There is only One cast,the cast of humanity.

There is only One religion,the religion of love

There is only One language, the language of the heart.

There is only One God and He is omnipresent.


Υπαρχει μονο Μια φυλη,η φυλη της ανθρωποτητας.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια θρησκεια,η θρησκεια της αγαπης.

Υπαρχει μονο Μια γλωσσα,η γλωσσα της καρδιας.

Υπαρχει μονο Ενας Θεος και ειναι πανταχου παρων.


Let it be light between us,brothers and sisters from the Earth.Let it be love between all living beings on this

Galaxy.Let it be peace between all various races and species.We love you infinitely.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius

Channel:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean

Ειθε να υπαρχει φως αναμεσα μας, αδελφοι και αδελφες μας απο την Γη .Ειθε να υπαρχει αγαπη

αναμεσα σε ολες τις υπαρξεις στον Γαλαξια.Ειθε να υπαρχει ειρηνη αναμεσα σε ολες τις διαφο-

ρετικες φυλες και ειδη.Η αγαπη μας για σας ειναι απειρη.

Ειμαι ο ΣαΛουΣα απο τον Σειριο.

Καναλι:Laura/Multidimensional Ocean




The Ascended Master SANAT KUMARA is a Hierarch of VENUS.

Since then SANAT KUMARA has visited PLANET EARTH and SHAMBALLA often.SANAT KUMARA is sanskrit and it means"always a youth". 2.5 million years ago during earth's darkest hour, SANAT KUMARA came here to keep the threefold flame of Life on behalf of earth's people. After Sanat Kumara made his commitment to come to earth 144.000 souls from Venus volunteered to come with him to support his mission.Four hundred were sent ahead to build the magnificent retreat of SHAMBALLA on an island in the Gobi Sea.Taj Mahal - Shamballa in a smaller scaleSanat Kumara resided in this physical retreat, but he did not take on a physical body such as the bodies we wear today. Later Shamballa was withdrawn to the etheric octave, and the area became a desert.Gobi DesertSANAT KUMARA is THE ANCIENT OF DAYS in The Book of DANIEL.DANIEL wrote (19, 20):"I beheld till the thrones were set in place, and THE ANCIENT OF DAYS did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His throne Always like the fiery flame and is wheels as burning fire. [His chakras.]"A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him.Thousand and thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times and ten thousand stood before him."I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like THE SON OF MAN came with the clouds of heaven, and came to THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, and they brought him near before him."And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him.His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." The supreme God of Zoroastrianism, AHURA MAZDA is also SANAT KUMARA.In Buddhism, there is a great god known as BRAHMA SANAM-KUMARA, yet another name for SANAT KUMARA.SANAT KUMARA is one of the SEVEN HOLY KUMARAS.The twinflame of SANT KUMARA is VENUS, the goddess of LOVE and BEAUTY.In 1956, SANAT KUMARA returned to Venus, and GAUTAMA BUDDHA is now LORD OF THE WORLD and SANAT KUMARA is REGENT LORD OF THE WORLD.SANAT KUMARA`s keynote is the main theme of Finlandia by SIBELIUS.

The Ascended Master Hilarion Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master Hilarion - Healing and Truth

The Ascended Master of the Healing Ray

The ascended master Hilarion, the Chohan,1 or Lord, of the Fifth Ray of Science, Healing and Truth, holds a world balance for truth from his etheric retreat, known as the Temple of Truth, over the island of Crete. The island was an historic focal point for the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.We know few of this master’s incarnations, but the three most prominent are as the High Priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis; then as Paul, beloved apostle of Jesus; and as Hilarion, the great saint and healer, performer of miracles, who founded monasticism in Palestine. Embodied as Saul of Tarsus during the rise of Jesus’ popularity, Saul became a determined persecutor of Christians, originally seeing them as a rebellious faction and a danger to the government and society. Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, failing to recognize the light in this saint and in the Christian movement.jesus had already resurrected and ascended2 when he met Saul on the road to Damascus. And what an electrifying meeting that was! “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks,”3 Jesus uttered to an awestruck Saul. Blinded by the light that surrounded the form of Jesus, Saul crumpled to the ground. Not only his body but his pride was taken down a few notches that day.This was the most famous of Christian conversions, whereupon Saul became the mightiest of the apostles. Saul took the name Paul and resolved to spread the word of truth throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Paul had inwardly remembered his vow to serve the light of Christ—a vow that he had taken before his current incarnation. Three years after conversion, Paul spent another three years in seclusion in the Arabian Desert where he was taken up into Jesus’ etheric retreat. Paul did not ascend in that life due to his torturing of Christians earlier in that embodiment. In his very next lifetime, Paul was born to pagan parents in 290 A.D. They resided in the same geographical region in which he had lived as Paul in his previous lifetime. As a young boy, Hilarion was sent to Alexandria to study. During this time of study, he heard the gospel and was converted to Christianity.His greatest desire was to be a hermit—to spend his time fasting and praying to God in seclusion. So he divided his fortune among the poor and set out for the desert near Gaza. He spent twenty years in prayer in the desert before he performed his first miracle. God, through him, cured a woman of barrenness. And his healing ministry began.Soon Hilarion was sought out by hundreds who had heard of his miraculous cures and ability to exorcise demons. In 329 A.D., with a growing number of disciples assembling around him, he fled to Egypt to escape the constant flow of people seeking to be healed from all manner of diseases. His travels brought him to Alexandria again, to the Libyan Desert and to Sicily.But his miracles did not only include healings. Once when a seacoast town in which he was staying was threatened with a violent storm, he etched three signs of the cross into the sand at his feet then stood with hands raised toward the oncoming waves and held the sea at bay.Hilarion spent his last years in a lonely cave on Cyprus. He was canonized by the Catholic Church and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine. To this day, those known as anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and prayer. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment. Hilarion, as an ascended master, speaks to us today of the power of truth to heal the souls of men, delivering his word through The Hearts Center’s Messenger, David Christopher Lewis. Current teachings released from Hilarion include the following:

