Q & A with Cobra – December 15, 2015, Part 2/2… “Interview Transcript”
Below is the text of the interview itself. Rob said that due to a variety of reasons, an audio will not be released this month.Thanks to Rob and Cobra (and team) for these monthly interviews.
[Re: recent false flags] “…It is important to understand that those false flag attacks have one single purpose: to keep people involved and enmeshed in this situation, to have the images of this and thought forms of this rolling in their mind, to have their focus on this. It’s actually very effective through the use of the mass media. They kill a few people or they stage a killing of a few people and this image and this message gets distributed to the mass media and very effectively lowers the vibrational frequency of the people and very effectually draws the people away from constructive action. The only remedy to this is drop this from your awareness. Just let it go. There are more important things that are happening that have much more influence on the planetary situation and instead of focusing on those false flag attacks, it is much more important to focus on the goal of the planetary liberation and what you can do to assist in that process.
“Can you comment on the possibilities of upcoming earthquakes around the world and North American in particular? COBRA – The situation the last few years didn’t change much. There will be occasional earthquakes because the Earth energy grid needs to release certain tensions. The light forces can, of course, absorb most of that shock, but not all of that shock, because the Earth as a living entity, as an energy being, has to carry all the stress of the Cabal and humanity combined… Most of the earthquakes happen in areas and in a way there is as little casualties and damage as possible.
“Can you comment on the level of success of [Yeshua’s, Jesus’] mission? COBRA – He was the first who brought a very important message and that is the message of unconditional love and this is the key message to ensure the success of the planetary liberation. In one way he was very successful because many people from that time on began to understand the meaning of compassion, the meaning of unconditional love, the meaning of pure and unconditional light and they began to understand at least some of them, the importance of the inner child. But the Archons managed to suppress many parts of his message and have managed to distort the rest of his message, so I would say the vast majority of people that speak about Him do not understand that message. So in one way his mission was very successful and on the other hand the success was not as it had been planned. The hopes of the light forces were much greater.”
Rob – And here we are again with our emissary of light, Cobra. I want to thank you for coming here again to the Victory of Light radio show. I know it’s always a pleasure to share with you the planetary situation update and what’s going on. Welcome, Cobra.
COBRA – Thank you for your invitation. It’s always a pleasure to do those interviews.
Rob – Yes, it’s been quite a scene. It seems as though after the last interview we had the Paris and then we talked about it and now we have, of course, the San Bernardino false flag shootings and it seems to be having the desired effect. There have been attacks on Muslims and various things of this nature. Can you address a little bit to the mindset of how people can overcome this type of negativity and what we can do to heal this situation?
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