Below, I have included some background information on just who these folks are and why their analyses are so on point.
Frankly, their intel is top drawer and resonates very strongly. And they have a little fun with it, which also resonates. ~ BP
They end the conversation on a positive note by pointing out the many “wins” for Trump and America over the last few weeks. To receive their free, daily Truth News Headlines, make sure to subscribe to Thank you for listening and educating yourself!
We hide in plain site so anyone, anywhere can access our citizen intelligence reports videos, and headlines
With our last audio posting Comey’s Treason Exposed, we had several viewers leave comments about why we don’t make an effort to push out our videos to a larger audience.Seems like a great opportunity to explain our purpose at the American Intelligence Media. Primarily, “Odin and Frigg” and colleagues are writers, educators, philosophers, and scholars. In December 2015, as we were finishing one of our esoteric books, we stopped to watch the shooting drama unfold in San Bernardino. We waited for the legacy and alternative media to report the obvious–that the operation was a false flag–but no one was reporting on it as such. After waiting two weeks for some truth-telling, we finally sent in a “comment” to one of our favorite alternative media sites. To our surprise the editor wrote back and said “this is an interesting point of view. Could you write something about it?”
So we did and they immediately posted our first “internet” intelligence article:
How a “False Flag within a False Flag” Operation Unfolded in San Bernardino
We were thrilled when the editors then posted the article on one of alt media’s more popular bulletin boards and we saw thousands of readers click on the article. We knew that there was an audience for our material. So we set out to write the next article that explained why propaganda against citizens is legal in America:False Flags are Legal Propaganda
What followed was an avalanche of other writers, videographers, and reporters who took our research and created their own messaging to their
audiences about false flags, the NDAA, and perception management. We saw incredible power of the alternative media that had gone untapped. There were many talented writers, bloggers, Youtubers that could do a great job giving Americans the real intelligence they needed if the Anonymous Patriots could remain in the “background” by providing first tier alt media disseminators with deeply researched citizen intelligence reports.
The legacy media has the Associated Press (AP) to feed news stories and talking points each day. The Anonymous Patriots strive to be a type of “AP” for the alternative media. Read our material and take what you need to craft the narrative for your audience.
Our Internet partners were happy to post any and all articles we wrote from the real truth of 9-11 to the crimes of James Comey. We fanned out intelligence far and wide to first tier alternative media networks who then took our material and created narratives for their audiences. In early 2017, we had amassed dozens of citizen intelligence reports and decided to create our own platform so research could be retrieved easily by anyone and everyone. This is when we launched
Our metrics have grown incredibly and we are now read in almost every country in the world. We are also pleased to report that our research articles are read by government officials, law enforcement, intelligence agents, and freedom-fighters in many countries, not just in the U.S. We offer an Apple and Android app, not only for our own convenience, but to provide a level of privacy for readers who hold sensitive positions and don’t want their browsing history revealed.
Success for us is not gauged in having 100K subscribers on YouTube. It is about WHO is reading and listening to our material. One informed intelligence agent in a country that continues to be attacked by Soros’ NGOs can be a powerful voice that changes the course of history once the nuances of America’s rogue agencies and factions, the propaganda corporate media, central banks, and relationships to globalists like Soros are explained. These are the readers and viewers that we strive to reach.
If you happen to be an “every day, ordinary” citizen reading and listening to us, then know that you are in good company. We hope that you can use our material to educate your audience, whether it is your family, on your social media, or reposted on your blog.
Truth News Headlines
Once we posted our citizen intelligence reports to the new site, we wanted to provide readers with relevant headlines that were taking us forward in the battle of Good vs Evil. This is what Truth News Headlines does. There are many reporters, investigators, and videographers providing excellent content that progress us to the next step in the world-wide information war. We arrange this random information on an aggregator page that is designed to provide you with an intelligent way of interpreting the day’s news.We also know from our extensive esoteric background and writings that there are “higher” ways to defeat evil than by attacking it at the same level it comes to us. Hence, our Glass Bead Game and inspirational videos are offered to you as a way to increase your own personal awareness and resonance in consciousness.
We hide in plain site. Anyone can read our material or watch us on YouTube, yet those who have not obtained the “frequency or resonance” to embrace truth typically eschew our material. The words we speak are the very armor we need for our own protection. Frankly, the last place that the dark side will EVER point to as being fake news or a conspiracy site is the American Intelligence Media. This is a place they hope you never find.