· On the power of healing: Hilarion teaches his students that “[t]he power of healing is within your Solar Source.” He gives his students “an impetus, a spiral of light that you may fulfill your mission…” and exhorts them to “use this spiral of light for the benefit of sentient beings”. —July 2008

· On the power of joy: Hilarion encourages us to “experience the pulsation of joy” and shows each of us the joyous outcome of our life, which is “a life lived in joy.” He assures us, “I will always lead you to your freedom to be joy”. —June 2008

· On the love of truth: Hilarion teaches that the love of truth will enable us to see clearly the light that is within us. He teaches that instead of criticizing, we must go within and eliminate the particles of untruth within ourselves. —February 2008

· On the action of solar light: Hilarion delivers a greater action of solar light to help release all past awareness of lives lived outside divine awareness. He explains his ongoing mission over many lifetimes—to heal by the power of each soul’s recognition of the truth of her own divinity—and pronounces, “I am the messenger of healing and joy to all. May your life as a God-realized solar being be bright-shining ever with the aura of the truth who you are in my heart.” —March 14, 2008

1. “Chohan” is a Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” A chohan is the spiritual leader of great attainment who works with mankind from the ascended state. There are seven chohans for the earth—El Morya, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Nada and Saint Germain.back to Chohan…

2. The ascension is complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth. In the ascension process, the soul becomes merged with her Solar Presence, experiencing freedom from the gravitational, or karmic, pull of the Earth and entering God’s eternal Presence of divine love. Students of the ascended masters work toward their ascension by studying and internalizing the teachings, serving life, and invoking the light of God into their lives. Their goal as they walk the earth is the cultivation of a relationship with God that becomes more real, more vital with each passing day.back to ascended…

3. Acts 9:5 back to kick against the pricks…

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

The Ascended Master Saint Germain

I have stood in the Great Hall in the Great Central Sun. I have petitioned the Lords of Karma to release Dispensation after Dispensation for the Sons and Daughters of God and, yes, for the Torch Bearers of The Temple. Countless times I have come to your assistance with a release of Violet Flame sufficient to clear all debris from your consciousness. Numberless times I have engaged the Love of my Heart to embrace you, to comfort you, to assist you when you have not known which way to turn.

"I merely ask you to keep the watch, to hold fast to the Heart Flame of your own God Presence, to understand that your first allegiance is to the Mighty I AM. That you have no other Gods before the I AM THAT I AM.

through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, February 14, 2007, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. (10)

Τρίτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Tuesday, February 7th., 2017 Expropriation And Impoverishment: "Capitalist" Greece & "Socialist" Venezuela

Tuesday, February 7th., 2017
Άρθρα σαν το ακόλουθο φωτίζουν τους πολίτες ως προς τις κατευθύνσεις προς τις οποίες πρέπει να στραφούν και ψύχραιμα να ερευνήσουν και να εμβαθύνουν. Στ' αλήθεια, ελάχιστη σημασία έχει  πιά η ανάλυση της ποσοστιαίας πτώσης των συντάξεων, των μισθών, της ιατρικής κι εκπαιδευτικής μέριμνας.
Τί αξία έχει να αναμασάμε την πίκρα γιά την προδοσία των ιθυνόντων, την κακοήθεια των  διεθνών δυνάμεων που ανενδοίαστα μας συντρίβουν, χειραγωγούν, διαφθείρουν κι εκμεταλλεύονται  και την προϊούσα πτωχοποίησή μας, προσωπική κι εθνική; Καμμιά ! Απονεκρωτική αδρανοποίηση και καταθλιπτική  επιδείνωση.
Όμως ανεπηρέαστη από συμφέροντα, φοβίες και χειραγωγήσεις πληροφόρηση, οικονομο-πολιτική  ανάλυση κι αλήθεια, μπορεί να αφυπνίσει την συνειδητότητα των πολλών. Μακάρι ακόμα και αυτών των συστημικών μέσων ενημέρωσης , αν και δύσκολο.

