Article by Kerry Cassidy. 02.10.24

We are entering a time when the deep state will begin creating Earth changes, stimulating volcanism and triggering and guiding solar flares toward our planet … this was always part of their plan.

The Dark Side/NWO/Illuminati  ‘go with the flow’ and use the energy already in place and guide them and increase their impact ..targeting

I have a number of precog dreams of some of these to come… LA, SF, and even seeing land masses rise in the Pacific…

Sadly Dutchsince does not see the hidden hand in anything… but his overviews can be useful regardless…

According to physicist Richard Alan Miller there is going to be a “Carrington like event that is not extermination level”  originally he said end of March early April 2024 then a year later changed it to 2025…He works for Navy intelligence (admitted)… I think they told him to change his prediction because too many people were taking him seriously.  Many people psychics and others are thinking the April event may happen this year. The triggering of Juan de Fuca fault will trigger Yellowstone which in turn will trigger a chain of Pacific Northwest volcanoes… also predicted is some type of solar flare—EMP or other weaponized trigger event according to expert remote viewers Dick Allgire and his team called “Future Forecasting Group” who see April 2024 as some major event. All of the above will be triggered and manipulated by the dark side.  We shall see how successful they are.

And it goes beyond that… due to an overall “plan” by the white hats and the counter plan by the dark side. In this article I discuss the necessity of looking at the LONG GAME both sides are playing and their objective.

Arguably the closer we get to the election the more motivation the dark side has to roll out their earth changes and other events to stop the election from taking place ‘on time’.


My website was attacked 2 weeks ago when I did an interview on the new documentary by Jay Weidner with an alternative look at the JFK assassination… they destroyed our server and we had to buy another one… and site was attacked for a week and still having site issues…

I don’t think Jay’s theory is correct but it may be partially correct….

A year ago when Richard Alan Miller came on my show to talk about the coming event my site was again attacked and destroyed and we had to rebuild it then too…