Notre Dame fire a terrorist attack in asymmetric war, false flag, or just shoddy construction
Time columnist Christopher J. Hale set off a firestorm of speculation when he tweeted that a friend who works at the cathedral told him “cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set”…Then there is the strange YouTube algorithm mistake showing Notre Dame's fire somehow connected to a 911 conspiracy theory.Hale deleted the tweet just a few minutes later. Was he lying about what he had been told? Coming from a professional journalist, that doesn’t seem likely. Instead, it is much more likely that Hale quickly figured out that he said something that he wasn’t supposed to say. A YouTube video that purportedly contains audio of Muslims celebrating the fire at the Notre Dame cathedral has also sparked a lot of speculation. But at this point there doesn’t appear to be any way to verify the authenticity of the video. But what we do know is that all of this comes at a time when churches all over France are being attacked. On March 17th, the second largest church in France erupted in flames, and police later ruled that it was not an accident…While Notre Dame is undoubtedly the most well-known landmark to be affected, Paris’ second largest church, Saint-Sulpice, briefly burst into flames on March 17, the fire damaging doors and stained glass windows on the building’s exterior. Police later reported that the incident had not been an accident. Overall, a dozen Catholic churches were either set on fire or greatly vandalized during one seven day stretch last month… A dozen Catholic churches have been desecrated across France over the period of one week in an egregious case of anti-Christian vandalism. The recent spate of church profanations has puzzled both police and ecclesiastical leaders, who have mostly remained silent as the violations have spread up and down France. Last Sunday, marauders set fire to the church of Saint-Sulpice — one of Paris’ largest and most important churches — shortly after the twelve-o’clock Mass. And some of the vandalism that was reported during that seven day period was deeply, deeply disturbing… In Nimes (department of the Gard), near the border with Spain, the church of Notre-Dame des Enfants was desecrated in a particularly odious way, with vandals painting a cross with human excrement, looting the main altar and the tabernacle, and stealing the consecrated hosts, which were discovered later among piles of garbage. Likewise, the church of Notre-Dame in Dijon, in the east of the country, suffered the sacking of the high altar and the hosts were also taken from the tabernacle, scattered on the ground, and trampled. Could it be possible that there is a connection between those attacks and the fire that just erupted at the Notre Dame cathedral?
Demonstrating just how poorly designed its algorithms intended to filter out 'conspiratorial' content can be, particularly when reacting in real time to a breaking news event, YouTube has apologized after its recently launched conspiracy-filtering feature accidentally tagged a livestream of the devastating fire at Notre Dame cathedral as a '9/11 conspiracy' video. As Bloomberg pointed out, shortly after the fire broke out, several news organizations launched live streams of the horrific blaze on YouTube.
The French abbot Suger, one of the architectural innovators of the 1100s – the century during which construction began on Notre Dame – lived and worked by his dictum “from material to the immaterial.” The basic idea was that the design of a church could make space sacred and transcendent, and this philosophy played out structurally in Gothic architecture, a supreme example of which is Notre Dame. During the cathedral’s construction, other cultural innovations, including musical ones, also emerged around Notre Dame in the 1100s and 1200s. Today, we speak of the Notre Dame School as the principal incubator of sacred polyphony, sacred music performed by choirs singing not just a single Gregorian chant melody, but embellishments of chant tunes in multiple voice parts.Wow - the birthplace of modern music as we know it has burned to the ground. Clearly it's not 911, something deeper here is going on. And looking through internet threads there aren't any credible source alternative theories, potential arsonists, or other anomalous phenomenon that would indicate false flag. But times, they are a changin. During 911 remember that smartphones were not proliferated like they are today. Those who had recorded video were confiscated (such as the FEMA photographer that took thousands of photos of the 'gold vault' and other strange things that are to this day unanswered). The military has technology which is generations beyond what private industry has, that's a widely known fact. So when Nissan releases invisible technology, you can bet the military has something well beyond what we can even speculate. Holograms, cloaking devices, particle beam weapons, and more - For those who are just waking up to the fact that 911 was a big show, take a look at the far-fetched Project Blue Beam, in which the powers to be will 'fake' an alien invasion in order to implement a fully global one world order or single global government:
It is true that without the population or the bomb problem the elect would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, an extra-terrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make damn sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered and you are going to have to be on your toes to make it through the coming years.
Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of those things happen to bring about the New World Order.The creator of this theory is pretty wacked out and like most things from Canada are just a little too 'weird' for us non-Canadians to really grasp at, even after spending hours or days thinking about it. However, what is interesting is that many of the technologies exist that would make such a farce possible. We can project holograms into the air that are so realistic they cannot be distinguished from fake. You can see a dumbed down commercialized version of this technology (non-military) in the resurrection of our friend Tupac:
We're not suggesting here that Notre Dame was faked obviously the building burned to the ground. What we are suggesting is that, modern false flag operations grow more sophisticated as technology does. Palantir is a Silicon Valley startup (Pre IPO) that develops software that can detect terrorism. You may not know Palantir but they sure know you! What's scary is that it actually works. We mention holographics because what's cooking inside the DOD is likely 8th generation perhaps even more advanced than what's being released in Academic journals:
Scientists have figured out how to manipulate nearly unseen specks in the air and use them to create 3-D images that are more realistic and clearer than holograms, according to a study in Wednesday's journal Nature . The study's lead author, Daniel Smalley, said the new technology is "printing something in space, just erasing it very quickly."Really? Scientists have figured it out, but who is paying the scientists are US Government grants, or CIA sponsored funds like In Q Tel. And guess what, a recent In Q Tel investment is in Boca Raton based Immersive Wisdom, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) meets Virtual Reality (VR). These are just the facts. In Q Tel and friends have invested big into controlling what you see. In other words, they can manipulate reality in the real world. Real time video manipulation is 10 years old. They can make the spoon bend (as far as you see it). Again, we're not saying that Notre Dame was 'faked' this is a real tragedy for Caucasian culture and it should be restored. In the world of intelligence there is a saying: There are no accidents. The purpose of this article is just to scratch the surface and open a debate and perhaps with this in mind evidence will come forth more than a tweet from a journalist that says the fire was started intentionally. Perhaps in the days and weeks ahead we will see the reality emerge. What is for certain is that truth is not going to come from Google, Youtube, Facebook, or other In Q Tel projects. TIP: To obtain unbiased 'unfiltered' search results, use
The Department of Defense (DOD) is already starting a 'pivot' towards modifying the budget and strategy away from Terrorists and towards Russia and China.
China’s fast-growing technological and military capabilities make it a greater threat to America than terrorism, the US Department of Defense has claimed in a new strategy report. The document also says Russia is an equally prominent threat for the same reasons, and says that both countries seek “to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model”. Confronting China and Russia and staying ahead of their quickly expanding military capabilities are the Pentagon’s “principal priorities” and will require “increased and sustained investment,” according to an 11-page unclassified summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, released Friday.
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