.............................................................................................................Shift to the East
Αυτό είναι το συμπερασματικό τμήμα του άρθρου 'Στροφή στην Ανατολή' του Πρέστον Τζέημς, το οποίο στο όλον του, έχει αναρτηθεί αμέσως πρίν, στο προηγούμενο post.
'Ομως, είναι τόσο περιεκτικό, συνοπτικό και χαρακτηριστικά αναλυτικό, τόσο εξαιρετικά χρήσιμο γιά όποιον θελήσει να υπερβεί την σύνδεση με τις φοβίες του, τον καναπέ του, τα μικροσυμφεροντάκια της πάρτης του κι αποφασίσει να ανοίξει ένα διερευνητικό παράθυρο ελευθερίας στο ίδιο του το αύριο, ώστε θεώρησα απαραίτητη την επανανάρτηση και του κειμένου και των συγκεκριμένων φωτογραφιών.
Αν κάποιος λοιπόν αφιερώσει χρόνο γιά μιά δεύτερη αλλά και τρίτη επανάληψη της ανάγνωσης, ας μήν ανησυχήσει διότι στ' αλήθεια, καθόλου μα καθόλου δεν θα 'ξυνίσει η πολύτιμη ρίγανή του' μιά και οι 'αρρώστιες' των ημερών έχουν ήδη διαφθείρει κι αλλοιώσει τα πάντα.
'Οσο πιό γρήγορα ενεργοποιηθούμε με τα καινούργια αληθινά δεδομένα της ζωής μας στην Γη τόσο το καλύτερο! μ.λ.π.
They are now beginning to realize in their sellout they are slaying the goose that laid the golden egg, and soon all their accrued wealth will be worthless because the descent of America is likely to pull down the whole world with it. The stateside Cutouts are now beginning to have serious second thoughts and a big split is occurring as panic is beginning to set in.
You have the Defense crowd that makes huge dividends off the major blocks of defense contractor stocks they own. And you have the ultra-wealthy political power brokers who spend money like water to bribe and own candidates and to shape elections.
The defense crowd wants to keep illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, perpetual wars going in the Mideast to keep profits flowing into their pockets, and the wealthy power brokers also want the Mideast wars to expand with a strong US military presence in order to fulfill the Greater Israel plans for a hugely expanded Israel.
They plan to use Turkey to crush Assad and Syria and fight to destruction against Iran and Russia and then Israel will break up Turkey and start grabbing up chunk after chunk until they have most of it and can build their pipeline.
But strangely enough it seems that a significant number of these stateside KM Cutouts (the Defense crowd) are starting to get worried that their International comrades have asset stripped America so far with free trade and Congressional special interest welfare, that soon it will crumble, be sold off to rich Chinese and cease to exist as their Golden Goose.
This is causing a sort of secret panic among the Defense crowd, but their long term hegemony and hubris helps keep them in a state of denial about the coming destruction to their empires of influence and wealth as America descends into the Third World abyss like Mexico.
They figured they could maximize profits that way, by providing Americans moderate quality goods at cheaper prices that still provide big profits, and that this would get Americans by until they had gained a strategic foothold inside China, Malaysia and Hong Kong to begin parasitizing them as the USA crumbled and descended into a third World Nation.
Obviously these KM Cutouts used Free Trade to build up Malaysia and China in order to have a fat new host to infiltrate, hijack and then parasitize in place of the USA. And in return they received massive payoffs. Remember, it was the KM leadership that used US Intel to place Mao in charge of China after helping him drive Chiang Kai-Shek out. this alone was responsible for the slaughter of up to 200 million Chinese.
Mao was the KM’s choice for a new Bolshevik tyrant to run China and create their new Bolshevik nation to replace the Soviet Union which was to be completely destroyed after it was used to stimulate the Cold War to further industrialize America, and also to mass-murder over 100 millions Christian Russians on behalf of the KM (SOS) top leaders in the City of London (COL) in order to fulfill a 900+ years blood Feud against Russia.
