Chohan…

2. The ascension is complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth. In the ascension process, the soul becomes merged with her Solar Presence, experiencing freedom from the gravitational, or karmic, pull of the Earth and entering God’s eternal Presence of divine love. Students of the ascended masters work toward their ascension by studying and internalizing the teachings, serving life, and invoking the light of God into their lives. Their goal as they walk the earth is the cultivation of a relationship with God that becomes more real, more vital with each passing day.back to ascended…

3. Acts 9:5 back to kick against the pricks…

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

I have stood in the Great Hall in the Great Central Sun. I have petitioned the Lords of Karma to release Dispensation after Dispensation for the Sons and Daughters of God and, yes, for the Torch Bearers of The Temple. Countless times I have come to your assistance with a release of Violet Flame sufficient to clear all debris from your consciousness. Numberless times I have engaged the Love of my Heart to embrace you, to comfort you, to assist you when you have not known which way to turn.

"I merely ask you to keep the watch, to hold fast to the Heart Flame of your own God Presence, to understand that your first allegiance is to the Mighty I AM. That you have no other Gods before the I AM THAT I AM.

through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, February 14, 2007, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. (10)

Παρασκευή 5 Ιουλίου 2024

July, Friday 5th., 2024" grates when you keep reminding us that you are not a Christian, and the Bible is to be jettisoned.Yet you say you believe in Yeshua..." T

 July, Friday 5th., 2024

The Last Supper – Leonardo da Vinci

By Eliza Ayres

Note to Readers: The other day I received a provocative comment via email. I asked permission to print it and follow up with my reply. The following emerged…

From Dave:

I regularly read your comments in articles from Sunny’s Journal.  You are no doubt a sincere and upright person,

but it grates when you keep reminding us that you are not a Christian, and the Bible is to be jettisoned.  Yet you say you believe in Yeshua.

The problem is that if you say you are not a Christian, then a lot of people will conclude you are against Jesus Christ.  A believer in Christ will never go round saying he or she is not a Christian.  There is an obvious difference between Christianity and Christendom.  

My own background includes severe religious trauma which I have had to recover from.  I finally became free enough to acknowledge Jesus Christ – Yeshua – as my Saviour from sin, and I look forward to standing before God at the end of my days.  You seem to make next to no reference to this basic aspect of belief in the Son of God, and that you constantly replace Him with your beliefs in ETs and other gods such as Enlil, etc.  

The Bible has defects in it but is not to be thrown out because it is imperfect.  Jesus Himself owned the God of the Old Testament as His Father, and I’m sure there are explanations for the seeming episodes of “Yahweh’s” oppressive dealings with evil people.  

Saying anything more is just an exercise in getting bogged down, so I’ll stop here.

I hope you continue to explore what is true.

My reply:

Okay – Let me explain my perspective. I remember past lifetimes when I lived in quite diverse cultures, on this planet and glimpses of other planets.  I know I am an eternal soul, a fractal of Source… which isn’t a “god” as most of the religious among Earth humanity think.  Therefore, I don’t identify with any religion whatsoever, including Christianity as it is currently practiced on Terra.

As for Yeshua, I consider him a great soul who agreed to come to Terra on a mission.  As another fractal of Source, he is not my “lord”, certainly not my Savior, and definitely not God. The latter assignment of godhood to a singular individual was a method used by a very insidious group who intentionally created religions to divide, conquer and control Earth humanity.

The word “Christ” simply means “anointed”, which involves the rising of the Kundalini, the double snake, male and female to the Pineal gland, symbolized by the pinecone in esoteric literature.  Anyone who has raised their Kundalini and activated the crystals in the gland, opening up the interdimensional portal that exists there… can rightly be called a Christed one. 

I’m sure some of this will offend your sensibilities, but I really don’t care. I’ve studied a long time and am beyond being offended by people’s adherence to their chosen belief system.  It is what it is.  You don’t have to believe anything I write here.  I fully recognize that many people aren’t willing to venture beyond what they are currently comfortable with – I’m just not that kind of person. 

I have cousins who are ministers. I am probably considered the black sheep of the family as I don’t fit into their communal box and comfort zone.

