The patent states that, billions of years ago, when the Earth was still a mass of expanded gases, it gradually began to contract as it cooled. When a compromise was reached with centrifugal force, the force of gravity reduced the size of the mass until it was 8,000 miles in diameter at the Equator.
Now the earth was formless and empty. Genesis 1:2Because the centrifugal force was considerably weaker in the Polar regions, gravity was able to further reduce those regions, but only until the mass finished cooling. As a result, the Earth did not solidify itself in the shape of a perfect sphere, but more so in the shape of a torus, with 1,400 mile wide openings at the North and South poles.[i]
What God has created, at the atomic level, the human level, the planetary level, and so on, is a common shape that resembles a doughnut when it is in its static form. In its dynamic form, this torus resembles a tornado, a hurricane, or a whirlpool.
The Torus is the simplest structure of a self-organizing system. Duane Elgin

These Agharthians are now sustained by a Crystalline magnetic force and a Light source that is emitted from the planetary core. The mental capacity of the Agharthians has allowed them to harness these force fields and adapt them to their physical and spiritual needs. Their mental capacity has adapted to emit an internal Light.[ii]
We’re traveling in this boundless sea of infinite Torus flow. Nassim HarameinThe openings to Inner Earth cannot be seen because they are covered by a very thick layer of cloud. This cloud cover is in continual formation because the warm air that rises from the inside of the openings is continually merging with the cold exterior Polar air.
Pilots don’t fly over the poles because their instruments malfunction when they get to the lift. But, what really happens is that the magnetic pole of the Inner Earth actually pulls their craft into the Polar opening by its magnetic wave energies. This is what creates the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole and the Aurora Australis at the South Pole.
The Torus
https://youtu.be/kMdtc_blwBwVideo: www.youtube.com/ThriveMovement
It was not in God’s original plan for there to be a fall of Spirit onto this material plane. The Earth was to be a garden park that souls could look down upon and admire. Our souls were to remain in the angelic state, which is the natural order.
But a physical body is able to experience sensation, something pure consciousness cannot do. In a physical body, we are able to embrace all of the physical, mental and emotional stimuli that can be experienced – everything that Life has to offer. So, when our souls desired to inhabit bodies in this plane, God blessed this.
Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden. Genesis 2:8The first great civilization in which we lived began about 800,000 years ago. It was the land of LeMuuria, the great continent ofMu.
This was a land in which we lived in etheric bodies that were androgynous. There was no death, no reproduction and no sleep. Our intuitive state of consciousness was highly developed within a fifth-dimensional frequency. And all communication occurred on the level of the mind.
Over time, the physical body was raised up from the lower primates into the humanoid form. It was into that form which we incarnated and lived in our ‘eden’, eventually co-existing with another great continent, that of Atlantis.[i]

But, by 16,000 BC the world was moving through a dark age. And new magnetic forces on the Earth began to develop so strongly that all levitation ceased. The magnetic pull was new to us and we didn’t understand it. So we were vulnerable to it and became confused.[ii] Atlantis was projecting from the mind, while LeMuuria was projecting from the heart. So one became excessively masculine; the other excessively feminine.
The LeMuurians realized that our beautiful Motherland was destined to sink into the ocean and that, in the process, most of us would descend in consciousness. So they built an inner-dimensional city beneath what is now known as Mount Shasta. They constructed their etheric city under a large dome cavern inside the mountain. And it was within that city that the LeMuurian culture was preserved. They call it Telos.
We are a billion years Carbon and we have to get back to the Garden. Joni Mitchell

The remains of the sunken continent of LeMuuria can be found in and around the Ring of Fire – an area of seismic and volcanic activity surrounding the Pacific Ocean. This includes Mount Shasta, which is now the most powerful sacred site in all of North America.
Mount Shasta is in a very specific harmonic oscillation with the islands of Hawaii and Mount Fuji in the Pacific Ocean, and with the Santorini in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The former holds aspects of LeMuuria; the latter of Atlantis. So this mountain is now playing a special multi-dimensional role in the blending and attuning of these two original continents.
Other remains of the LeMuurian continent can be found in the Hawaiian Islands, Easter Islands and Fiji Islands, as well Australia, New Zealand and along the west coast of the Americas.[iii] On Easter Island, there exist giant statues of an ancient people who kneel on bended knees as a reminder of this grand continent.
LeMuuria was the Motherland that assisted in the birth of all of the other civilizations on the Earth