Με την αφύπνιση που προσφέρει ή κατά μέτωπο, χωρίς υποκρισία και χρωματικές παρεμβολές αντίληψη της πραγματικότητας , το βαρύ πέπλο της ανικανότητας προς  δράση , του αποπνικτικού συναισθήματος της ανημπόριας, πέφτει, αυτοκαταργείται.

Ποιός είπε πως δεν μπορούν ομάδες-ομάδες ανέργων πολιτών, υποαπασχολούμενων , υγιέστατων συνταξιούχων , χρήσιμων καθ΄όλα ανθρώπων όλων των ηλικιών ,  να αναλαμβάνουν τα ξεχασμένα τους χωράφια αλληλοβοηθούμενοι , να ανταλλάσσουν  εργασίες , υπηρεσίες , γνώσεις , αλληλοσυνεργαζόμενοι,  στηρίζοντας προσωπικά ακόμη και την  σχολική λειτουργία, γιά χάρη  των παιδιών κι εγγονιών τους; Συμπαραστεκόμενοι  στους άρρωστους κι αδύναμους με την αγάπη,  αλλά και όποτε αυτή υπάρχει και με την γνώση κι εξειδίκευσή του ο καθένας;
Ποιός θα μπορούσε ποτέ να εμποδίσει ομάδες πολιτών όταν ήσυχα, καλοπροαίρετα, ειρηνικά και φιλικά συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους αυτοδιαχειριζόμενοι τις υποθέσεις τους, σε  όποιο βαθμό αυτό είναι εφικτό; Απολύτως κανείς! Και είθε τότε η όποια κυβερνώσα ομάδα, να αφυπνίζεται κι αυτή και να  ενεργοποιεί ανάλογα τις  εναπομείνασες πολιτειακές δυνάμεις,  συμπαραστεκόμενη στην βούληση των πολιτών. 

Ούτως ή άλλως, όλες οι χώρες καλλιεργούν κι ενθαρρύνουν τις χορηγικές προσφορές, τις εθελοντικές υπηρεσίες , προσπαθούν να σαγηνεύουν τους σπόνσορες και να ευχαριστούν τους ολίγους 'αλληλέγγυους'. Γιατί λοιπόν να μήν υποστηρίξουν και την ενεργοποίηση καρδιάς  του μέσου πολίτη και γιατί ο μέσος πολίτης να άρνηθεί την προφανή ανάγκη άμεσης  δραστηριοποίησης γιά την επιβίωσή του, την ώρα που τα παλιοκαιρίτικα αποτυχημένα  συστήματα διακυβέρνησης καταρρέουν;
Μαρία Λ. Πελεκανάκη
Expropriation And Impoverishment:
"Capitalist" Greece & "Socialist" Venezuela
Neocolonial "capitalist paradise" or crony "socialist paradise": the net result is the same: expropriation and impoverishment.
Yesterday I noted that not all assets will make it through the inevitable financial re-set. ( Which Assets Are Most Likely to Survive the Inevitable "System Re-Set"?)
Those that are easy to expropriate will be expropriated, and those assets vulnerable to soaring taxes, inflation and currency devaluation will also be hollowed out.
There are two real-time examples of these dynamics we can profitably study: "capitalist" Greece and "socialist" Venezuela. Both nations have impoverished their citizenry to preserve an oligarchy and its cronies.
I hope it won't be too great a shock that crony-capitalism and crony-socialism function in much the same fashion and generate the same result: the wealth of the nation is funneled (or expropriated) into the ruling Elites, impoverishing the non-elites.
The mechanisms differ in appearance but they produce the same results: expropriation and impoverishment. In Greece, two Ruling Elites stripmined the nation: the big European banks and the domestic oligarchs and their functionaries in the state.
Having flooded Greece with "cheap" credit denominated in euros, the EU's big banks demanded "austerity" so the Greek government could continue servicing its massive debt. The Greek oligarchs dodged "austerity" in the usual way: by buying political influence.

Very little of the so-called "bail-outs" actually reached the Greek citizenry, and much of what did enter the Greek economy flowed into the hands of the oligarchy.

