China to George Soros: Go Home and Never Come Back!
countries? That’s not fair!”
…by Jonas E. Alexis
George Soros, who should be known as the poster boy behind subversive movements such as the Ferguson protest, is mad and sad. The Chinese have recently told the grown man (who still hasn’t learned that using people as proxy wars is not a good idea) that they are not for sale:“China’s official newspaper warned billionaire investor George Soros not to bet against the Yuan in a front-page opinion piece, as China tries to boost confidence in its home currency, also known as the renminbi, which has dropped 5 percent since August.
“‘Soros’s war on the renminbi and the Hong Kong dollar cannot possibly succeed – about this there can be no doubt,’ said the article titled ‘Declaring war on China’s currency? Ha ha,’ published by People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party….
“China zeroed in on Soros after he told Bloomberg TV last week that he is betting against the S&P 500, Asian currencies, and resource-linked economies. Soros also said he is projecting a hard landing for China’s economy, highlighting it as one of the “root causes” of the risk-off market sentiment.”[1]
Jackie Chan and Jet Li may have sold their morality to Hollywood for money and fame, but the former Communist country—which throughout the 1980s was following Milton Friedman’s sophisticated form of economic theft[2]—still cannot accept Soros’ pernicious plan.
Perhaps China saw that Russia dumped Soros and told him to go back home. In fact, China and Russia have been trying to work together on many issues over the past few months.[3] Perhaps China
saw that Soros was up to no good. Perhaps they saw the debacle in Ferguson and in Ukraine and realized that this old man is a rabble–rouser. Perhaps they saw the article at Sputnik News which says that “George Soros Support for Human Rights Watch Advances Subversive Agenda.”[4] Executive Intelligence Review Editor Jeff Steinberg declared:
How does that work? If you are just looking at the political categories in the U.S., Soros’ pernicious activity is unexplainable. How can Soros support both so-called Democrats and Republicans at the same time?
The answer can only be found in subversive movements. People like Soros have been producing subversive ideas from time immemorial, and they will support any party that pledges allegiance to their wicked club.
[1] “China warns George Soros: Don’t go to ‘war’ against our currency,” Russia Today, January 27, 2016.
[2] “Milton Friedman in China,” NY Review of Books, April 12, 2007. We will come back to the brief history of capitalism in China in a future article. For those who are eager to know, capitalism in China throughout 1800s and at the dawn of the 1900s was a complete disaster. Basically everyone was trying to find a way to get out of that system. Marxism came along and produced an equally disastrous system.
[3] See Michael Clarke and Anthony Ricketts, “Should America Fear the China-Russia Relationship?,” National Interest, February 1, 2016. I only cite Clarke and Ricketts here as two of the people who acknowledge that capitalism did play a role in China in the 1980s. They declare that it was a great idea. But we will come back to this issue later this year.
[4] George Soros Support for Human Rights Watch Advances Subversive Agenda,” Sputnik News, January 28, 2016.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Justin Elliott, “Top Palin Aide is on Soros’ Payroll,” Salon, November 12, 2010.