As for the suggestion that I’m against Christ… that is a fallacy.  I simply take issue with the false teachings of the Roman Catholic church that have infiltrated to some degree into the Protestant faith.  Even as a child, I questioned the whole “lake of the sacred fire” and judging people as sinners scenarios that the minister presented at the weekly sermons. I insisted in attending church with Mother as I enjoyed singing the hymns.  The sermons were boring and disturbing… and I felt the “wrongness” of the frequency.  It was the frequency of fear, low vibes… being preached there and it grated on my sensitive nature.

Yeshua was a man, born of woman… who was inseminated with Anunnaki DNA during an abduction and her mind wiped, memories replaced with a story of her encounter with the Archangel Gabriel. If anyone was Yeshua’s father it was ENKI himself, the Anunnaki scientist since it was his royal blood genome that was used to upgrade the DNA required to create a perfect physical body capable of holding a high-frequency soul. Mother Mary was a descendant of the Christed Adamic bloodline, which was originally created by ENKI and his science team, adding Anunnaki genome which comes from another higher density dimension (universe) to that of the original genome of Earth humanity as seeded by the Intergalactic Confederation. The original bloodlines contained the genome of eleven intergalactic star races + one mammal. The bloodlines of Earth humanity now contain up to 22 different star races both intergalactic and galactic. We are hybrids, that is our bodies are hybrids designed to carry an evolving race. Yes, Christians, evolution is a real thing. Our souls are eternal; our physical bodies are avatars, vehicles to house the soul temporarily for one chapter of the Soul’s journey.

The Vatican has intentionally deified Yeshua to make everyone else on the planet to feel less than, sinners, and all that – a story that was meant to make people feel guilty about being human.  This story of the preparation for Yeshua’s mission to Earth was shared by Prince Ea (ENKI) who is a Cosmic alchemist and was the one who developed out of primitive humanoids today’s modern man, Homo sapien sapiens.  Earth humanity was seeded here on this planet as an evolutionary experiment, not by a god, any god, but by intergalactic scientists who work under the direction of The Nine, a supraphysical consciousness, and Source itself… the Consciousness of the Multiverse.

By the way, if you haven’t comprehended it yet, the Church… all of the churches have been infiltrated by Satanic elements.  That intel will be emerging along with the rest, and this includes other religions, like the Moslem and Jewish faiths, the children of the Book.

Another point – my path is not your path.  I have studied esoteric Christianity since my 20’s, including Celtic Christianity.  I love the original teachings of Yeshua, who was here to bring love to the world, not more division.  His original teachings have been highly contorted by the Church, all of the churches, and used as a weapon to divide humanity.

I remember as a young person – wondering why wars were always started by various religious factions.  “God wills it!” was the cry of the faithful against the faithful of another religion or sect. This state of affairs has been going on for over 2,000 years since the death of Yeshua due to the judgment of the Pharisees against him.  He challenged their obedience to the laws allegedly given to Moses. Yet today real Bible scholars who have deciphered the original texts are discovering that the Hebrews lied about their involvement with the ancient stories that had come down to the Sumerians, Akkadians, Persians, and so on.  They wrote themselves into the stories, renamed the god to fit their own agenda, and twisted the meaning of the stories to create this illusion of a chosen people before God.

Do you realize that the God you have been worshipping is an ET, namely Enlil, the half-brother of Enki (aka Ea) a hybrid Ciakahrr reptilian and human Anakh (Anunnaki).  The anti-human cruel god of the Old Testament was indeed Enlil, who masqueraded as Yahweh and other names.  He was joined in the game by his son Ninnurta and his nephew Marduk (aka “Lucifer” and Satan, the Adversary and servant of Enlil).

Being a benevolent and intelligent person who is perhaps more aware of real Earth history, I would certainly not pray to an off-worlder as a god.  There are no gods. The extraterrestrials do not practice religious beliefs. They practice meditation and learn as much as they can about their own people.

As fractals of Source, we are all unique.  This includes those whom Christians consider as evil or of Satan.  A lot of this tendency to judge comes from a lack of real education and awareness that we are not the only sentient beings in the Universe. The teachings of Christianity have placed an emphasis on distrusting anyone who is not of the same faith — just look at the multitude of divisions and sects within those who consider themselves as Christians.

Our off-world controllers did not want us to learn about our origins, our true history, and the purpose of religions. I can tell you that Yeshua did not come here to create another religion.  He did not appreciate the fanaticism of the Pharisees and they hated him.

