“The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States was a major step towards defeating the Khazarian mafia worldwide. However, the Trump presidency still represents an attempt to reform the old system rather than a true revolution.
“The Chinese are also playing their part in keeping the old regime going… The Rothschild and other bloodline families… successfully co-opted the Chinese with bribes and flattery. The over $1 trillion Chinese one belt one road initiative is their reward for helping keep the old system afloat.
“The Paris accords supported by 19 out of 20 G20 countries, for its part, was an attempt to keep the bloodline controlled IMF, World Bank, UN and other international institutions going by giving the Chinese greater voting rights at the expense of the US, even as they kept these institutions firmly under their control. The problem is that this reform is based on the fraudulent claim that carbon is causing global warming. It is not factually true.
“For sure the factions behind the Paris accord represent the moderate, non-genocidal group within the bloodline ruling structure, including the royal families of Europe… Overall they mean well but they are simply not competent to deal with the ongoing systemic collapse of their economic system.
“Since the Lehman crisis the central banks have been carrying out so-called quantitative monetary easing. However, the vast sums being created as a result of this policy are being funneled only to financial companies controlled by Khazarian mafia honchos. They have not done things like put money directly into ordinary peoples’ personal bank accounts… The reason for this is because the bloodline families still control the privately owned central banks for their own personal benefit…
“…Donald Trump, who was put in power by the bloodline opposed gnostic illuminati, has not changed this because as president of the most indebted country in world history, he does not have the leverage needed. Actually though, he does. Remember the saying “if you owe the bank $10,000, it is your problem but, if you owe the bank $1 million it is the banks’ problem.” It is a fact that the US Corporate government defaulted on May 3rd of this year when its wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted.
“So, how can we change the situation? The first opportunity comes at the US Corporations’ September 30th fiscal payment deadline. Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. It will be no different this year and the US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline.
“The alternative is world revolution. This means physically occupying the BIS, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan and other bloodline owned central banks. This would make it theoretically possible to issue quadrillions of dollars to be used to finance an unprecedented campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and expand out into the universe.
“If the Federal Reserve Board, the EU Central Bank and the Bank of Japan were nationalized then it would be possible to finance a quadrillion dollar campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, finance immortality research, explore the universe etc. This is completely realistic and feasible.”
Posted by benjamin, August 7, 2017
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