The Financial Vipers of Venice by Joseph Farrell
Bembo family - seven branches
Barbaro - eight branches
Balbi - thirteen branches
Corner - nineteen branches
Contarini - seventeen branches
Dolfin - seven branches
Dona - twelve branches
Foscarini - six branches
Grimani - four branches
Memmo - two branches
Morosini - twelve branches
Pisani - six branches
Priuli - eight branches
Giustiniani - three branches
Venier - six branches
Querini - ten branches
Zen -four branches
Zorzi -four branches
The controllers of this secret and invisible system use different names in different ages, so we have to know to look for the Chatham House rules of secrecy if we want to see them at work. Wherever secrecy exists, secret lodges and societies will be near as cover for these internationalists. We must try to avoid the idea that esoteric and Lombard structures, in this case as first seen in a formal sense in Venice in AD 697, have ever really changed in nature although they do change in name. We must try to ignore the number of different names associated with this international structure because these make the conspiracy seem more complicated than it really is. The essential esoteric conspiracy is called "conversazione filosofica e felice" or "philosophical." This is the outward mask of the Venetian central bank. Other lasting names, along with two hundred other names that do not last, are the Brotherhood of Light (Fratres Lucis) [FL] and Seven Churches of Asia. The Brotherhood of Light is the Illuminati, but since no one knows what this is, we avoid the name and use the original title rather than the latter and better-known name. This "philosophical" or "conversazione filosofica e felice" is based upon the Eleusinian Mystery Religion (EMR) of 15 BC. The mask for the banking fraternity, behind which they hide, is this ancient Gnostic dualism of the BC world. Now it follows that "philosophical" and FL are just grounded in the EMR, as are all the central bank occult groups. After 1530 in Britain, such occult groups become synonymous with "Red Masonry." To summarise, the old religions of Europe and Britain called Pagan Celtic Religion, were some 37,000 years old. It came to an end in the Roman and then Christian era. In Greece the same religion was nearly 200,000 years old and was from Africa. In Greece the 200,000-year-old religion was later called the Cult of Dionysos. The later version of this same old faith, as from 15 BC, became the Eleusinian Mystery Religion. This EMR, adopted by some Roman leaders, was a black, commercial-religious movement directly condemned by the author St John of the New Testament Book of Revelation in the first century. The EMR was then named as Fratres Lucis and Seven Churches of Asia, a Rosicrucians and Red Masonry structure to be discussed in detail later. It is certain that Fratres Lucis (Brotherhood of Light) goes back to 697AD, but the name may be of later date. It is very probable that the other name for FL, the Seven Churches of Asia in Europe, is much earlier, as it reflects the author of the Book of Revelation, St John, in his attack upon the secret societies of Babylon found in the Roman Empire. Anyway, the general movement was based in nature and was philosophical. Yet another title for the same EMR was Brotherhood of the Swastika. This EMR under the title Fratres Lucis appears in 1781 in Vienna, having slithered silently out of Berlin in that year. But the teachings of that movement can be found in the first lodges of this kind set up in Europe in 1150 AD. We know from this that names change, but the reality was set in some sort of fearsome ceremony in Rome in the first century or before, and that Venice and its duke adopted this part of Roman Empire in AD 697. Since the Invisible College does not appear in history, our knowledge of events is made up without it. And so it gains strength over the years becoming an influence upon our education, finances, economics, and religion. Still changing names, the EMR took over the Knights Templar and hid itself in what is called Templar Masonry, also called Red Masonry. At first its lodges were military, but later became an unwelcome addition to the Freemasons Craft Guilds.