Message from Mike Quinsey 6-17-16…

Particularly I use caution and discernment regarding all data about “deliveries”, “packages”, “resets”, “RVs”, and all that. I like to remember that everything we need is within ourselves, and whatever we need is supplied as we need it, and intend it.
“The Earth is alive with secret activity but little of it reaches your ears, because the dark Ones still control the Press in spite of the fact that their power is quickly weakening. However, desirable changes are still taking place, and the next major one will be when the new Republic of the United States of America can be officially announced. A new President has already been appointed which along with dramatic changes will give power back to the people. It has been a long hard road for those involved but well worth the effort.
“Being on Earth is a powerful challenge yet many, many souls have begged for an opportunity to experience life upon it. They have realised that if you can overcome the challenges to be met, you are on a quick route to evolving beyond the 3rd. dimension, and can leave that cycle behind. Whatever you are doing there are always Beings of Light who are at your service if you need them.
“At present the Earth is in a state of unrest and Mother Earth desires to create changes so that she can begin to cleanse it and gradually restore it to a pristine condition. She has given of herself many times by allowing Man absolute freedom of expression, and suffered at the hands of uncaring souls that have abused her. That can no longer continue and if Man does not change she will have to take matters into her own hands.
“However, do not be too concerned as in reality the Forces of Light are in overall control, and apply limitations of their own to prevent the dark Ones from taking full control. Their plan for your release from their grasp and control is in place, and all is proceeding well in spite of the conditions that presently exist upon Earth.”
The Earth is alive with secret activity but little of it reaches your ears, because the dark Ones still control the Press in spite of the fact that their power is quickly weakening. However, desirable changes are still taking place, and the next major one will be when the new Republic of the United States of America can be officially announced. A new President has already been appointed which along with dramatic changes will give power back to the people. It has been a long hard road for those involved but well worth the effort. It will bring freedom from those who would hold you all in bondage. The “silent war” over who controls the Earth and its people is coming to an end very soon, and you will be relieved to know that the threat hanging over your heads has been removed. To be prisoners on your own planet would have been bad enough, but plans had been made to drastically reduce the population. Some of you have learnt who is responsible and in time all will be revealed to everyone so that you understand what had been planned for your future.
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