Where does all the big money to buy our politicians come from?
Most of this big money offshore KM massive wealth used to buy American politicians has been gained through massive Khazarian Mafia and “Tribalist” related international organized crime systems such as prostitution, sex trafficking and sex slavery of young girls, organ trafficking, gambling casinos, alcohol distribution and illegal narcotics trafficking.
Large Hotel chains and oil transportation, refining and distribution have made some of these political fixers fat on the lamb and able to buy massive influence. No-bid defense contractors kick back millions through their K street lobbyists to keep the contracts coming, many of them supporting stupid defense systems that don’t even work as promised as VT’s Financial Editor Mike Harris has emphasized so many times.
Thanks to the Citizens United US Supreme Court Decision, massive bribery of politicians and elected officials is made possible without the needed criminal RICO prosecutions.
Right now there is no US or Federal Law Enforcement agency that has the integrity or power to prosecute all these stateside KM Cutouts and KM Kingpins under Criminal RICO as they should. Instead they assist with the cover-up of their massive RICO crimes. The FBI is worthless scared little chickens, unwilling to indict Hillary Clinton for selling state secrets including Defense secrets. And the FBI is too chicken and too owned to prosecute the Israeli espionage fronts inside America like AIPAC, the ADL, and the like. DHS is a KM police state creation based on Israeli anti-terror tactics directed toward Americans and is technically operating as a foreign Tribal espionage front for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia.
DHS has now been exposed as and incompetent terrorist group and also a big leaker of state security and surveillance secrets.Many working at DHS and the TSA keep quiet to maintain their jobs, but secretly hate its leadership and have lost any sense of mission or respect for the Agency. And worse, much of the US public is now viewing DHS as a bunch tyrannical freedom-robbers run by a bunch of perverts and criminals feeding at the taxpayer trough. Every day more and more Americans want DHS scrapped and completely eliminated as a US Agency, with all US law enforcement decentralized and especially the American police decentralized and de-militarized.
Thus, DHS is now filled with half-hearted sandbaggers. I know this for certain because I have talked with some who have told me this.
This of course has stolen the ability of the public to elect the candidates they want. This is especially true when you factor in the false-reality instilled in the masses by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), which serves as the opiate of the American Masses with serial TV comedy shows based on canned laughter, and keeps them preoccupied with needless conflicts while they text most of their remaining spare time away on their smart phones.
It is just now dawning on the KM (Tribalist) stateside Defense crowd that a fast-one has been pulled on them by the very crafty top several controllers of the KM, best described as the top few leaders of the Luciferian Babylonian Talmudic Neo-Bolsheviks, aka the several top leaders of the Synagogue of Satan (SOS).
The stateside defense crowd of KM Cutouts have been promised unlimited wealth and power, but now it seems they have been set up for destruction and will soon be left behind, out in the cold just like the American people.
The real purpose in exporting American industry, manufacturing and jobs to China has been to build it up and fatten it so that it will make a great new host for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia City of London SOS Banksters to parasite as their new host. And they plan to use this new host as their power base to finally take over the Middle East including Israel and then the whole World.
Some suspect that this game of World domination aka the KM SOS Globalist NWO Evil Agenda will end with a huge cosmic war against the Great Dragon of the new KM-hijacked China by an invading entity, some claim will be a good alien force; others such as Christians believe it will be God Almighty.
Many believe at this time there will be a great final battle at Armageddon and the invading force will crush all of the earth’s evil, once and for all.
As far as the agenda of the Globalist NWO SOS goes, it looks like it now includes cutting loose the stateside KM Tribalist Cutouts who will certainly be left behind to rot in financial collapse and ruin, as their riches and power evaporate and the crowds with pitchforks demand they be brought to justice. And all this while the US Petro Dollar ceases to be the World’s Reserve Currency, and the American economy collapses like a house of cards. A parasite can only suck so much blood out of a host before the host dies. Then the parasitize must move on to another fatted calf to parasitize instead.