This is what I call the Neocolonial-Financialization Model (May 24, 2012), which substitutes the economic power of financialization (debt, leverage and speculation) for the raw power of political conquest and control.
The main strategy of financialization is: extend cheap credit to nations with limited access to capital. Nations with limited access to capital will swallow the bait of cheap credit whole, and willingly agree to penalties, high interest rates, etc.
Then, when the credit expansion reaches levels that cannot be supported, the lenders demand collateral and/or favorable trade and financial concessions.
The global financial powers developed the Neocolonial Model, which turns these same techniques on one's home region. Thus Greece and other capital-poor European nations were recognized as the periphery that could be exploited by the core, and the euro was the ideal tool to financialize the economies of nations which could never have generated credit/housing bubbles without the wide-open spigots of cheap credit flooding their economies.

In Neocolonialism, the forces of financialization are used to indenture the populace to the financial core: the peripheral "colonials" borrow money to buy the finished goods manufactured in the core economies, enriching the regional Elites with A) the profits made selling goods to the debtors B) interest on credit extended to the peripheral colonies to buy the core economies' goods and "live large", and C) the transactional skim of financializing peripheral assets such as real estate and State debt.
In essence, the core banks of the EU colonized the peripheral nations via the financializing euro, which enabled a massive expansion of debt and consumption in the periphery. The banks and exporters of the core (Germany) extracted enormous profits from this expansion of debt and consumption.
Now that the financialization scheme of the euro has run its course, the periphery's neocolonial standing is starkly revealed: the assets and income of the periphery are flowing to the core as interest on the private and sovereign debts that are owed to the core's central bank and its money-center banks.
Neocolonialism benefits both the core's financial Aristocracy and the domestic oligarchies/ kleptocracies. This is ably demonstrated in the recent essay Misrule of the Few: How the Oligarchs Ruined Greece.
I've covered these dynamics for many years:
Greece Is a Kleptocracy (June 28, 2011)
Is Greece a Template for U.S. State & Local Government Debt Crises? (July 11, 2015)
The only way the banks and domestic oligarchy can retain their grip is by stripping non-Elites of their income and wealth. As I discussed in When Assets (Such as Real Estate) Become Liabilities (December 27, 2016), raising property taxes and transaction fees is one way of accomplishing this: as taxes rise to fund "austerity" payments to the EU's banking Elite, the costs of owning property soar.
Meanwhile, incomes stagnate as taxes increase and the economy is crushed by the euro's asymmetry (good for Germany, bad for Greece) and the debt-serfdom of paying interest on the staggering debt.
Households have no choice but to surrender property they can no longer afford-- even when they own it free and clear. That is also what happened in the late stages of the Roman Empire: taxes soared to the point that farmers could no longer feed their families and pay taxes, so they abandoned their farms and became serfs on the protected Elites' vast estates.
The "crony-socialist" model is to centrally manage the economy to benefit the oligarchy and its cronies--a fatal mismanagement of the nation's productive resources that exploits and stripmines the non-Elites. Venezuela is imploding not because of hyper-inflation, but as a result of policies that led to hyper-inflation: policies that generate perverse incentives while protecting the Elites, disincentives to produce goods and services and incentives to depend on government subsidies.
Venezuela has been effectively de-industrialized by its crony-socialist oligarchy. Capital that should have been invested in the electrical grid and the oil industry has been diverted to the pockets of cronies and state apparatchiks. There's no food in the markets because government-set prices don't make it worthwhile to grow anything. Farmers take their produce to neighboring countries if they can, where they can actually get paid for producing food.
Outlaw markets and the free flow of fact-based information, and the only possible result is The Disaster of De-industrialization (June 15, 2016), which generates a self-reinforcing feedback of high inflation and declining production.
This dynamic eventually hollows out the nation's currency, as the currency is effectively an asset based on the collateral of the nation's output. As output stagnates or implodes while the money being issued expands, the only possible result is a severe devaluation of the currency, a.k.a. hyper-inflation.
This is how you end up with a currency that is officially 10 to the U.S. dollar (USD) but on the black market is 3,200 to the USD. The Trajectory of Venezuelan Hyperinflation Looks Frighteningly Familiar.
Venezuela Live Economic Data
Meet the Venezuelan rebel whose crime is publishing exchange rates: ( dolartoday)
You see the two stripmining mechanisms at work here: either expropriate the non-Elites' income and property with soaring taxes, or mismanage the economy so severely that the resulting de-industrialization destroys the value of the currency, impoverishing the citizens who have no choice but to value their labor and assets in the near-worthless currency.
Neocolonial "capitalist paradise" or crony "socialist paradise": the net result is the same: expropriation and impoverishment.