“You are at the crossroads. You have to make a choice: slavery or freedom? They see you as “Useless Eaters” [Henry Kissinger]. They despise you; as to them, you are there only to serve them. Everything they have, they have taken from you, and you allowed them to do so.
“The genetic grid is calling all those on Earth who are without souls, to prepare to gather together, in order to take their leave. They face extinction if they remain. They cannot take all that they have acquired on Earth with them; so their riches will be left behind.
“The battle for Planet Earth has reached a critical stage. You must make a stand. The Prime Creator will become involved for the first time in the history of humanity. There are those on Earth who need your support. Forget race or creed, it is humanity as a whole that needs to survive. We cannot give you all the details, as that would leave Veronica and those who help her, vulnerable to attack. She has suffered too many attacks as it is.
“This is a time of great change. Take a positive part in this change. Your future depends on the decisions you make at this time. Let the love of humanity guide you.”
You are getting closer to your goal each day, as the corrupt and their corrupt practices are revealed. You can be in no doubt now about those who have held humankind in slavery. They are doing their utmost to hoodwink you so that you continue to serve them. The power they possess is what they have taken from you.
You are at the crossroads. You have to make a choice: slavery or freedom? They see you as “Useless Eaters” [Henry Kissinger]. They despise you; as to them, you are there only to serve them. Everything they have, they have taken from you, and you allowed them to do so.
The awakened Irish are taking to the streets on the 10 December. Listen to their call, it’s straight from the heart . . .
On the 10th of December Ireland will Rise
Every country in your world will follow the Irish lead. Everyone who is awake should be with the Irish in spirit as they march to lead humanity out of oppression. On the 10 December, humanity should WALK AS ONE to demand the removal of all that is corrupt. This is the first step that you have been waiting for. Ireland will lead the wa It would have been good if we had the Irish Centre available, but due to false accusations and deliberate obstruction, sufficient money was not available. So we’ll try to find another suitable building. Please bear with us, as we will succeed; this is too important to abandon.
The genetic grid is calling all those on Earth who are without souls, to prepare to gather together, in order to take their leave. They face extinction if they remain. They cannot take all that they have acquired on Earth with them; so their riches will be left behind. You almost allowed them to take over the Earth completely, and they used every conceivable method to prevent your awakening. People have been cruelly used to give false information that all is well. Some even said that a spaceship would come to collect you, to take you to the light. But NO: THIS IS NOT TRUE.
Remember, your oppressors have technology that is unknown to you. They can enter the minds of those they feel they can use. They want to get rid of you, as they want only the soulless to inhabit the Earth. The tax you pay to them is used to pay for the poison in your water, the poison in your food, and the poison in the air you breathe. Then, they KILL you with vaccines and medication when you become ill from all their poisons. You must wake up and realise this. You pay them to destroy humanity so that they can take over your planet.
The battle for Planet Earth has reached a critical stage. You must make a stand. The Prime Creator will become involved for the first time in the history of humanity. There are those on Earth who need your support. Forget race or creed, it is humanity as a whole that needs to survive. We cannot give you all the details, as that would leave Veronica and those who help her, vulnerable to attack. She has suffered too many attacks as it is.
Their removal was planned. It needed the right people to return to Earth, with minds that are open to the destruction and takeover of Planet Earth. There are those on Earth at this time, who have not shown themselves as yet. When they do, they will leave you in no doubt as to who they are. Everything will happen when the timing is right. We, in the world of Spirit, will do our utmost to help you overcome your oppressors. We will then help you to create a world without conflict. A world where thought will become the norm, as it is here. You have a lot to learn. When you come out of the control system and realise that your are beings of light, you’ll see that you are capable of so much more than you can imagine right now. It will be so exciting for you to learn who you are.
Look to the future. You will quickly forget this present life with all its doom, gloom, and control. When the control grid is lifted, the Earth will return to being the beautiful planet that it was before it was taken over.
Humans are beginning to recognise those who are not human; those who just appear to be human, those who are without a soul or empathy of any sort, and those who can kill thousands of people without a second thought. You witness this over and over again. The FEAR that this creates is the oxygen which they NEED, since they thrive on the spilling of human blood. Humanity facilitates this need without understanding that it is killing its own kind. Think carefully before you agree to wear a uniform. Look honestly at what will be required of you. You will be asked to oppress or eliminate your fellow man. Do you want to do the dirty work of the Cabal ? They NEVER go to war, since you do it for them !
Those in power are there, only because you, the people, put them there. YOU are responsible for putting them in power. You are fooled by party loyalty, etc. You must learn to think of yourselves as human beings; your loyalty should be to humanity, not to race or creed. You entered the world without labels and YOU ARE FREE TO MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS. Labels are foisted upon you, and foolishly, you accept them. But you are always able to free yourselves, and to think for yourselves, and to decide how you wish to live your experience of life on Earth.
This is a time of great change. Take a positive part in this change. Your future depends on the decisions you make at this time. Let the love of humanity guide you.
Send love and light to the Irish, as on the 10 December, they peacefully endeavour to take control of their country. Use WORDS, not bullets. It can be done. The time has come for action.
Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.
This is a difficult time for you, my love. I am always at your side.
Your adoring, Monty.