Reblogged from Richard Presser’s blog… Nice one, Richard.
Yes, the revolting, putrid laundry the globalists have been hiding for decades is crawling out of the bins and is now on display for all to see. Their demise is oh, so near, and timing is everything.
As Simon Parkes elucidated in his August 6 “Connecting Consciousness” Q&A show… when we attempt to tell people about the horrific things that are and have been carried out by the controllers in a clandestine fashion for decades, there are two reasons they so vehemently oppose our information.
One, it’s incredibly difficult for regular, kind-hearted Humans to believe that their government or ANYONE would intentionally, covertly and ruthlessly harm people on such a grand scale. A normal individual cannot reconcile a psychopathic mind.
Two, it would be a tremendous blow to one’s ego to accept that all their lives they didn’t catch on, and believed the lies and subterfuge; that they were taken in and fooled. No one likes to look the fool.
We must, as a race, put our egos aside and look pragmatically at the evidence; the irrefutable proof that we have been manipulated and maligned almost to the point of extinction.
Denial is a very dangerous soother, and I don’t believe we’ve heard the worst of it yet. The atrocities committed at the hands of the psychopaths are beyond gruesome and far outside the realm of our Human sensibilities. ~ BP
100,000 Pages of Chemical Industry Secrets Gathered Dust in an Oregon Barn for Decades – Until Now
Thank you, Jana.For decades, some of the dirtiest, darkest secrets of the chemical industry have been kept in Carol Van Strum’s barn. Creaky, damp, and prowled by the occasional black bear, the listing, 80-year-old structure in rural Oregon housed more than 100,000 pages of documents obtained through legal discovery in lawsuits against Dow, Monsanto, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, the Air Force, and pulp and paper companies, among others.
As of today, those documents and others that have been collected by environmental activists will be publicly available through a project called the Poison Papers. Together, the library contains more than 200,000 pages of information and “lays out a 40-year history of deceit and collusion involving the chemical industry and the regulatory agencies that were supposed to be protecting human health and the environment,” said Peter von Stackelberg, a journalist who along with the Center for Media and Democracy and the Bioscience Resource Project helped put the collection online.
Van Strum didn’t set out to be the repository for the people’s pushback against the chemical industry. She moved to a house in the Siuslaw National Forest in 1974 to live a simple life. But soon after she arrived, she realized the Forest Service was spraying her area with an herbicide called 2,4,5-T — on one occasion, directly dousing her four children with it as they fished by the river.
The chemical was one of two active ingredients in Agent Orange, which the U.S. military had stopped using in Vietnam after public outcry about the fact that it caused cancer, birth defects, and serious harms to people, animals, and the environment. But in the U.S., the Forest Service continued to use both 2,4,5-T and the other herbicide in Agent Orange, 2,4-D, to kill weeds. (Timber was — and in some places still is — harvested from the national forest and sold.) Between 1972 and 1977, the Forest Service sprayed 20,000 pounds of 2,4,5-T in the 1,600-square-mile area that included Van Strum’s house and the nearby town of Alsea.
As in Vietnam, the chemicals hurt people and animals in Oregon, as well as the plants that were their target. Immediately after they were sprayed, Van Strum’s children developed nosebleeds, bloody diarrhea, and headaches, and many of their neighbors fell sick, too. Several women who lived in the area had miscarriages shortly after incidents of spraying. Locals described finding animals that had died or had bizarre deformities — ducks with backward-facing feet, birds with misshapen beaks, and blinded elk; cats and dogs that had been exposed began bleeding from their eyes and ears. At a community meeting, residents decided to write to the Forest Service detailing the effects of the spraying they had witnessed.
“We thought that if they knew what had happened to us, they wouldn’t do it anymore,” Van Strum said recently, before erupting into one of the many bursts of laughter that punctuate her conversation. We were sitting not far from the river where her children played more than 40 years ago, and her property remained much as it was back when the Forest Service first sprayed them with the herbicide. A mountain covered with alder and maple trees rose up across from her home, just as it did then, and the same monkey puzzle tree that was there when she moved in still shaded her dirt driveway.
But Van Strum, now 76, is much changed from the young woman who politely asked that the federal agency stop spraying many years ago. After the Forest Service refused their request to stop using the herbicides, she and her neighbors filed a suit that led to a temporary ban on 2,4,5-T in their area in 1977 and, ultimately, to a total stop to the use of the chemical in 1983.
End of quote.
I commend the entire article to you.
None of this is any surprise to me and more than likely not to you.
What I find interesting is this deceit is being exposed and exposed now.
I will share a parallel story shortly. [this one is in regard to Monsanto by James Corbett, the Corbett Report. ~ BP]
Some of you know that behind my ranting about the state of the world is a deep spiritually based interest in the time in which we live, and connected to this is a growing sense that the August eclipses that begin today will be a key marker that our release from the sinister ones who have controlled our world for millennia is beginning in earnest. I’m not offering guarantees. I have none to give. However, I have evidence on many levels for the overall change I refer to and that these eclipses are a trigger or a gateway of sorts. Which is where my comments about the timing of this material coming forth arise.
And so, I watch with interest. I do expect significant disruptions over the coming months, including a financial, pre-planned reset in preparation for the global currency foretold in the Economist Magazine 30 years ago, perhaps with further war escalations, but I see this as a precursor to the changes I speak of.
Time will tell…