July, Wednesday 27th., 2022
Πόσο αναπότρεπτα εδώ βρίσκονται τώρα οι καιροί που ορίζουν πως πρέπει ν'αφήσουμε πίσω μας όλα τα παληά, κακοποιημένα δεδομένα... Πόσο καθαρά βλέπουμε τώρα
τα μεγάλα και μαύρα σημάδια που μας περιβάλλουν κι απλώνουν σκοτεινά δάχτυλα αρπακτικά στη ζωή μας, ενώ πρότερα έμοιαζαν μικρότερα ή γκρίζα και μπορούσαμε να τα αγνοούμε, να το παίζουμε (plausible dissonance- εύλογη ασυμφωνία) αποδεκτή κακοφωνία κι ανέμελα ν'αλλάζουμε πλευρό...
Στους Τόπους και τους Καιρούς που εγώ Κυβερνώ, αυτή η αντίληψη βαθειάς έννοιας, προστασίας, αληθινής επικοινωνίας με παιδιά, ζώα, φυτά και με σύμπασα την φύση, αυτή η Ενσυνειδητότητα που λέγεται και Αγάπη, θα διδάσκεται Παντού, από το Προ-νήπιο κιόλας.
Μαρία Λ. Πελεκανάκη
Introduction to the Trust Technique with James French
13,9 χιλ. εγγεγραμμένοι
πριν από 6 έτη
If everyone watched this often, I'd imagine there'd be less stress in all of our lives.
What remarkable work. So happy to see such patience, mindfulness and love in the world. We all need this in our lives!
First of all I am sooo blessed to stumble on you, I have learned this technique while I was learning to become a kindergarten teacher.This(as you say, all living (with a conscience)) also works for babies, toddlers etc.
When I started a day by just being present IN that moment end not thinking of later or doing something, but watching and breathing and feeling each and every child, they became calmer with the minute. the hard part is when the most stressful kid walks up to you, cause he feels the difference of states between you and him or her and tries to get your attention, is to stay calm and stay focused on breathing while looking at that kid and not say anything back but just smile and make eye contact and say in your head its okay kid to become calm and connected to one another, I am here and I am not going anywhere, we love eachtoher and we are going Mohave a great day together :)
From that experienced I have learned what is most important to me know. And since I have a cat I go to visit my cat one or two times a day for 10 to30 minutes just to be with him and listen to what he thinks and feels and I had the most beautiful moments like ; he was seeing and I went to sit with him just sitting and he looked up and looked into my eyes and he did not looked away for about 20 minutes and I felt some deep emotions, he told me so much and started to cry and than I started to cry, cause he had missed me so much and he went through something with another cat who, lets say, wasn't nice to him. After he let me feel what he was feeling he took a deep breath and stretched his body (like I hadn't seen him do in a long time) and fell asleep with sometimes him checking on me if I was still there hahaha cutie. Thank you so much, I hope this goes all over the world cause its the essence of life. xx
I've used this. I didn't have a name for it. I've used it with people. I was in sales. I used it over the phone. Two different times I used it with Rottweilers that lived chained up and were supposedly unapproachable. One only got upset when I got up to leave. She tried you hold on to me. Broke my heart. You must begin with a pure heart.
Beautiful! Just so beautiful and inspiring! The bible verse from Proverbs 12: 10 comes into mind: A righteous man has kind regard for the life of his animal. Today is 3/16/2022 - John 3: 16 Day, which asks to make people aware of the need to be safe in the hands of our loving heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Jesus says: Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). And John 3:16 says - God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave His only begotten (one of a kind) Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him (putting your trust in His finished work on the cross on our behalf ) shall not perish but have everlasting life. - Be very blessed and thank you for this amazing work, which was our job from the beginning before mankind turned from the love of God for all of His wonderful creation!!
I was stunned! I've watched many of your videos in the past couple of months and am, as always, mesmerized by human/animal interaction - if this is authentic. Oh....., if only it was true. In this media, many tricks are used to induce an audience to an agenda.
A skeptic, it seems, is always skeptical.
The video is beautiful.
And what are the links to judge content? Are there any?
@ Vee Friend I couldn't agree more with what you said. How we yearn for "trust" ourselves. Animals, at least for me, are pure God, pure innocence, and pure joy to watch. The sad part is "death", straight up. That's it in a nutshell for me. And I believe that Jesus understood the depth of "death", and that this "connection" that us humans have with animals, is quite magical. It is PURE, and I love it.
You can only try it for yourself. I havent tried this techniques yet, but i remember we had a very frustrated dog in the animal shelter. One day i sat with him in his kennel and i got pure connection. I felt what he was feeling! It was amazing. After some time he relaxed so much, he lied in his bed fully streched and wasnt even bothered when i left. It was remarkable!!! I never achieved that again, but it was magical!
Beautiful! What a relief! No power, control, coercing. Good for animal & human!
great work - without big words - only wonderful. Thank you for doing this work.