Humanity is NOT a “suicide cult”!!!
Never was!Never will be!m.l.p.
One must be blind or mala fide non-Human entity to accuse the victims, to wit the Humans, as the brain-washers of themselves, the satanic manipulators and enslavers of their own free will, the exploiters-destroyers of their own lands and seas, waters, air, flora and fauna! The vampires, pedophiles, murderers of their own flesh and soul.
Even if they, the Humans, commit horrible crimes, it is because they are mind controlled, drug-controlled, malevolently handled and chipped at their unawares, forced to comply under dreadful, inhumane, loathsome conditions..., groomed without their consent in polluted atmospheres of hypocricy, poisonous lies, Academic, Priestcraft and Mass Media misinformation, under excruciating physical and psychological and spiritual pains and anxieties...
The non-Human culprits and their minions accuse the innocent victims (innocent !NOT stupid!..)that they free-willingly and through their free choice become ' The Terminators' of their own lives and of their childrens' in fakely instigated , full of hatred and horror actual, environmental, economic, ideological wars.Wars producing immense profits and power only to those who handle the sources usurped from the Humans!
No greater sham than this ! No greater unjustice than this!
They project "Humanity as a “suicide cult” that deliberately poisons the food supply feeding its own children"!!!
We dish it all out back to the sender, all in one piece and asap!
The perpetrators and their minions, in all societal strata, intensify their propaganda, their blackmailings, their black psychological operations against Human psyche, their bullying and harassment, their final -before their irrevocable demise- attacks to subjugate Human Conscience and Consciousness. Through fear, through guilt, through forcing us to serve the wrong self...!
They will not succeed!We Do Not Will It!Maria L. Pelekanaki
But it’s not just the planet that’s collapsing — the fisheries collapse of the West Coast has now reached “catastrophic” levels — it’s also the fact that humans are so incredibly stupid, they deliberately poison their own food supply with toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and hormone disruptors like atrazine, a “gender-bender” chemical that feminizes males.
(Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Bayer are the mass murderers of our planet, all in the name of “science”…)
“A prophetic ‘warning to humanity’ giving notice of perils facing the Earth has been issued by more than 15,000 scientists from around the world,” writes the UK Daily Mail.... "
Humanity is a “suicide cult” that deliberately poisons the food supply feeding its own children

It’s interesting that 15,000 scientists have just signed a new warning letter that explains humanity is committing suicide by destroying planet Earth with toxic chemicals, resource depletion, deforestation, ocean life depletion and more. This follows my own designation of humanity as a “suicide cult” that seems sure to destroy itself through the mass chemical poisoning of the planet.
But it’s not just the planet that’s collapsing — the fisheries collapse of the West Coast has now reached “catastrophic” levels — it’s also the fact that humans are so incredibly stupid, they deliberately poison their own food supply with toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs and hormone disruptors like atrazine, a “gender-bender” chemical that feminizes males. (Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Bayer are the mass murderers of our planet, all in the name of “science”…)
“A prophetic ‘warning to humanity’ giving notice of perils facing the Earth has been issued by more than 15,000 scientists from around the world,” writes the UK Daily Mail.
Suddenly the entire scientific community sounds like Natural News, doesn’t it? We’ve been warning about collapse for years, and now 15,000+ scientists have just repeated what we’ve been reporting for a over a decade.
Humanity has unleashed a “mass extinction event”
“In the second warning letter to the globe, more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries said humans had ‘unleashed a mass extinction event, the sixth in roughly 540 million years, wherein many current life forms could be annihilated or at least committed to extinction by the end of this century’,” writes the UK Daily Mail.What do these scientists propose as solutions to these problems? All the usual globalist agendas, unfortunately: Depopulation, turning everyone into vegetarians and insect eaters, reproduction “licensing” to forbid people from having children, banning combustion engines, criminalizing carbon dioxide and so on.
Murdering humanity through the food supply
What the entire “scientific” establishment is largely ignoring, however, is the agricultural poisoning of our food supply with toxic pesticides, herbicides and self-replicating GMOs.In these podcasts, I expose how the “suicide cult” of humanity is deliberately poisoning the global food supply, leading to extermination.