Yeshua told his followers of his miracles (quantum science) that “ye will do this and greater things…” meaning he knew of the great potential held by all Earth humans.  Our DNA is interdimensional, connected directly to Source.  We don’t need ministers or priests to communicate to our higher selves, to our mentors who live on higher densities. Our physical vehicles were designed by our Fathers and Mothers, the Seeders, and everyone else who contributed to the gene pool of the Terra Hu, Earth humanity. They were designed to allow for the attachment of high density, high frequency souls, highly evolved and experienced souls. That’s you who is reading this now.

No, I am not against “Christ”, I am against the teachings of the churches, the synagogues of Satan that have twisted the teachings of Yeshua.  Did you know that over 700 books were left out of the Bible by the Council of Nicea?  Now, why would they do that if they weren’t hiding something, a lot of somethings.

What I am working to accomplish here on this planet is Christ consciousness. Yeshua is not going to return to save anyone.  He is not a god nor is he my “king” and savior.  I am responsible for working on my own enlightenment, opening up the portals, communicating with my inner guidance.  This doesn’t affect my love and admiration for a great soul who dared to arrive on this planet during an era of great darkness.  His mission will always be remembered and honored.  I will not bow or pray to him, as he is my equal as a fractal of Source… and I know he would not be offended if I said that to his beautiful face.

If I were to follow any offshoot of Christianity it would be Gnosticism. I remember a lifetime as a Cathar. And you know how they were treated. Massacred on the command of a French monarch.

I hope this explanation will help resolve your worry about how I would offend Christians by claiming to not be a Christian.  I am a human being.  Isn’t that enough?  It really is quite amazing to finally learn about our intergalactic inheritance as hybrids here on Terra.  And some of us came from higher density worlds as envoys, to assist Earth humanity in resolving their differences, learning to cooperate with each other, and becoming an interstellar spacefaring race.

If all of this offends or confuses, you’re not ready to hear this information.  For your own sake, it is best you stop reading my blog because I will not stop introducing this knowledge new to me to others who arrive at Sunny’s Journal.  My work is not meant to offend anyone, but those who are not ready – not at the proper frequency level – will not be able to understand.  This condition can change through your own efforts, to meditate, to work on self-mastery, self-acceptance, until you arrive at a sense of oneness with all despite any surface differences, be they of gender, religion, culture, nationality, skin color, etc. What I share comes from within me… I don’t intend to sound superior or anything, but it certainly may come across like that… We all have different paths to follow. Mine has been a road less traveled.

So, there’s my explanation for now.  I continue to expand my knowledge through reading, exploring, and paying attention to the world around me.

One more thing, in 2005 I was considering committing to studying to become a minister. My mentor recommended a very big book on the origins of Christianity.  I got through most of the book when I realized Christianity borrowed its philosophy and teachings from a patchwork of older spiritual schools, including Vedic, Buddhist, Jain, Egyptian, and Greek.  It was not an original religion except for the few words of Yeshua that managed to find their way into the New Testament.  I was appalled and unwilling to continue further on that path.  Like a patchwork quilt, Christianity was pieced together by men with an agenda, to control and suppress humanity and keep them enslaved by the use of fear and torture through the actions of the Inquisition.  No, I don’t like what Christians have done to each other through the past 2,000 years, not at all.  Therefore, when I said I am not a Christian, it means I am not a member of any religion that pawns itself off as being a direct teaching of Yeshua.  All religions were designed to control, divide, and conquer… and all are related to the original off-worlders who gained control over the Earth population pre-flood, leading to the destruction of Atlantis and other great civilizations.  Christianity has been a plague upon this planet and has nothing to do with Yeshua’s teachings.  Both testaments of The Bible are fake… edited and rewritten numerous times, each time with an agenda.  Certainly, there is wisdom to be found there, but it’s not going to draw my allegiance any time soon.  I occasionally refer to saying from Yeshua that float into my consciousness as I am writing… primarily because I spent my early years going to church until I decided it wasn’t for me.  It still isn’t and no one… and I mean no one is going to convince me otherwise so don’t go there.

Obviously my statement that I am not a Christian triggered something in my reader, which I find interesting. I am touched by his apparent concern. Such comments always serve to initiate another bout of writing.  I reserve the right to delete any comments I do not wish to address. This is my blog after all. Lesson over.

Eliza Ayres